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  1. Oli
  2. Oli
    Damn you're so lucky.
    I want to see it so bad. One time I tried to re-create in it my bedroom... it was just me rolling around wearing tights. I had a great time though.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Oli


    If you ever see a post like this from me then you have permission to hijack my account and destroy it.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Oli
    Wait so there is Xehanort...


    And then Master Xehanort?


    Definitely two different people, right?
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Oli


    Who is Oli?

    Just a dude.

    What is Oli?

    My username on this site...

    When is Oli?

    Whenever you want me to be.

    Why is Oli?

    Because... my parents conceived me?

    Where is Oli?

    Uh... on the computer?

    Will is Oli?

    Thread by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Oli
    I appreciate that. A lot of people would be more arrogant.

    Yeah, this is the case in a lot of places. I think I am lucky to live in a great school district. There are ones just outside it that are terrible though. Some in Detroit are so poor that they hire teachers that don't actually have degrees or secondary education. I don't know how bad your situation is but I can see why you would have these feelings.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  7. Oli
    Are you kidding me? I wouldn't be passing the tests if I wasn't learning anything. Of course I'm learning, it's just easy. And yes there are other social outlets, I participate in those too. I am prepared for art school, and no it's not from public school as I am going to study something they don't teach in school.
    Earlier in the thread you questioned the quality of public school education. It's not the best but that's why I am going to art school when I graduate. I don't know what you want to be. You could be like me, I have no way to cultivate my passion in school so I am going to college after to get better and focus my studies. However I don't see how that makes public school bad and how it makes what I do wrong.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  8. Oli

    Lazer Tag

    Hell yeah, I love lazer tag. It's so energetic and fun. Like paintball without the masochism.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  9. Oli
    This is BBS which takes place 10-11 years before CoM.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Oli
  11. Oli
    School is the tits.
    You get to hang out with friends all day basically. I mean it's my senior year, I don't have to do crap except show up and pass the tests. Then I get to go to art school and study music & audio production. I'm going to live the dream!
    Anyway, on topic... I have to poke at the part about school wasting our life without us actually having fun for 20 years. I completely disagree. I think this is the most fun part of our lives before we are stuck working all the time. It's not a waste, if anything it teaches us how to be real people.
    So big up education.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  12. Oli
    omg I bought a Kid Sister EP off Juno a couple months ago... I hated it.

    If you like that try Bassnectar, I actually like Bassnectar and I am in the music video of this song! (which hasn't come out yet)
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Oli
    Wow I haven't watched anime in ages, but I watched Death Note, FLCL, and Full Metal Alchemist way way way back in the day.
    FLCL is the best one though, what a beast.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Oli
    That's what I am saying, that it is a theory and an explanation to what seems to be a very common case.
    An example being myself, I have never done weed but have experimented with other drugs once. I still think it should be legalized though, even though it wouldn't benefit me.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  15. Oli
    I have no idea what is going on in this picture but I'd really like to know.


    I know it is part of a new way to upgrade abilities but what does Electric Spark do?
    Thread by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Oli
    Yes, it could really stimulate the economy and people can do what they want. Plus weed is not a gateway drug, peer pressure is. Only the weak will bend to their friends and start doing harder drugs. It is ultimately a person's choice whether they want to smoke weed or not and I think people should be given that choice... hence weed being legal in the first place.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  17. Oli
    Yes, age does matter in my opinion, because as I have grown up I look back on all my younger selves and wonder how I got by knowing so little. It's all about the new experiences I have been through. I still think anyone can have a valid argument at any age but the arguments usually get stronger with experience.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  18. Oli
    I grew up with Sony. My first big system was a PlayStation that came with Crash Bandicoot 2 and Gran Turismo. Then I got Spyro the Dragon and was hooked on video games.
    My first actual system was actually a GameBoy Pocket and Pokemon Red, but that was all I had to tide me over for a couple months until I got the PlayStation, which actually got me into gaming, the game in particular being Final Fantasy 7.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  19. Oli
    My favorite boss... the Leechgrave, without a doubt.
    That being said, it was so ****ing difficult. So it was my most hated boss, too. Once I figured out its pattern (as I spent about 15 minutes getting clobbered by its vine hand things) I felt a wave of success wash over me which inspired me to kill it, otherwise I may have thrown my DS against the wall and that wouldn't have been good at all.
    Post by: Oli, Nov 2, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX