Josette put her arms around him(which with her size, was more of him hugging his legs), "I saw you were gonna get hurt." There was a slight sob interrupting her words, "And I have to protect you! Always!" Stating this to a boy who was twice as old as she was made a very peculiar sight. Nonetheless, she needed to get them out of there. Now. "We hafta go home!" This was followed by a long snort from her runny nose, "C'mon!" There was something wrong here- she couldn't possibly go back to her home, it was too far off and she couldn't even remember the way she took. What a pain.
Now, ladies! Ladies! There is more than enough Dio Brando to be passed around between you all~ Who's first in line to be my newest little 'friend'? ~~~ Ignore him. He's nothing but a worthless manwhore. ~~~ It's better than Howzer getting all of the attention for doing something that any ape with half a brain can accomplish
Jotaro wiped the blood off of his lips with a thumb and took the water from her, gulping it down quickly and throwing the glass across the room. Not angerly; just carelessly. He then picked up Reinforce in a bridal manner and layed her across the bed without a word. Then just sat there at the end; figuring that this was probably the most important thing to do right now, "I might as well know who you are first." he snorted, "So....where'd you come from?" ~~~ Scanty and Kneesocks bowed to Howzer and complimented them on how handsome he was at the moment. "Would you like some of our most specailly created meals?" One sister asked. "Or may you relax upon our luxuriously clean deck?" Offered the other. They both frantically pulled out reclining chairs and foodcarts just for him to enjoy. ~~~ Jolyne rolled her eyes at the 'string girl' comment and sighed, "Sure, go ahead." ~~~ "Much appreciated." commented the teenager with a smile as he felt about; his vision still too blurred to walk on his own. "To find the others; Tsukasa expecailly." There was a beat, "He isn't the most capable of our party." ~ Tsukasa's next area was the cafeteria. It wasn't as littered with bodies as it was when Magashi was around; but in worse phisical condition. There were no doors. Improvise. ~~~~
Oh, so right you are. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to have such easy passwords? I wonder what YOUR password is~
Oh please, don't petty yourself to such meagor tasks as this 'internet' buisness. I, Dio, am unamused by your attempts to impress. Although, I shall admit; it gives me an easier chance to.....'reach out' to girls in this world. Hahahaha~
The vampire grinned and stroked her hair in a calming manner, "Ooh, I decided to check on you myself." This was followed by a tap on the nose, "We can't have you getting hurt, now can we?" The man rested himself against the wall and watched her for a moment. 'If I could, I would break her before Jojo even got to get a play.' his mind wandered slowly. Ooh Just to do such a thing to a Jojo would make it the most satisfying pleasure he could acheive. But he repressed this fantasy for now; there were more important matters to deal with. ~~~ Jotaro layed on his back solemnly for a good while, resting his arm over his eyes and sighing deeply. He could now hear footsteps make their way across the room. Removing his hand and looking at the figure before him, he started, "Hey Fo-" The zombie luged at him and a quick punch immediately struck it; destroying the head in a rather gore-filled way."Shit, not these things again." He huffed, scowling. ~~~ Kakyoin shook his head, "It is best not to mess with such a thing." The feeling of panic that was set in his stomach was completely devoid in his voice, "I will just tear the door apart!" Gritting his teeth and sliding his stand around the door, it took much more than a harsh pull to yank the thing to peices. A very content grin stretched across his face for a quick second; his Stand enjoyed the extacy of violence.
Josette ran for what seemed like hours to the point that her feet blistered from lack of socks and her small body had become frigid from the night air. "Rath!" she called out to the boy before colliding into him. Gripping his clothes and pulling his body towards herself, "Not safe!" the girl cried, "It's not safe!" her big eyes looked up at him in uncontrollable fear. "P-please! We have to go!" This yelling was now at the point of screaming.
Right behind Shirou was the statue; still grinning in it's still, unsettling manner. It surely wasn't there to begin with. ~~~ "My, you've gotten comfortable with our Jojo; haven't you?" The words sounded so soft and calming as the vampire appeared behind Force, his head hanging over her shoulder. "Where did all of this love come from?" An eyebrow was cocked as he asked this question; surely there was some strange reason behind this. Of course, most of his followers were bound by his charisma and beauty with little or no effort at all; maybe the same here. People are so foolish. OOC: No, you may not jump in the bathroom and catch Dio. IC: ~~~ Kakyoin felt the grip on his stand leave and the feeling of the person there was gone. Upon hearing Magashi call to him he touched the door softly, "Yes, I am perfectly fine." Not completely lying since he didn't really think of his blindness as being too much of an injury; expecailly since his sight was slowly being regained. "We became seperated as soon as you left. Frank, Rasputen, and Tsukasa are all lost but I'm assured that we shall meet up with them soon.." There was a quick pause, "What of you?" He attempted to open the door but to no avail, it was blocked off by some sort of thing on the other side. ~ In Magashi's room another light on the screen came on. "CHOOSE, KAKYOIN" "MAGASHI" "TSUKASA" ~~~ Jolyne shaded her eyes from the sun and looked towards the two figures; they looked a bit familiar but, nonetheless, they appeared friendly. "HEY YOU!" she yelled loudly to them, figuring that it's better than standing around and waiting for them to recognize them. ~~~ Bernkastel's eyes scanned across every projection. Still not finding where that group had gone to. After entering that school, there seems to be no way to get a recording of them. How irritating.
Waking up in a cold sweat, Josette squirmed out of bed. "I....I can't I have to--UWAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" her high pitched screams echoed about the mansion as she scrambled to get free from her bedsheets. Shoving her shoes onto her feet in the most violent manner, the tiny girl rushed down the stairs and out her front door. She couldn't remember where she was running to but her feet guided her where. Tears dropping down her cheeks in a constant stream made her near-blinded but she couldn't stop. Not right now. Never. She had to stop it. Barnabas watched this entire display with his tired, sunken eyes, "It's happening again I see...."
OOC: Pro.... IC: Reaching out to touch her head as a way to show he was fine, "I just need water." he choked out before clearing his throat, "There's probably some in the bathroom." The man gestured towards the door labled 'BATHROOM'. For someone who was coughing up blood, Jotaro had next to no concern on his face. Although her embrace did justify this. ~~~ "I'll take care of these cuts." Jolyne butted in, answering neither of their questions. Sewing up the stiches in a rather fast manner, she was done in less than five seconds. "Damn this desert is hot." She commented to herself, "But I suppose we should head off then, right?" By saying this to both of them, it was her way of assuring her trust without really stating it out loud. And It was just cooler that way. ~~~ Kakyoin made his way down the hall, feeling across doors when there was a huge tug that nearly knocked him off of his feet again. This made his head hit the doorknob and let out a gasp of surprise. "Ah, what reason did you have behind that?" he called out, not knowing that Magashi was in said room. ~ The door is blocked by a mirror but Kakyoin's voice should have been audiable to Magashi. ~ Tsukasa then came across four doors for himself to choose. "I WILL DIE FOR OTHERS" "I WILL LIVE TO KILL OTHERS" "I WILL LIVE TO DIE" and "I WON'T DIE UNTIL I LIVE" They were all unlocked and ready for his enterance. ~~~ "I wouldn't waste human life without a purpose." spat the girl. Kneesocks barged in the middle of this and wrapped her arms around her sister, "That's right! Only if it is for the good of maintaining PRECIOUS ORDER do we kill your kind."Putting away the gun, Scanty then cracked her neck, "As the RRUURUUs demand, we must keep you alive for now." This was rather surprising hearing this from Demons. "But that doesn't mean we can't throw you off deck at any time." snorted her sister.
The figure was just a statue. Staring, grinning, not living. Just there. ~~~ "Gee, you think?" Jolyne scoffed in an abusive manner. Still, she was glad this person wasn't going to try to kill them anymore. Pulling her Prison jacket over her shoulders, she then walked over back to Scott's side, "You okay?" Seeming to pay no attention to her own wounds as if they weren't even there. "Ah, you're hurt." Unwraveling her finger a bit more and biting off the string, she started to sew his wounds back up. "This should be good enough." ~~~ Jotaro awoke out of his nightmare, coughing violently. He let go of Force and turned on his stomach to try to drown out the noise but it became has horse and loud as ever until blood was vomited up. The wounds he sustained earlier were still there and appearantly he just couldn't sleep it off. This was't the best of conditions. ~~~ "What are you doing!?" shouted the demon as she reached under her skirt, "You will comply with regulations!" pulling off one of her scanties, she transformed it into a gun and pointed it directly at his face. "ALL PASSENGERS ON BOARD MUST FOLLOW THE RRUURUUS!!!" That shrill voice and a matching scowl was more than enough to cause her beloved sister to stand back and keep out of the line of fire. ~~~ The lights in Tsukasa's room suddenly flickered off and then back on. The manniquins were gone but in their place on the floor were the words "YOU DID NOT GIVE US MERCY" The sound of the "PURGATORY" door unlocking could be heard. It led into a badly twisted hallway that was covered in three dead bodies. One of an old man who was clad in a military uniform as if he had just went off to war, one of a teenaged girl with large slits down her wrist, and one of a young boy around the age of ten with a bruised body. The Bitter Old Man, The Regretful Murderer, and The Battered Whore. You judged them. ~ Kakyoin hurried down the halls in a frantic state, still being led by who he was now only fifty-percent sure was Jotaro. There was an odd blur he could see in the blackness. He was starting to regain his sight- just a bit, anyway.
OOC: Null means no afterlife; the soul is pretty much killed when brought into Null. JUST POINTING THAT OUT FOR YA~! IC: Dio wiped his hands together and grinned wildly, "Thirteen seconds!" This declaration was yelled in a moment of pure, overflowing, power, "I reached thirteen seconds!" Cupping his hands around Sakuya's face, he then kissed her lips, "What a lovely teacher you have become!" Wiping off the kiss immediately (partly out of the fact that she had no idea where his mouth has been) the maid shook her head, "It wasn't me. I did nothing." Putting her knives back in the pockets around her legs, she continued, "You only learned it through being in danger; instinctively." "If you must be so modest." Sighed the vampire before completely changing the subject, "I'd best be on my way. I expect this room to be in the best order when I return." Watching him leave, her eyes went back to their usual, pale, purple, "Milady is a better vampire than you shall ever be." The servant mumbled under her breath and returned to her beloved work. ~~~ A few feet away from Dante was Ben's Pizza and Bowling. Oddly, the ''s Pizza and Bowling' part of the sign looked torn up but ledgible, nonetheless. OOC: THE GREAT PLOT IN THE SKY LOOKED DOWN AND SAID "LET HIM HAVE PIZZA"
OOC: Everyone in the cabin (I.E. Kamina's group) can do what they please. I would suggest some character bonding/development time but, again, do whatever your heart desires. And no, it's not quite like fortune city. It's more ooooof that mall from Deadrising 1....except no zombies. In fact, no mooks at all- but there IS something else in there. Also once you enter it, you cannot get out by any conventional means. Breaking windows or doors will only cause them to regenerate. IC: The entire floor fell out from Tsukasa and sent him plummeting down what felt like several stories until he ended up in the Manniquin room again. This time they were all back, sitting in a row around him. There were four doors before him which were all locked. The names now scratched and cut out in a very rabid manner. Over the doors, there was an inscription. "WHERE DO WE BELONG? LEAD US TO THE RIGHT PLACE." And each door was enscribed with the words "HEAVEN" "HELL" "PURGATORY" "NULL" Scraped into each manniquin's backs were these words: "BITTER OLD MAN" "BATTERED WHORE" "REGRETFUL MURDERER" "INNOCENT CHILD" Choose wisely, Tsukasa. ~ All of the glass and screens exploded around Magashi, cutting his metal body. All except one. "YOUR FREEDOM MEANS SACRIFICING ONE" Upon the screen were the words "TSUKASA" and "KAKYOIN" Luckily, a keyboard was connected to the device. ~ Back upon his feet, Kakyoin held the wound. "It seems we have a visitor, yes, Jotaro?" The lack of communication at this point made him wonder why he even tried... "Hierophant Green!" The boy called, sending tentacles around the room to search for his attacker, only to come up with nothing. This place- it was alive on it's own. Without one more thought going through his head, Kakyoin rushed down the hall, no longer caring about hitting walls or things in his way. He had to find the others and get out. ~~~ Around the next corner was a figure. Watching......waiting......staring at Harry with no expression whatsoever. Just that delightful grin that was forever imprinted on it's face. OOC: Who is this mysterious figure? Spoiler For those of you who know: kudos! For those of you who don't: oh well~ ~~~ Bernkastel immediately ignored her question and continued down the hall. 'I should see if I can find their grou-' her thoughts were cut off by seeing that woman in the chapel. This was odd. Expecailly for the fact that she had stopped worshiping Satan not but a few months ago. Pssh, like He would want her back! Angelique was nothing but a useless pawn to her. Only providing aide through accidents. "Stupid woman." The girl mumbled under her breath before continuing onward. It was time for tea anyway. ~~~ Reinforce's response wasn't quite what he expected- but he didn't mind in the slightest. Kissing her once more upon the lips, he started to drift off into sleep. ~~~ Kicking away from Scott and forming her Stand out of the loose strings in one swift movement, Jolyne slammed Stone Free's hands into the barrier. "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAA!" Each punch was buying enough time to swing herself to safety. "What the Hell is your problem?" She shouted to their attacker; half-angry and half-distressed. ~~~ OOC: TOO MANY CHARACTERS ARE TOO MANY. BUT NEEDED. ...well....except maybe Kakyoin BUT EITHER WAAAAY IC: Scanty snapped her fingers as a mechanical hole opened up under Luffy's feet. "Let's just send him to one of the rooms and let him rest." "Right, beloved sister." nodded the demon at her side, "Dio-sama needed him for specail measures." OOC: Thank goodness I keep safe measures since everyone's last post(which was mine) was deleted.
"Oh? DID HE REALLY?!" She cackled, bearing a trolling expression to match. "He also could EASILY replace you without another thought about it!" Her now-overbearing features faded into an emotionless depiction that she had held so many times. "Now, clean yourself up and report back to where you belong." The witch walked away with an incredibly graceful way about her, "And if he asks, tell them I let them out." Looking back at Fate, a calming look was now upon her face, "It'll be our little secret." ~~~ Jojo didn't mind her presence. In fact, it was quite enjoyable. The only thing was, he didn't feel it to be odd that this had happened so fast. It was only this morning that he met her. These thoughts were cleansed from his mind when she put her arms around him. He then looked downwards at the mark on his hand, "I forgot to bust his ass for this." Jotaro stated aloud before going into his usual way of filling his speech bubbles with, "...." Using his non-marked hand to stroke Force's hair, he attempted to think of something that he could say to her at this point. "Your hair is pretty long." Bingo. ~~~ All throughout the tower; you could hear "MUDA MUDA" "JACK THE RIPPER!" "ZA WARUDO!" "UREEEE!" "KILLING DOLL!" and other noises that seemed to add to the neverending stream of ham.
"IMBECILE!" shouted one of the sisters while pointing a finger straight in Luffy's face, "YOU WILL NEVER MAINTAIN THE PERFECT FIGURE AND VITALITY!" "Ooh Oni-sama~" Scanty held her sister in a...erhm...odd manner again, and cooed, "Your face is so cute when it gets red like that!" "D-dear sister! You're making me blush even harder!" After a moment of laughter, they quickly broke out of this affectionate take and looked at Luffy. The demon sighed with a bit of enthusiasm, "We're already out to sea, might as well keep him on." A look of horror came upon Kneesocks' face "H-he won't touch us will he?" ~~~ Jotaro broke the kiss and stood up to his fullest, "Well that was easy." He then took off his longcoat and wrapped it around her. "....Going to sleep." OOC: WHAT ELSE DID YOU EXPEEEEECT? Troll post is trolling. IC: Looking at Reinforce's expression for a bit, the large man then patted the empty space next to him. "I meant the both of us." He didn't have any 'intentions' with her whatsoever. In fact, those thoughts never crossed that boundary in his head (unlike another certain Jojo who shall remain nameless for a time being). ~~~ Bernkastel's shoes clacked against the marble floor as she approached the blonde, "What a wonderful guard you are~" There was one giggle heard before some unseen force blasted Fate violently through the chest, "I guess you'll have to test out the new toys, won't you?" ~~~ While all of this was going on, the scientist rounded up his subjects; hoping for the best results. Hopefully it won't end up like last time...but he has a way around that. A very foolproof way. ~~~ Pulling into Dio's room with a lackluster expression, Sakuya tried to open the door fully only for it to be blocked by yet another dead, naked, female corpse. ".........You really are the worst housekeeper." She snarked, kicking the thing out of the way and pulling out her pocketwatch. Ignoring her comment and refusing to even get out of bed, the vampire carelessly stated, "If you're going to waste away our session by cleaning, I should have an easier chance perfecting my timestop by myself." "I'm not sure how much I can help you with stopping time...." The maid's eyes flashed a bright crimson color as many knives appeared at once, "As for fighting- nyahahaha! I can make you the most prepared!!!" ~~~ Angelique straighted her now short, brown hair, "My group awaits me~" her hands clapped together as she looked over her tarot cards. Oh, the possibilites! Although...they still won't replace 'him'. "No I must think positive. That man will no longer have a hold on me any longer." The woman tugged on the sundress she was now wearing and headed down to the chapel. She hadn't done this in quite the while. Might as well start now. OOC: In case anyone is wondering, Angelique IS intentionally an attendant at the Redudant Department of Redundency.
OOC: *strums guitar* All you need is loooove~ ALSO; SPOILER FOR THE KIDDIES WHO DON'T WANNA READ DIS. It's not too plot-relevant anyway. IC: Spoiler Immediately taken aback by this odd chain of events, Jojo didn't quite know what to do in this situation. It was very peculiar but very.....something he couldn't quite put his finger on the word but you get the point. It's been quite a long time since he's held somone like this. Jotaro then snatched her by the shoulders and pressed closer, making the kiss so much more intimate. Sliding his hands down to her hips and cradling them a bit, he entered the raging tounge-war that the two were progressing into. Just her lips alone made him forget the fact that after picking up Rein, he felt like he had just torn open his spleen. With all of this going on, everyone else in the room would either be entertained or disturbed ~~~ Jolyne wrapped her strings around the guy's waiste and kicked upwards; sending him flying towards their attacker. She decided not to cut them off, but instead let herself unwind and fly with him for assistance. "Kick his ass, Scott! ~~~ Tsukasa's computer flashed with popups stating, "WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG" They wouldn't stop until it finally cut to a blue screen and flashed back on once again. There was one popup that stayed, saying "CHOOSE ME" The two choices were "Kakyoin" and "Magashi" ~ IC: Magashi's room was rather large and filled with blank screens and lined with long mirrors that seemed to stretch on forever. The screens suddenly switched on and replayed several different recordings of earlier events. How these could have ever been recorded without anyone even noticing was beyond him.....heh, maybe. ~ The pulling stopped and Kakyoin rested on the nearest wall he could feel for. "Jotaro?" No response. "Jotaro, where are we now?" Still no response. He sighed out of exhasperation and commented, "You've never been this quiet." Just as soon as he finished this sentence, a large gash in his side knocked over the boy, causing him to clatter to the ground silently.
Jojo gave him a shocked expression, "Woah I was thinking the same exact thing." she then a fabulous battle pose accompanied by a long, sly smirk. "How's this? I've been working on it for forever" OOC: No, seriously everybody in the manga does it to the point that it's practically an art form. IC: Two loud blasts broke this charming moment. "SHIT! WHAT THE--!?" Jolyne looked about but didn't find anything in particular, "I guess," she cracked her neck, "You got your wish." Suddenly her left foot unwinded into string, "I can shoot you into the air; then you can......" looking the guy over with more than an awkward glance, "do.......something..." ~~~ Jotaro was probably in the middle of his thirteenth or fourteenth drink and shuffled up to Rein, "I can handle this." he grabbed her by the waist and raised her over his head, horizontally as if she was in mid-flight. Either he had gotten weirder or if the booze had finally caught up to him. He could tell the little girl enjoyed it very much and placed her back on her feet. Looking about, he then exclaimed aloud, "Kids are gone." pointing a thumb at where Yoko, Simon, and Kamina were. Then directing his attention to Reinforce. "Heh" He then put his hands on the woman's waist as if he was going to do the same thing but his head fell on her shoulder. No one was quite sure if this was a hug or him just balancing his weight on her. Either way, it was quite the sight. OOC: *sings* LOVE IS IN THE AIR TONIIIIGHT~ IC: ~~~ The computer flashed one question on Tsukasa's screen; asking what was the first door he entered. It's a fill in the blank question. ~ What happens to Magashi and Kakyoin(and maybe Frank and Raz) will determine on Tsukasa's answer. ~~~ Scanty clapped her hands and Fastener started up the boat again. Kneesocks watched the boy with a falcon's eye, "Remember! Proper techique! Fold that napkin! Keep all in precious order! The RRUURUUS demand it!" Her chanting was in a Nazi-like manner. With the food being practically tasteless and her screaming in his ear, this was sure to get old fast.
it's your signature, silly! Just fix it to the right (or whichever) and it's good to go =3
OOC: D'awww Ichigo's in denial thar~ IC: Magashi was now in a circular room covered in nothing but doors. And those consist of *inhales* Japanese English Spanish Italian Creative Writing Literature Gymn Head Office F-2 Office Main Office Cafeteria Library Girl's Locker Room Boy's Locker Room Choices choices~ ~~~ "Food?" Scanty started before turning into a full-on ham,"Only the best organized dishes of the most freshes foods following every part of the food pyramid for the most perfect figure you can buy!" During this announcement, Kneesocks pulled out a large trolley filled with said items. "Free of trans fats! Free of Cholesterol! Free of all impurities!!!" ~~~ Jolyne scratched the back of her head, "Not that I'm aware of." She mimiked his action of lip biting and started to walk off in one direction, "We might as well head off then, right, Scott?" She shoved her hands in the pockets of her prison jacket and let the way. This guy was Awkard comfort. It was nice to have someone else who wasn't batshit insane around here. Or at least she hoped he wasn't....'Please don't end up being a serial killer.' she thought in the back of her head.
Abaj, I hope it's alright.