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  1. Jordier0xs0x
    Ugg....Theres ants all over my computer desk x.x
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 16, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jordier0xs0x
    I wasn't going to make Number 2 so soon but people wanted me to...

    Angel: I like Oreo's...

    Cin: Yes I do...

    CtR: I Like Oreo's...

    Soku: How about you?

    Jordie: *Munch Munch* So like...How many Oreo's are left?

    Cin: 1...2...3...4....5. 5 more

    Darky: *Steels Oreo*

    Cin: 4...

    Sara: *Steels Oreo*

    Cin: 3...

    HN: *Steels Oreo*

    Cin: 2....

    Arc: *Steels Oreo*

    Cin: 1....1 more Oreo...

    *All 16 members look at each other*

    Vivi: Well theres only one way to do this...And because I'm the most awesome person here...I get it!

    Rosey: Nice try Vivi...Its only fair that I get it

    Shadowjak: Yeah right you two...It Is I who gets It *Moves hand towards Oreo*

    Trigger: *Slaps Shadowjaks hand* PSSSHH! In your DREAMS! Its MINE!

    Crono: Actually...Its mine.. *Holding Oreo*


    HN: *Steels the Oreo off Crono*

    Crono: Hey! >=\

    Cin: Lol....Your all wrong! I brought them here...I get the last Oreo!

    Darky: STFU! >/ Its MINE!

    Jordie: Too late...I got It =D *Waves Oreo In the air*

    DS: Jordie...I advise you to duck...

    Jordie: Hmm? *Gets squished by people who wants the Oreo*

    Sara: *Watched people who are fighting for Oreo* This Is going to be a LOONG time In the house...

    DS: *Nods*

    Mish: Suckers! Its MINE! *Runs off*


    Mish: *Bumps Into Arc*

    Arc: Thank you *Runs off with Oreo*

    Angel: *Pushed Arc In pool and grabs Oreo at last minute before It got wet* MINE!

    Vivi: Thanks Angel...Your a good friend *Had Oreo In hand*

    Angel: What?! But HOW?

    Jordie: And now Its mine! *Ran off with Oreo*

    Darky: Ooopps... *Tripped Jordie and grabbed Oreo*

    Jordie: *On ground and started to cry* DARKY YOU HURT ME!

    Darky: Sorry Jordie! Oh don't cry! Please don't!

    Sara: I knew this would happen

    Jordie: *Still crying*

    Soku: Great job Darky...

    Darky: What?! It was an accident!

    CtR: Aww Jordie...Where does It hurt?

    Jordie: *Sniff* There *Points to knee*

    Angel: I think Jordie deserves the Oreo now... *Steels Oreo and gives It to Jordie*

    *Inside Jordie's Head: Hehehe...Suckers! I'm so good at fake crying...*

    DS: I have a feeling...

    Sara: What feeling?

    Shadowjak: JORDIE'S FAKING IT!

    Jordie: Uh Oh...

    Cin: Yoink! *Steels Oreo*

    *The fight starts all over again*

    Sara: When will they stop?
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 15, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Jordier0xs0x
    Seeing as though somebody else did 'Stranded on an Island' I'm doing Big Brother house >=3 Made out of boredem may I add

    BB (Big Brother): First person in the big brother house is... Darkwatch!

    Darky: *Goes In* EH?! I'm a loner!

    BB: Second person In the house Is...HisNobody!

    HN: *Goes In* Hello Darky *Waves*

    Darky: Oh god..

    BB: Third person Is....Trigger!

    Trigger: *Goes In* Its all right...I'm here..You don't have to worry now!

    Darky: Well your confident tonight, aren't you?

    Trigger: Oh..Hey Darky

    BB: Forth Person....Vivi!

    Vivi: *Goes In* Don't tell me I'm stuck with you guys

    HN: Hey! >=\

    BB: Fifth Person.... Deathspank!

    Darky: Is It just me...Or Is It everyone from KHV's?

    DS: *Goes In* Eh?

    BB: Sixth Person....Soku!

    Soku: *Goes In* WTF? Why are you guys here?!

    BB: Seventh Person....Catch The Rain!

    CtR: *Goes In* Soku!!! *Hugs*

    Vivi: Who next? Mish?

    BB: Eighth Person....Mish!

    Vivi: Remind me not to say anything else...

    Mish: *Goes In* 'ello!

    BB: Ninth Person...

    Trigger: Oh! Let me guess...Jordie?

    BB: Yes Trigger...You a correct....Jordie!

    Jordie: *Goes In* Well this Is a surprise o.o

    BB: Tenth Person...

    Trigger: Ummm....Shadowjak?

    BB: *Sigh* Yes Trigger

    Trigger: Woo!

    Shadowjak: *Goes In* Well...I go In the house to GET AWAY from you guys...And what a surprise... -_-

    BB: Eleventh Per--

    Trigger: Oh Oh! Pick me! *Has hand up* Cin!

    BB: *Grunt* Yes

    Cin: *Goes In* o_o I have Oreo's!

    BB: Trigger?

    Trigger: Twelve Person....Arc!

    Arc: *Goes In* Oh...This Is...Surprising

    Trigger: Thir--

    DS: Okay Trigger....I think thats enough

    BB: Thank you DeathSpank...Thirteenth Person....Sara!

    Sara: *Goes In* Uhh...May I ask wh--

    BB: NO MORE INTERRUPTIONS! Fourteenth Person....Angel!

    Angel: *Goes In* Could I--

    BB: NO! Fifteenth Person... Rosey!

    Rosey: *Goes In* Hello

    BB: And last but not least....Cronoking!

    Crono: *Goes In* Hello! >.>

    BB: Intruders will come In LATER...That is all.

    Jordie: So uh...How are we all?

    *Everyone Is In Shock*

    Trigger: Stupid BB...Couldn't let me say the next person *Mutters*

    Crono: *Slides to Jordie* Hello <.<

    Jordie: Hi...

    Vivi: Well..Lets go check out the rest of the house?

    Sara: I will come..

    Darky: I second that

    *The three go off to the house*

    HN: I will come too! *Runs off*

    DS: *Sits on couch* So like...What do we do In here?

    Cin: You signed up...And you don't know what we are doing?

    Mish: I have to admit...I don't know either

    Rosey: So does this mean...No computer?

    Soku: No Forum?

    Angel: No MSN?

    Vivi: No PS2?

    Arc: No TV?

    Shadowjak: No return....

    Jordie: *Scared* Were gonna die?

    Shadowjak: -_-;

    CtR: So Cin...Where's those Oreo's?

    Angel: Hehe...Oreo's...

    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 15, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jordier0xs0x
    ...I found this on YouTube about Kingdom Hearts and I thought It was quiet cool...

    WARNING This may cause a seizure >.>
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 15, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Jordier0xs0x
    Just to be different from the other games, you have to give a scale from 1-5 on how weird the person above you Is...
    Person 1: 3/5 Lol...Not as weird as I first thought
    Person 2: 4/5 AWESOME!

    Anyways...Here are the ratings:
    1-Ordinary, nothing Original about you.
    2-Pretty Ordinary, nothing about you that sticks out
    3-Getting there, you need to open up a little bit more
    4- Awesome! Your normally weird but sometimes you can follow the pack
    5-W-E-I-R-D! What does that spell? WEIRD! Your weird and like to do things YOUR way not anyone else's.

    So lets start! =D
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 14, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jordier0xs0x


    ..has anyone seen that movie? Its Japanese and for like... 4 year olds BUT ITS SO CUTE!!

    Has anyone else seen It?
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 14, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  7. Jordier0xs0x
    ...and It really freaked me out, because I sat and read with my torch for an hour and then went down to the pub near my place because they had a light generator and they gave me a couple of free soft drinks ^^....

    It lasted a while as well D=
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 14, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Jordier0xs0x

    WOW IVE HAD A REALLY GOOD DAY!!! =D I'm In our school's top ten speech givers and competing all around our town!!! Arc's back!! Its the weekend!!! I found all my favorite songs!!! And the rest I don't know!!! But I'm really happy!! =P

    Lol, this may not be a big deal to most of you...But Its a really big deal to me...Ive had better days! Its Is just special to me....I don't know why!!!

    Wow....I really cant believe how happy I am right now xD!!!!!!!!!

    Lol, don't be scared though!
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 14, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Jordier0xs0x


    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 13, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Jordier0xs0x
    Lol...I got bored


    Darkwatch: So anyway, I'm just like "DIE!" and he's like "I'm sorry Darky! Oh please don't ban me"...

    ~Everyone Laughs~

    Trigger: Darky you totally pwn

    Rosey: What did you expect Trigger?

    Darkwatch: ...and then I'm like "Too bad hacker! You must---"

    ?: You must what Darkwatch? You must die? *Evil Laugh*

    Xaldin: Wtf? Who are-- *Gets knocked out*

    Rosey: ZOMG! What are-- *Gets knocked out*

    Darkandroid: Quick Darky! We must use our-- *Gets knocked out*

    Trigger: Oh ****! *Gets knocked out*

    Darkwatch: Uhh....What-- *Gets knocked out*

    ?: Anyone else like to be with them?

    Angel: Hey guys, I heard banging and-- *Gets knocked out*

    -10 minutes later-

    Trigger: *Wakes up* Oh god...What happened?

    Darkwatch: *Wakes up* Ouch, my head hurts

    Jordie: Hey guys!

    Rosey: Jordie, since when did you get here?

    Jordie: Since yesterday. Ive been living here with Cin, Crono, Deathspank, Soku and Rat. Do you know how annoying It Is to live with all boys?

    Xaldin: So...Uhh were are we?

    Jordie: On an Island...It kind of reminds me of Destiny Islands *Laughs*


    Trigger: Hey, calm down Darky...Its not like we are going to die or anything...


    Trigger: Right? Uhh...Guys?

    Jordie: Well umm anyway...Come on *Starts walking*

    Rosey: You guys have food right?

    Darkandroid: And water? Jordie??

    Jordie: ....Uhh...A little bit...

    *Silence and Tumbleweed*

    Cin: *Comes from around random corner* Hi guys! Oh Jordie, Rat farted again...

    Darkwatch: Rat farted? Whats the matter with...OH GOD! *covers nose*

    Angel: What has been Rat eating? Baked Beans? *Covers nose*

    Jordie: *covers nose* Worse then that...

    *Everyone hears noise from behind*

    Angel: Wtf Is THAT?!?...

    To Be Continued....

    What had Rat been eating thats worse then baked beans? What was Angel shouting about? Will they ever get off the Island? Find out on the next episode of KHV Stranded On An Island!
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 13, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Jordier0xs0x
    Okay so...I need some help. Our class Is doing a topic of your own choice and It HAS to go for 3 minutes and I was wondering If you guys could help me...

    Nuclear Power
    Nuclear power Is considered a clean form of energy because what we use now Is not reusable, so the Australian Government wants to Introduce It to Australia. But do you want It In your town? Because I sure don't. What will happen with the radiation waste? It will be chucked somewhere and bad things will happen. Like what happened In Russia...
    A couple of years ago a town called Shanobal (Sp?) had Nuclear Power, everything was fine until ONE man made ONE tiny mistake and the power plant, AND the town, blew up. Luckily some people survived but they are contaminated with radiation poisoning and small children are finding It hard too survive because It takes 100 years to get rid of radiation poisoning, and of course we cant live that long.

    Nuclear Power Is called safe but, as Shanobal proves, even accidents can cost hundreds of life's. So the real question Is, Is Nuclear power really safe? The Government wants Nuclear Power because Wind or Solar power Is too expensive but even though they are expensive, they are safer. Of course they have their little troubles, like how Solar power Is controlled by Sun, so It can only work If the sun Is out, and Wind Power Is controlled by Wind, so what will happen If the wind doesn't blow? But wind and solar power aren't dangerous and they wont have an effect on climet.
    Nuclear Power will put a bad effect on our nature and as the TV comedy The Simpsons, show, bad things can happen, like the 3 eyed fish for Instance. But thats just a TV show and what I am talking about now, Is reality.
    So do you want animals suffering because of radiation poisoning? Sure, Power plants will give more jobs but want about the environment? I believe that the Government should not bring Nuclear Power to Australia and they should bring Solar or Wind power to Australia because Its only right that we should save our environment.
    So Vote NO for Nuclear Power!

    Lol, how was It? Anything I could Improve? And do you think that goes for 3 minutes?
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 12, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. Jordier0xs0x
    ...before I left off to school. D:

    Why can't we have the weekends ALL the time?? Lol

    Well anyway, hope you all have a good Day/Night/Morning thing Lol
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 10, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jordier0xs0x
    ...when you get on Jordie's bad side =D...Don't be scared of me though! Just follow my rules Lol...

    I hate It when people like that add me =\
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 10, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Jordier0xs0x
    ..who puts the A In Awesome....with out me It would be Wesome....

    Yeah...I'm bored >.>
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 8, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Jordier0xs0x
    When somebody random comes up to you and starts saying 'Demon' ?

    Its really scary o.o
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 8, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jordier0xs0x

    Omg! xD!

    I'm on MSN right? And I'm talking to three people.... and they all do this 'o.o' at the same exact time XD!!!!!
    It was so scary O_O
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 8, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jordier0xs0x

    Why Is My... account going down? I was like... 165 posts 2 days ago...

    Does anyone know why? =\
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 7, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jordier0xs0x
    ...Our school Disco Is In like....15 minutes, and I live like....3 houses away from the like...

    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 7, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Jordier0xs0x


    I got a Japanese Certificate at school today! I got a Japanese Certificate at school today!

    I'M SO HAPPY! Japanese Is my worse subject so I'm like.... B+ now!! Yay ^^..

    I had a really good day as well =D
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 7, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Jordier0xs0x
    ...and he has 250 secret agents, 150 security guards, 15 teams of dog hounds,5 chiefs and everywhere he goes the guards have to put up a 2 meter fence....All In the one city Sydney...O.O...I'm so glad I don't live In Sydney >.>

    Is It always like this In the US? Oh yeah...And Howard and Bush are good friends for what Ive seen... >.>
    And there will also be 20 other Presidents/ Prime Ministers coming to Australia for this huge meeting...

    This Is Amazing o.o
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Sep 6, 2007, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone