Search Results

  1. Jordier0xs0x
    ...Or any creature, what would you be and why?

    Don't ask why I'm posting this, I'm bored.
    And I would be a Penguin, because they are SOOO CUTE! And I heard somebody say In class today I'm cute XD
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Aug 16, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jordier0xs0x
    -Story Board-
    Demyx was out for his daily walk on the beach when he found a blue stone, sitting on the edge of the water so he went and picked It up. When he picked It up It changed Its colour to green, so he put It In his pocket.
    Soon enough he reached the castle and pulled out the stone, Its colour was red. He showed the others and It changed Its colour to black "You may have one wish, and that one wish will last until you find me again, which Is not likely" before anyone could speak, Demyx yelled out "TO BE SEA CREATURES UNDER THE SEA..." and of course, the wish came true.

    1. No God Moding or Power Playing
    2. This roleplay Is PG+13!
    3. You cant kill anyone
    4. Yes, you can use your powers under water
    5. You can have Oc's
    6.You can have 2 characters
    7. HAVE FUN!!

    -Characters- Eg. Roxas/Angel Fish (Don't say fish! Say a type of fish!):. Try not to have the same creature!!
    Demyx/Purple Starfish: Jordier0xs0x
    Larxene/Mermaid:Nymph of Destiny
    Roxas/Half Seahorse Boy!!: Flamedancer
    Naminé/Otter: Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress

    -Own Characters-

    Name: Sharix
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Personality: quite shy, make her angry and your in for it
    Storyline: she is the last of her family and she has the power of darkness
    Creature: you know how Sora is half human half dolphin right, yeah I want that ^_^ but if not possible just a dolphin
    Appearance: if half dolphin: layered brown hair with natural highlights, bluey green eyes but may appear silver but if dolphin: what ever a dolphin looks like.

    Name: Felix
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Personality: Quiet, can be a good friend if the person wants.
    Storyline: He doesnt have a family and he wants one. He has a broadsword as a weapon. He can controls earth.
    Creature: Hmm.... half shark but he doesnt eat people. ^-^'
    Apperence: (On Page 1)
    Just that he has a shark tail and he doesnt wear clothes. He is muscular. ^^

    Personality:Hyper,shy,can get alittle mad at times,acts kinda emotional for a Nobody.
    Storyline:when she was a somebody she was always letting her imagination get ahead of her.and she still does.She has Lightning powers.(uh-oh...)
    Creature:She's a mermaid.
    Apperence:Strawberry blonde hair,turqoise eyes,wears some yellow green seaweed for a top,she has a bright Orange Mermaid tail.

    name: Gabriel
    gender: male

    Name: Dexen
    Gender: female
    age: 11
    Personality: laid back, daydreamer, quiet, pretty young, lazy(with a capital L-A-Z-Y!), and easily offended.
    apperance: Black-brown hair, brown eyes, regular skin color, wears green seaweed covered in bits of blue coral as a top, and has a blue tail.
    Creature: mer-maid(of course ^-^)
    About herself before being a nobody: She was best friends with Velexira's somebody. She always daydreamed and loved reading. When She found out that her best friend turned into anobody, she turned into a nobody not long after. Now Dexen is trying to look for Velexria's heart and her heart so they can both go back to normal... that is... if Demyx hadn't turned them into mer-maids!
    Element: Water (this wil be nice:3 )
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Aug 16, 2007, 265 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Jordier0xs0x

    DX Ewww...

    Yuck! A cockroach just ran across the keyboard before I came on... X.X
    And It was a big black one and It crunched when I killed It....

    Anyone else have bad experiences with bugs?!
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Aug 15, 2007, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jordier0xs0x
    Hi everyone. I have been wanting to write a story for a while now...
    Its not about Kingdom Hearts....But anyway...
    I have even written a blurb XD

    Sorry about Chapter One how It Is so short, I will make the others longer.

    Darkness Is taking over the land and
    the land of light Is slowly fading away.
    But King Nashaki Isn't taking action,
    Anaiya can only hope for the
    best and fight the darkness while
    she unravels the clues of the
    Dronaki Eye.​

    ~Chapter One: In The Shadow~
    Soft murmuring rolled around In the dark room lit only by a small fire, but even then It was as Dark as It was outside. The tall wooden table held nothing upon It and Eleven Members sat around the wooden table.
    Anxious eyes filled the room, scarred eyes. Drake realized whenever his eyes fell upon the other members they would look away. Of course he couldn't see what other parts of faces would drop because of the skeleton masks, but It was fun enough making the eyes drop, If he could see anything else on their faces he would of burst out laughing.
    Drake could hear Luke sighing and fidgeting In his seat.
    "Whats the matter?" Drake broke the silence of the two,
    "Nothing...But he Is late and whenever he Is late he Is angry" Luke turned his eyes to Drake. Drake had to admit that Luke was right, various times The Dark One was late he was always angry, even at Drake who was his son.
    Suddenly the door burst open and a couple of people jumped out of their seats, even he. A black figure came from outside first, then a man In red robes and a blood red mask, Shi'tan, The Dark One, or In other words Drake's father.
    Even with the mask on Drake could see Shi'tan was angry. He always knew when his father was angry.
    "DRAKE!" His father yelled and Drake jumped
    "Y-yes Lord Shi'tan?" Even If The Dark One was Drake's father, he still had to could him by name "Didn't I tell you to deal with Nashaki's little brat guards?" Drake nodded slowly "And didn't I tell you to do It straight away?" Drake nodded once more "Then why weren't they destroyed" Drake didn't know what to say, The truth was the guards killed Muluca (his old companion) and nearly killed himself.
    Of course he could of used his powers but Shi'tan said his powers were forbidden so he struggled
    "I'm s-sorry my Lord, but me and Muluca--" He got cut of
    "Yes, I heard about Muluca, you obliviously need training, Drake" Shi'tan looked across the room, each time his eyes passed each person, the people would shudder. "This goes for everyone, do not disappoint me" His voice had an edge to It.
    Drake heard Luke breathing deeply, scared and The Dark Lord must of sensed It because his eyes stopped to a halt on Luke "And you Luke..." he began, almost smiling ",you haven't disappointed me me once this year, well done" Drake felt a flash of jealousy and slowly shook It off No, don't get angry at Luke he sighed. It was hard trying to do your best.
    Once the meeting was over, Drake felt his stomach didn't have a knot In It anymore. His father had been picking on him a lot lately and It was starting to get annoying.
    "Drake?" Luke had caught up him with
    "Are you angry at me?" Luke peered towards him
    "No, why?"
    "Its just...your father has been picking a lot on you lately and I thought--"
    "Hey don't worry about It" Drake had stopped and looked at Luke "You deserve it, mate" Luke nodded and they kept walking towards their rooms "What do you think will be our next tasks?" Drake thought for a moment, what would be their next tasks? "I'm...I'm not sure" Drake had a bit of a shake In his voice and Luke seemed to notice It too.
    Once back to the rooms room, Drake went Into his door and collapsed on his bed In exhaustion. Thoughts tumbled Into his head as he realized there was a letter on the floor, nearly under the door. He went and picked It up and turned It around to the back where a black eight sided star with an eye In the middle, made by wax, lay. He opened the letter and read It:

    This time you will be with Luke, and you will try and sneak Into the Castle Of Light and steel the Dronaki Eye. DO NOT disappoint me. You may use your powers.
    Shi'tan, The Dark One.

    His signature of the eye In the eight sided star was at the bottom.
    Drake sighed In Disbelief I cant believe It! He didn't dare to shout out loud, In case The Dark One was watching. This task was almost Impossible because The King always had The Eye guarded carefully.
    At least I'm with Luke, but thats what he thought last time...

    ~Chapter 2: In Winters Heart~
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Aug 14, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. Jordier0xs0x
    Smiling is like wetting your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel its warmth....
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Aug 13, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jordier0xs0x
    who makes this place crazy and fun or something? Cause since ive come back everybody has been saying 'This place has been really boring with out you' or 'This place hasint been the same without you' and im like 'Oh...Uhh...Thanks!'
    Or are they just trying to be nice...because i know im a little psycho but i didnt know people thought i was THAT fun...
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Aug 4, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Jordier0xs0x
    Now for those who dont know what Big Brother is, Its where people go into a house owned by this man, know one knows who he is. He is a big voice really.
    This house is like any other expensive house. With a pool, spa, bedroom (with lots of beds) A diary room (where you speak to big brother) A lounge room a kitchen a bathroom and all sorts of stuff. There is a weekly task and people get evicted form the house. Dont complain if you get evicted.
    I will be Big brother and i will announce things. If you wish to speak to me (Like in the diary room) Pm Me.
    I will explain everything when it happens
    You all know the rules so use them


    Big Brother: Jordier0xs0x
    Riku: oblivion_riku
    Lexeaus: Jordier0xs0x
    Zexion: Nymph of Destiny
    Demyx: hitna3510
    Sam: swordser2

    There will be intruders LATER in the roleplay

    You can only have one person (I am having two because Big Brother is a boring job so dont complain!!)
    And you can have your own OC but if your having an OC you cant have a Kingdom Hearts character.
    For those who dont understand Pm me
    And if your Pming me for the Diary room you MUST put: Diary Room: (And your character)
    Every Eviction is on Sunday And every nomination is on Monday But there will be no Eviction for the first week.
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Aug 4, 2007, 47 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Jordier0xs0x
    Okay because i have been gone for like.....a month or something, people are wondering where i have been so let me just say....
    Read the Departure lobby...
    But in case people cant be stuffed i will tell you anyway. And lets talk about my trip to another state.
    First of all i live in Australia and i was moving states.
    Okay so the first night was really cool because the motel we stayed in was like a house, the then the other motels we stayed in where crap (Excuse my language but i cant help it if the rooms were really bad) We nearly crashed in to 3 trucks and 2 cars. The 2nd truck we nearly crashed into was a huge one. And the rest were just careless (Of course it has nothing to do how my step father drives =D ) and i found out why my mum has to were ear plugs when she sleeps with my step dad -.-
    We saw a giant prawn 2 giant banana's and a giant pineapple and there is this place called mooball and every house and light pole and service station is covered in cow spots.

    So pretty much that is my trip.
    And then a week after we came here we found out my Grandfather just died. So that sucked.
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Aug 4, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Jordier0xs0x
    HI EVERYONE! Man i have missed you heaps! I wont be able to chat untill monday, though. I hope i havint missed anything important!!! If i have could somebody be so kind to update me? Thanks everyone! And special thanks to the people who updated me on the role-plays i am in.

    Much love to everyone,
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jul 13, 2007, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Jordier0xs0x
    As you can see on my title IM MOVING!! So i will be gone for a couple of weeks (Maybe even a month) But i shall come back
    See ya Everyone!!
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 18, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  11. Jordier0xs0x

    Grace Kelly!!

    Yeah...I found this really funny Kingdom Hearts Video...Well at least i thought it was funny... :D And no i dont think Sora and Riku like each other...I just liked the Freddy and Grace Kelly thing
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 14, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Jordier0xs0x
    Oh My God...

    Last night i had a dream that 3 evil Spider-mans attacked our school....Then Sora Donald and Goofy came to save us....
    And then i saw HEAPS of people from this site and I'm like 'Hey your off that site!' And yeah...
    Oh! And then this crazy little kid came out of a wardrobe with a Giant Poster...
    And then the 3 evil Spider-Mans got caught by the police....And we all had a party with Sora at my house...And in my Dream i had a pool...yeah...

    Weird, eh?
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 13, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jordier0xs0x
    Yes...Strange subject but anyway...
    I had just stopped watching Willy Wonka and i thought...what would happen if The Kingdom hearts Gang went to Willy Wonka's Factory. Here's how it starts:

    One beautiful day Sora went to the shops with Riku and Kairi.. "OoHh...Kairi, Riku!" Sora shouted. The two came running towards him "What is it Sora?" Kairi asked "Look at the new chocolate bar! Mmmmm....Chocolate..." While Sora was day dreaming about Chocolate, Riku looked at the packet "It says you can win a free golden ticket to Willy Wonka's factory! And you can bring as many friends as you like!" Riku pointed out "Hey! Cool!" Kairi and Sora shouted, and they brought one and went to the island to open it.

    That SAME day Demyx, Roxas and Axel were in Twilight town, looking in the candy store "Hey look! There is a new chocolate!" Demyx pointed at the chocolate "Yeah and you can win a golden ticket and take as many friends as you like to Willy Wonka's factory!" Axel looked at the chocolate "Aww...Who needs chocolate when you have Sea Salt Ice-cream?" Roxas sighed but they brought the chocolate anyway.

    When Sora opened the chocolate he saw something sparkle in the sun "Hey look its a golden ticket!" The Destiny Island trio shouted.

    When Demyx opened the chocolate he saw something gold drop to the ground. When he picked it up Demyx, Axel and Roxas shouted "Hey look its a golden ticket!"

    Okay so they get to invite as many friends as they want.
    You all know the rules
    No Godmoding
    No Swearing (Only with *'s in them)
    Oh yeah...And if you want to join when the Role play has already started please Pm me!
    One more thing, Can you please at least post 2 lines each post? Thanks

    Riku-Dual wielder
    Kairi- Jordier0xs0x

    Xigbar- Siver_Bullet
    Demyx- Jordier0xs0x

    Willy Wonka-Ienzo
    Grandpa Joe-

    ~Own Characters~(Lets keep this to a minimum)

    Name: Lexy
    Looks like: wears org coat long purple eyes...
    Played by: Roxas~Rox~my~sox

    Name: Vexy
    Looks like: Long, blonde hair with green eyes, wears an org coat, and always looks peeved
    Played by: Ipeck

    Looks like:Long brunette hair,turqoise eyes.wears an Orange Tank Top,Olive shorts,and Blue sandals.she also wears an Orange Cap on her hair.
    Played by: AnimeGirl104

    Also, The person who is playing the Oompa-Loompa's gets to play ALL of them. Not just one. And if there are any other people you can think of, Pm me. AND You can have 2 people.
    ANDDD if you are playing Sora or somebody with a happy silly personality (Like Sora, Demyx... Etc.) You can make then go crazy...But not too out of control
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 11, 2007, 253 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Jordier0xs0x
    In Kh2 there are 3 jobs you have to do...
    Whats probably the hardest one on the board?
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 9, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Jordier0xs0x


    Heh...I dont usually look down on who is viewing the forums (Like who is in Spam Zone and stuff) But i was scrolling down to see what other threads there were and all i saw were pretty colours! XD
    I soon found out it was all the names! Orange, Blue, Purple, Green....

    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 6, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jordier0xs0x


    OH MY GOSH! Im obsessed with Llamas thanks to this song XD

    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 6, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jordier0xs0x
    You all probably know im always just about hyper all the time...

    Well today i was hyper enough but my friend had to give me a bit of her fruit cake....
    I guess you know what happens next.... I was just about off the walls!!!

    Weird...I never knew fruit made me so hyper.... XD
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 5, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jordier0xs0x

    Scary O.O

    You know what scary? Well i was listening to Candy man on my computer and so it comes on the T.V!

    Same thing happened yesterday. Me and my sister were singing Grace Kelly (That song gets stuck in your head really easily) And so it came on in the shops....

    AND THEN Me and my sister were listening to her Ipod and it had Sweet Escape on, so it starts playing on the radio!!

    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 3, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Jordier0xs0x

    Poems by ME!!

    Hello Everybody!!!
    Now, because im not so good at story's i thought i might try Poems!!
    It seems to work out good...Yes...
    So i will be adding random poems i think of, into this thread! (No I Am Not Emotional 'Emo'...)

    *When a drop of rain hits the ground,
    Never does it make a sound,
    When a drop of rain hits my heart,
    Time stops and never starts.*

    This one down below is true. I'm moving states and leaving all my friends behind =(
    *Spinning 'round with my friends,
    Hopping this summer will never end,
    When it does i know i will cry,
    Because i will be saying Good-bye.

    To all my friends in this state,
    You have all been very Great,
    Only 15 days until i leave,
    But maybe I'll see you on X-mas Eve.

    A true poem this may be,
    A true poem made by me,
    A true poem to all my friends,
    I hope this true poem will never end.*
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jun 1, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Jordier0xs0x
    Well, Because i cant write story's (Good one's anyway), I thought i would write a poem. Not sure if it makes too much sense though...

    Nothing Is Right,
    Everything Is Wrong,
    I'm Just A Nobody,
    And This Is My Song,
    I Have No Heart,
    Neither Do They,
    I'm Just A Nobody,
    With Nothing To Say,
    I Walk In The Rain,
    Like A Broken Heart,
    I'm Just A Nobody,
    With Nowhere To Start.
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, May 31, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives