Why must learning Japanese be so hard? =\ Man...We have to do TONS of homework on Japanese and Its soo hard ;.; Heres all I know right now: Main Sentence (Unfortunately I don't know my name In Japanese): Kon'nitiha Ogenkidesuka Watasino Namaeha Jordie. Matane! [Hello How Are You? My Name Is Jordie. See You Later!) Colours: Pinku=Pink Orenjii=Orange Ao=Blue Midori=Peach? Aka=Red Murasaki=Green Kiiro=Yellow Shiro=White Numbers (Easy x]): Rei-0 Iti-1 Ni-2 San-3 Yon-4 Go-5 Roku-6 Siti/Nana-7 Hati-8 Ku/kyuu-9 Zyuu-10 Other: Ozyamasimasu-Excuse me (We have to use that If we want to speak to our teacher) Hazime masite- Nice to meet you Arigatou- Thank You Konbanha- Good Evening Kon'nitiha- Good Afternoon Sayounara- Good Bye ohayou-Good Morning Oyasuminasai-Good Night watasiha anataga suki desu- I Love You (XP) Sorry If some of It Is a bit wrong, I'm half asleep xD Yeah anyways...You see my point. And we have to learn ALL those off by heart (Plus about 20 more which I cant be stuffed writing x.x), 20 sentences In Japanese writing and everything AND we have to learn 10 more of our own choice x.x... All by this Thursday, as well. How will I survive, plus go to work...Plus do other homework? =\
XD.....Yeah.... Thats me and Roxas~Rox~my~sox xP
..how many threads MadiYasha can make In one minute, shall we? xP
Look how many threads you have o.o.... I think somebody's bored >.>
...when my Mum leaves me home alone at night and goes out with my Stepfather. She does It every bloody night =\ ....but I cant complain because I get to have pizza for dinner =D And Its not my own money so Its even better! Yay!
I'm writing a story which Is Inspired by a true story. I'm not saying who's true story this Is, though. AND I WILL FINISH THIS! Don't worry P.S: Its not about Kingdom Hearts Map Of Queensland: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/images/time/australia/queensland.jpg One Do you ever feel as though you were having the best day In the world? That, this day couldn't get bad? Well, thats what me, Katelyn, thought. No one was teasing me, no hard school work, I was actually sitting with somebody this lunch and everyone loved how I looked. Yep, everything was great, well thats what I thought. You know how, when you were little, you used to go to the beach and just as soon as It started, your Mum tells you 'We have to go'? Thats how It felt for me. Everything went so fast all of a sudden and when Mum told me the bad news, It went so slow. As If time was teasing me. "What did you say Mum?" Tears were forming In my eyes "D-dads gone...He got killed In an accident" Mum was crying, and so was I "But...He cant be dead!" I yelled. I had always thought It was Impossible to hurt Dad, let-a-lone kill him "You have the wrong person! Your Wrong Mum! Your--" Mum cut me off "Katelyn! Please..." I shut up after that. We got home to our white wooden farm house with the red roof that glittered In the sun. I had always liked that red roof, but now I didn't really care. Nothing mattered now. Now that Dad was gone. We got Inside and saw Chris, with his head In his hands. Obviously he had heard. "Chris?" Mum peeped up but Chris got up and walked past both of us. I didn't blame him, because thats what I would of done. That night we all ate In silence. It was weird having one chair empty. I mean, I was used to having one chair empty for when Dad was late, but some part of me knew we would always be late...always be gone. *** It was like when Dad was really late one time, and Mum was furious. "You promised me you would be home early!" Mum yelled. You could see the nervousness In Dad's face "I'm sorry Emma, they kept me there" Mum shook her head "You have to learn to say no! Your hopeless! Hopeless!" And she went off Into the bedroom and cried. Dad stood there and shook his head, while Chris stood up and went outside, probably going for a smoke. I sat there and watched Dad shake his head, and when he decided to move, he got his keys and went outside. *** But that was a long time ago, and It wasn't the same as this. After dinner Chris went outside, again, and Mum started washing up. I knew she didn't want any help so I went outside to talk to Chris. "Hey? Chris?" I said "Mmm?" Chris was lighting up a cigarette, but was having trouble because of the wind "Do you really think Dad's dead?" Chris laughed "Katelyn, hes gone and he will never come back, just face It" I looked away and felt Chris' eyes on me "Hey, I'm sorry for saying It, but Its true Isn't It? I mean, you heard It didn't you?" I nodded, despite myself. Chris and me, sat on the front step of the house but didn't talk. We made a couple of glances to each other but never spoke. I looked out at our town. I forgot how beautiful the country side of Charleville was. We moved here from Cobar In NSW when I was 12 years old. Now I'm 16 and I'm still finding It hard to make friends. I wondered why. I had always thought It was because of my scar on my face, because It was an ugly scar. Sammy Miles, the 'popular' girl In the school never liked me. Even If I tried to say hello to her she would sniff and walk away. I gave up after a week and thought that she was brought up by a couple of sour lemons. Chris got up and walked Inside, but I stayed there. I could almost see the country houses, even In the dark. I thought about Dad and how he might walk from out of the shadows and hug me, but even If I hoped I knew It would never happen. I sighed and got up "I'm sick of this" I said out loud, to no one In particular "I really am" And with that I walked Inside the house with a tear of my face Two
....When you can have a POOL PARTY!! YEAH! *Jumps In water* Oh yeah...Bar's over there... >.>
DONT BREATHE!! The air choked me...and Its going to choke you guys as well!!!!!!!! Dun Dun DUN
Who want to call me by nick name...My nick name Is Jordie Not Jordier Or Jords.. Just Jordie XD Na Its okay.... Yeah, and for those who don't know what my name says, Its Jordie r0x s0x... I just thought I would clear that out for you all, because Its confusing.
Good Night Everyone!! I will talk to you's all tomorrow! Bye!!
I want to stay up and chat to you guys....But I cant be stuffed Lol Jeez, do you guys want to talk to me? 'Cause I will stay If you do
...If I died? Silly thread, I know. But I want to see how many people would cry because they like me =D And If I find out I have lots of friends I will be soo happy ^ ^ Teehee
We all met In this big concert thing that I was In, and I was competing for kh-vids! Shadowjak was poking me when we were sitting down, Darkwatch was laughing his head off, Somebody (I forgot who) Wanted me to go out with Deathspank O.o Catch The Rain wouldn't stop smiling We all thought Angel was Alice's Nobody o.o Xaldin was singing Bob The Builder And...I won the money for the site, except Jube went running across the stage naked and stole the giant check... There was a lot of other people doing weird things as well, but I cant be stuffed naming everyone. Maybe If you ask I might tell you, If I can remember =\ Talk about weird O.o
Today Is the 10 year Anniversary of the big shoot out of my town... 10 years ago, 2 bikey gangs came to our town. The two gangs brought out their guns and had a big shoot out. 11 people were badly Injured and 5 of them were Innocent people. Luckily no one was killed.... But now, one of the bikey gangs are back and on the run. >.>..... Jeez....I'm scared.
Wow....No posts lately....No threads... Not that I have seen anyway......Where Is everyone? At a party that I'm not Invited to, eh? Well lets fix that... >=D
So I came up with this last night (hopefully no one has done this already) here Is the story board -Story- Yes, Its our favorite Demyx, once again. Vexen had been working on a new machine (just after he was told not to) and no one knew what It was. Demyx, Axel and Roxas were playing with a ball around the castle but the ball rolled Into Vexen's Lab. When the three was In the room Demyx found the new Machine "Oh! I wonder what this button does?!" Axel and Roxas ran to Demyx "DEMYX NO!!" Too late. Suddenly the whole Organization started to shrink. Smaller and Smaller they got until they were the size of a barbie doll. Luckily Larxene had some barbie and bratz dolls clothes. -Characters- Xemnas: Xigbar: Xaldin: Vexen: Zexion: Lexaeus: Axel: Saix: Marluxia: Demyx: Luxord: Larxene: Roxas: Jordier0xs0x Naminé: -Rules- (Please Read!!) 1. No Godmoding or Powerplaying 2. Only ONE Charater (We will see who Is left after, and then maybe you can have two) 3. No adding anymore Characters (Eg, Sora, Riku Kairi ect) Who Is up there, Is up there 4. Make It sensible, no silly stuff (Yes, you can make It funny) 5. We want this Roleplay PG+13 (No Yaoi or Yuri) 6. No Oc's (I mean, where would they fit In the story?) 7. Make your lines long! Put Detail! 3 lines Is the minimum! Eg. Wrong: Bob went up the hill to grab a bucket of water Right: Bob went up the grassy green hill and reached the graying well, made out of hard brick. He put his red bucket In the cold water and pulled It out, making water splash everywhere. 8. Don't be afraid to make things exciting and make things pop out and stuff! After all, who wants a boring roleplay? (If your going to do this, Don't make Interesting things pop out ALL the time) 9. HAVE FUN!! And try not to let this thread die!
Neighbors....everybody needs good Neighbors....Thats when good Neeeeeighbors become goooood friends! For those who don't know what Neighbors Is, Its an annoying T.V show that has a really bad theme song and Its suck In my head =\
Today me and my friends were making bread and the flour went everywhere. All over me, all over my friends and we were SERIOUSLY WHITE! It was SOO funny XD
I'm going to bed, Its late and I have school tomorrow >.> Good Night!!!
Our class and the other class are at a $1000 camping trip. But the people who couldn't go (Like me) get to do even better stuff for only $20 XD Its so COOL! Those suckers XP