...From their CATS! Also....Boredom has taken over =\
...But It ISN'T!! Wow...
I make my signatures on paint, so they might not be the best (I'm getting Photoshop soon) but I made a couple of these because I have finally found my style of creativity. I was just wondering on what your thoughts were on them ^^ Any tips? I know they are a little boring and simple, but I don't like anything too extraordinary and simple sort of fits Into It.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZKD7prYbII4&mode=related&search= I have this on my phone x3
ZOMG I scared you!! >.> <.< I just woke up Lol....Hiii!!
This Is The Red Cordial I Have Been Talking About >.> http://www.cottees.com.au/img/products/cordials/05_cordials.jpg
...because I'm staying up late to talk to you! <.< >.> Its not really late...but anyway.. I like feeling special for something =D
...to read through threads from 2006? Or really OLD threads? I learnt that, Crono was a really bad speller and he kept making jokes about Tallian *Sora* Actually Posted And the forum was a completely different concept.... Although...There was ONE thing missing.... And that thing was me!! =D But anyway, the forum seemed like It rocked back then >.>
..AND IT CONTINUES TO GET BIGGER! Wow....This shows how much time I have on my hands x3
If You Anit Got No Money Take Your Broke *** Home G L A M O R O U S Yeah G L A M O R O U S We flying first class Up in the sky Poppin.. champagne Livin.. my life In the fast lane And I won..t change For the glamorous Ooh the flossy, flossy CHORUS The glamorous The glamorous glamorous ( The glamorous life) For the glamorous Ooh flossy, flossy (the flossy flossy) The glamorous The glamorous, glamorous ( The glamorous life) For the glamorous Ooh the flossy, flossy Sorry...I had to sing that XD
XD I'm bored .__.
ZOMG!! Its the school holidays! Woohoo! >=) and you guys who still go to school don't have holidays yet >=3 GO AUSSIE! Yay!
....that Crono asked me to marry him xD and Xaldin and Kitty were running around recording people at their worse moments Oh...DS, Sara and Darky were drunk as well and singing random songs xD
As The Title says, how many times? This means you have started and finished the game. I have probably played and finished it...3 times?
Last Time, On The KHV Big Brother Series.... BB: You will be getting two new house mates... Jordie:OH MY GOD! Hi Xaldin Rosey: OH MY ****ING GOD! Hi Darkandroid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crono: So how come your here? Xaldin: Well....Me and DA met In some random street...and we were both auditioning for Big Brother.. Sara: Isn't It weird that everyone here Is from KHV? Darky: Ahhh...C'mon Sara! This Is fun!! Sara: Mmm...I guess =\ DA: So like...How come your all dressed In Ninja Costumes...And Shadowjak's Is pink? Shadowjak: GOD DAMNIT! >=\ Trigger: Its a LOOONNNNGGGG story DS: Actually It only lasted for about...10 minutes CtR: Shhh DS! Xaldin: So what do we do In the house? Soku: Nothing DA: Aww come on! We have to be able to do SOMETHING! Cin: Well...Mish has a new hobby... Xaldin: And whats that? Mish: Come here ant! No! Don't run away! DA+Xaldin: o.o....Is this house THAT bad? Jordie: Afraid so...Although we could always fight over which bed we are going to have... *Bedroom* Angel: THIS IS MY BED!!!! HN: NO ITS MINE! Angel: MINE HN: MINE! Angel: Grrr.... Sara: Well...I guess this passes time... BB: This, Is Big Brother. Housemates....To the diary room.. *Diary Room* BB: This week...We will be having a challenge called 'Dark Room' Darky: *Whispers to Trigger* This sounds cool... BB: Nine of you will be going Into a small, dark room. With no windows, no light and only a small amount of food and water. You can stay In there for as long as you want...but you also may leave any time you want. Everyday you stay In there will give you $1000. When the last person Is In there...The person will win their money and the other Nine will go In there. Crono: Do we get to choose who the Nine are? BB: No...The first Name to be called Into the room Is, Mish. Go through that big door, but before you go In there, grab one of those white bags. Use your food and water wisely! Mish: *Grabs bag and goes Into door* BB: Next person, Crono Crono: ._. *Grabs bag and walks Into the doorway* BB: Next person...Jordie Jordie: In there? With Crono? BB: Yes Jordie:*Grabs bag and goes Into door* BB: Arc Arc: *Grabs back and walks Into the doorway* BB: Sara Sara: *Grabs bag and walks In room* BB: Rosey Rosey: *Grabs bag and walks Into room* BB: Xaldin Xaldin: *Grabs bag and walks to room* BB: Soku Soku: *Grabs bag and walks In room* BB: Last person.....DS DS: *Grabs bag and walks to room* *The door shuts with a creek and bang* BB: The rest of you, That Is all. *The Left Over Nine walk Into the lounge and see the other Nine on the TV in a gray room but they couldn't hear what they were saying* *Gray Room* Crono: I'm so gonna win... Arc: You wish Jordie: ._. Sara: Jordie? Whats wrong? Jordie: S-spider.... ._. Xaldin: Where? I'm sure Its not----OH MY GOD! ITS HUGE! Rosey: Its the size of a dinner plate! ;_; DS: Soku...Don't move... Soku: *The spider was crawling on his head* Heelllppp..
..and now I'm off to bed! (I'm going off to bed early because I have school tomorrow T_T and I woke up really early Yesterday because my boss wanted me to work early ;_; ) YES I WORK =\ Good Night Every One! Have a Good Night/Morning/Afternoon/Day =D
I have been reading a couple of posts and a lot of them have the worse spelling ever. (I'm not naming names, because that would be mean) The people who are spelling bad seem to be related to ONE person... Those who are spelling good *Thumbs up* And yes this thread might be a little harsh or annoying or whatever but I would just like to make my point. Its not even the bad spelling that I'm worried about! Its the sentences that don't make sense. Just thought I would share my point =D
{Number 4! By the way, they are all speaking on Walky Talky's XD} Rosey: *Crackle Noise* Ninja 3 to Ninja 6, are you there? Over Vivi: Yes I'm here o.o But why did I have to be the target? Over Rosey: Don't complain Vivi, we had a vote. Ninja 3 to Afro Ninja, are you set? Over Crono: As Set as I will ever be. Over Darky: Okay guys, this Is what we will do. Fairy Ninja--- Shadowjak: STOP CALLING ME THAT >=\ Darky: Fine, Pink Ninja and Ninja 8 will head towards their base from behind, Ninja 3 will attack with Ninja 1 (me) from the front, Ninja 7 and Afro Ninja will attack from the right and Ninja 5 will attack alone from the left. Are we ready? Crono? Crono: Yep Darky: Rosey? Rosey: Here Darky: Pink--- Shadowjak: Don't even say It >=\ Darky: Uhh...Arc? Arc: Yeah Darky: Vivi? Vivi: Uhh....Can somebody swap positions with me? Darky: No. Angel? Angel: Right Darky: And Mish? Mish: Here! Darky: Okay...Get ready...on the count of three 1...2... *From the other side of the house* DS: Okay everyone, we all know the plan? Everyone On Team Two: Yep DS: Right, Ninja 10 and Ninja 13, Attack from behind the couch Sara+Jordie: Right! DS: Ninja 14 and Ninja 11, Attack from the bathroom! CtR+Trigger: Yep! DS: Me and Ninja 16 will stay here at the base and fight Cin: Sure! DS: Ninja 12 and Ninja 15 will attack at their base Soku + HN: Got It! DS: Ready? They are coming! GO! *Everybody starts fighting with pillows with the lights turned off so Its dark* Mish: RAWR! I GOT YOU! Soku: Muhahaha, suckers! Jordie: Quickly Sara! Over here! Crono: FEEL MY AFRO WRATH!!!!!! *Silence* Crono: Uhh...Come on! Keep going! *Fight starts again but then the lights turn on* BB: This, Is Big Brother, House mates....To the Diary room Darky: Uh Oh... CtR: Oopss... Sara: We are In trouble Cin: IT WAS ALL DARKY'S IDEA!! Darky: AND VIVI'S! >=\ Vivi: Hey! Don't blame It all on me! *Everyone walks to Diary Room* BB: Hello house mates. Everyone: Hii BB: You will be getting two new house mates In a couple of seconds... Arc: So were not In trouble? BB: Hey, I don't blame you. I would be bored If I was stuck In that house Crono: So who are they? BB: You will see... *Everyone hears shouting from the lounge room* BB: That Is all *Angel runs out first and shouts* Angel: OH MY GOD! IT'S Sorry, we are getting some technical problems. Please wait. Thank you for waiting. We are sorry for any Inconvenience Jordie: OH MY GOD! Hi Xaldin Rosey: OH MY ****ING GOD! Hello Darkandroid Xaldin + DA: Sup?
*Diary Room* Trigger: *Walks In Diary Room* Hi Big Brother BB: What Is wrong Trigger? Trigger: Nothing...I just wanted to say hi...because I thought you would be lonely stuck In this room all day and night BB: Uhh...Its fine Trigger...Every things fine Trigger: Are you sure? Hey I was wondering...Could we have some more Oreo's? BB: Oreos? Trigger: Yeah, those chocolate biscuits with the creamy stuff Inside! BB: I'm sorry Trigger, but Its a no Trigger: Okay well...I also wanted to see If you liked my jokes? Okay heres the first one....So the guy walked Into the bar....... BB: Oh god... *Meanwhile, in the lounge* Mish: Good Idea CtR... Soku: Yeah honey! Darky: Although....It wasn't a very big portion *Looked at crumbs In hand* CtR: Well, would you like to keep on fighting and end up like HisNobody? HN: Ouch..Ouch...Ouch... Sara: Hold still! Bloody hell...Theres BITE MARKS on her leg, who the **** did that? Crono: .... Rosey: So what do we do now? Jordie: I dunno...You wanna annoy Big Brother? BB: No you don't ;-; Arc: Uhhh...Right....Anyway...Lets, Umm.... Cin: Throw Stone's! Angel: O.O Cin: Okay...lets NOT throw stones... *Everyone Sighs* Jordie: *Starts to hum the song Grace Kelly by Mika* *Everyone starts to sing the song* Crono: Do I attract you? Darky: Do I repulse you with my queasy smile? DS: Am I too dirty? Shadowjak: Am I too flirty? Vivi: Do I like what you like? Sara: I could be wholesome I could be loathsome I guess Im a little bit shy Mish: Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me without making me try? Jordie: *Smiles* I try to be like Grace Kelly But all her looks were too sad So I try a little Freddie Ive gone identity mad! CtR: I could be brown I could be blue I could be violet sky I could be hurtful I could be purple I could be anything you like Angel: Gotta be green Gotta be mean Gotta be everything more Why dont you like me? Why dont you like me? Why dont you walk out the door! HN: Lol...I think thats enough singing... Vivi: Shadowjak, you can sing? Shadowjak: You should hear yourself =\ Rosey: *Whispers to CtR* I think the boys have just reveled their true Identity's CtR: *Laughed* Darky: *Walked away* DS: Where Is HE going? Soku: I don't know >.> Darky: *Came back with ninja costumes* I found these while looking In the bed room >=3 *Hands one to everyone* Cin: Lol...NINJA TIME! Rosey: Look! Ima ninja! I will kick your butt! Mish: *Made ninja noises* MUHAHAHAHA Soku: XD Look at Shadowjak's... Shadowjak: Oh great...Mine HAD to be the pink one >=\ Jordie: Your a pwetty wittle fairy! HN: *Gigglesnort* Crono: Awesome! Mine comes with a afro! *Puts afro on* Woo! Vivi: You know...We could do something with these.... *Meanwhile, back In the Diary room* BB: ZzzZzZZzzzZZZZZzzz.... Trigger: Well thanks for listening Big Brother! BB: ZzzZzZzZzzZzzzzZz-- Huh? What? Oh...Its just you Trigger =\
..NOT played Final Fantasy? (I'm not sure If this goes here, move It If you like) Because I haven't played any of the games and I really want to!