As soon as his eyes sharpened and the very well-gathered blurs returned to their actual forms again, Kakyoin could now see the figure before them. Gasping and grasping Magashi's armor tightly, he started to studder, " could you have even...?" He shook off the words and regained his stature, "At least give and explaination on how you..." He let off, not quite knowing if 'survived' was the right word for it. The boy then realized that part of his uniform was still on fire and immediately put it out with the goo from his Stands wrists. "We aren't in the best of conditions." He stated frankly. Tsukasa was still beaten, Magashi was barely pulled together, and he, himself was covered in serious burns. What a battered group this made. ~~~ Kujo petted the girl's head nonchalantly and made his way over to the television set across the room. Before turning it on, he let Rein sit upon his lap, "Hey." He called over to the woman residing within Force, ".......who are you?" This question was more than late to the draw, but it had just rammed into his head so he figured that he should ask it before forgetting. ~~~ With a quick glance or two, Jolyne started, "It depends...."she then dropped to her knees and held one index finger to her navel while the other arm wrapped around her neck. "Does this look stupid?" ~~~ Behind the statue, scrolled across the wall in scratched words, were "DON'T OPEN IT" Words that 'The sister' spoke not too long ago....
OH *bleep*! I forgot! Nano has no weapon yet but they will get one later. SORRY TOTALLY FORGOT TO MENTION THAT!
"UWAH!" cried a tiny Lycankin as they fell over. "You dirty thing, GET UP NOW!" This caused quite the commotion in the street. "Yes mamma!" Replied the small thing as it stood back up into place and regained it's stature. Beautiful, it was; draped in only the best garbs money could buy. If only happiness could be bought as easily as these clothes... "You're not an animal!" Yelled the woman as she hit the child with the back of her hand, "Don't act like one!" Wincing from the pain and rubbing at the pain, the Lycankin whispered softly, "Yes I am." "What was that?" ~~~ Strumming his guitar, Yoppei grinned and listened to the music which blasted through his headphones. "Hey kid! Turn that crap down!" The brunette froze for a moment, losing the expression for a slight moment, and turned his head slowly towards the man. "Hm?" There was a blast of energy that rocketed out of his guitar; slamming the store owner back into his own merchendise, "Sorry, I couldn't hear you, man." The boy then continued on with the same smirk as before. Life was good, wasn't it?
Kakyoin was in the worst state of horror he had ever been in, "......Magashi...." Through gritted teeth, he then pushed his stand into the flames to try to save his ally. The teenager's school uniform suddenly burst into flames as well, although he seemed too preoccupied with what he was attempting to do. His stand then faded as the boy's knee's buckled under him. "He...he's gone..." These words stabbed like a knife to the heart.
Jotaro nudged the sleeping bundle with the toe of his shoe, "Hey. Too much sleep makes your ass lazy." He softly pushed Rein a few more times, "Get up." Looking back at the other woman, he was equally satisfied that his...whatever she might be- was going to be taken care of. Standing up, he followed her, figuring this would be far interesting to see. ~~~ Dio pulled up his pants and went out for a walk, all of these women were boring him too easily. Thank God he could kill them as soon as he was done....or before. It didn't really matter. "What is Howzer up to, now?" The vampire asked himself whilst scratching his back. Everyone seems to be planning ahead; good thing he didn't. Everything always fail when you decide ahead of time as he tried to warn them before. ~~~ OOC: None of Tsukasa's attacks reached the fighting arena. By the almighty power of Plot. IC: ~ Kakyoin shook his head, "It is of no use." As his stand returned back to it's usual place behind him, he then began, "It seems all we can do is wait." He then checked a rather serious burn on his wrist before ignoring it completely.
Username: terminallyCapricious Name: Nano Chen Age: 14 Sex: Unknown (Either a boy or a girl) Alignment: Hero Appearance: It's the one to the left Spoiler Personality: Elegant and polite. Will reach out to others easily. Feels as if they should serve humans and holds them in the upmost regard. Bio: A bastard child between a Human and a Lycankin. Was raised outside of the tribes and forced into a life of restraints by their human mother. It became evident that they were not allowed to be in any form of relationship or contact with people of it's own age or species. Power/Ability: The power over Souls. Can take out, heal, seperate, consume, switch, ect. souls. All Nano needs is direct contact to do so although this takes an INCREDIBLE ammount of energy and normally one direct attack to a soul will cause him/her damage. Weapon: (Optional, but useful.) Ultimate Move/Ability: Judgement Breaker. Where all of the souls in the area are sent into the afterlife. This also kills the user as well. Nano only knows that it has this move because it preformed it once before; but The Power of Love revived him/her. Other: Spoiler Before I start this next form, I would just like to say: /shot for basing a character off of a nico singer Username: terminallyCapricious Name: Yoppei Age: 18 Sex: Male Alignment: Villain(?) Appearance: /shot again Spoiler Personality: Incredibly hammy, but nice to say the least. He'll help out the needy and refuse to fight anyone who is unable to fight. Will grab a microphone to scream out his 'evil' plans which normally consist of much less heinous things than he normally does. In other words; he won't mind slaughtering an army of soldiers but there is nothing more evil than stealing from a store. Hitting his berserk button will normally lead to things such as HUGE DRAWN OUT SPEECHES OF GOOD AND EVIL to all. Hero or Villain. Bio: Bored. That's the only reason he joined the Villain's side to begin with. Power/Ability: Music which can control anyone who hears it into doing whatever he feels like. Only for amusement's sake. For fighting, he uses his... Weapon: A very amazing-looking guitar(see pic above) with bladed ends. Ultimate Move/Ability: Meltdown Other: Spoiler
"I am in no mood for your backwash." The boy's eyes narrowed and he turned back to Magashi's fight, "Don't you think that if I could help him; I would?" There was a moment of silence before he continued, solemly. Standing his ground in a rather serious manner, Kakyoin shook his head, "Where do you think Hierophant Green is now?" If Decade looked upwards, he could see the Stand trying to enter the fighting arena only to be burned and damaged in the attempt. In turn, this most likely caused horrible damage to the user as well.
Kakyoin gave the upmost polite expression on his face before slamming his fist into Tsukasa's jaw. Still holding said smile, he said, "If you are not the most dispicable human being by that statement....." The boy looked back up to where Magashi was fighting, "We did not save you so you would have to 'owe us' and if you had any eyes, you could possibly see that we can't go back." His voice was progressively colder than it had been before, almost as if he was talking to some lowlife, "I would rather not hear one other word from your mouth." There was a silence as he took part of his shirt, under his school jacket, and ripped it off. "This is the best I can do until we can find some thing to patch you up with." He sighed and wrapped the cloth around Tsukasa's wounds. ~~~ Right next to Moka was the Elegy of Emptiness statue; again, watching them. ~~~ Bern threw her tea at the screen and sent a message (via magic) to her agent. It said only one thing; "Stop the statue from saving them." ~~~ 'The Sorcerer' grinned for a moment, showing his rather sharp fangs, "I could give you a long expaination about how there is a logical explainination to this; but I don't seem to feel like it." With a shrug, he pointed to one screen, "The cameras couldn't pick up your 'Kakyoin' friend while he was in the school- and Jotaro?" He looked at the screen again, "What do you mean?"
Kakyoin gripped onto Tsukasa's body and watched the rooftop burn silently. "I guess we are the only two left..." This was stated as if Magashi was already dead. Although he hated to think in this way- it was too difficult for him not to believe otherwise. Reaching the ground below, Kakyoin looked around for something- anything that could aid them at this time. Seeing nothing, he then put the man down and started going through his cards, "Let me see here....." the boy scanned over every one of them- which all seemed to be pretty much useless in his hands so he carefully shuffled them back together and placed them in a neat stack beside Decade. "I suppose we can only sit and wait." He stated with a tinge of saddness. ~~~ Sitting there in silence, Jojo ran his fingers across the bill of his hat. The sun rose fast; although, upon inspection of his watch, he noticed that time couldn't really be measured. Well that sucks. ~~~ The statue appeared behind Ichigo, same as it did before while their attacks proved useless to the mall's structure. All they seemed to do was splash water about and destroy many items that would have been previously useful.
Jolyne bit her lip and tried to recall all of the previous events, "I would say about a day or so." Shrugging, she continued, "Somebody beat the shit out of me, dragged me to another prison, and then I escaped" There was a pause, "Other than that I can't remember any of it." She toyed with her braids for a bit before sighing, "So, you like battle poses too?" Pulling up this old conversation was the only thing Jojo could think of doing now, "Show me some of your best." ~~~ With a blank stare, Jotaro replied, "Then the feeling is mutual" He then rested on the rock next to her. It was a bit reassuring to know this. It gave some hope that maybe she won't end up dead or hurt like the others. He watched the sun for a moment, and after turning his head in the slowest manner possible to this person; he shamelessly he stated, "I love her." The expression on his face was-erhm- odd to say the least but his words were true. "The others will be up soon." ~~~ "Alright." Responded Kakyoin in an understanding manner. He then hauled Tsukasa onto his back before unwraveling his stand's tentacles and gripped it with his free hand. "Magashi." He turned around for a quick second, "Win." And there he was off; using his Stand to zipline to safety below. Looking back, the boy noticed the school was so badly damaged and burned to the point that a bad wind could easily destroy it all. Maybe it was that way all along.
"......." Started the man, "I should ask...but I don't feel like it." This was stated so quickly and sharply that he didn't seem to realize how rude it sounded. "But I will ask what the fuck are you doing with her." A protective glare settled over his face as if he was ready to defend her at any time. ~~~ Jolyne waved her wrist about, "Love is tough isn't it?" She then began her backstory, "I'm from Florida." She mimicked his speech patterns very well, "I was once part of Hells Riders but quit." There was a glance towards her tattoo(a butterfly holding a knife which is located on her arm), "My last boyfriend sent me to prison after he killed someone in a hit and run." Her face sort of twinged at this memory a bit as if the pain was still there, "And I've been in a prison filled with inmates that now have super powers because a preist wants to revive a century old vampire who was his best friend by creating his own version of gravity so I had to kill alot of people with my new friends who are mostly serial killers, themselves." There was a deadpan expression on Jojo's face at this moment, "Oh and my dad's in a coma after I found out he truely loved me after so many years of not being around me or my mom." There was a complete and total silence followed by this. "Yeah, life sucks, doesn't it?" ~~~ "Yes Howzer-sama!" both of them saluted and dissapeared. Reappearing in a blink of an eye with the food all prepared in the most delicate and precise manner possible. ~~~ Kakyoin started up a laugh at this- he was just too much like Jotaro for him not to laugh. "EMERALD SPLASH!" He shouted at the top of his lungs; completely breaking the almost-silence the two had between eachother. Jumping through the hole, the boy prepared himself for everything.
Kakyoin nearly lept out of his skin at the sound. It was ear-splitting. "Magashi! Where could this sound be coming from?" For some reason the blurs started to collect in his vision and they became a bit more shapely. "The is coming from the ceiling." Putting back on his shades and fixing his school uniform, Kakyoin summoned Hierophant Green. "Are you ready, aquaintence of mine?" A large, slight smile spread onto his face; for some reason, this one seemed more true than the others he had beared earlier. ~~~ The water stopped just before reaching the second floor. Standing there in the water was just the statue, still with that smirk. Still with those empty eyes. ~~~ "What the hell is he up to?" Chimed in Bern as Angelique stepped in the room. "He won't cooperate with us." Answered the woman in an unapologetic manner. "What for?" Taking a deep breath in and exhaling it out, the woman just mentioned, "All BEN told me was 'Don't open it'." "*******; he's going to ruin our plans..." There was an air of confidence around Angelique now, "It doesn't matter. I should be joining them soon, anyway." Walking off and getting ready some more. Bernkastel stared blankly for a moment, "........and where the Hell is Howzer?" ~~~ Jotaro removed his coat and wrapped Rein in it before placing her, gently, back onto the ground. Moving towards Force, he felt it was a good time to talk to her now that his head was cleared from all of the bullshit. "Hey."
hah HAH False alarm. Jump back on msn now.
I was busy with your little friend, Helga. She's quite the charmer, herself.
OOC: Offense intended or not; that comment was totally out of place and offensive; HeartlessofLight. Everything that has happened is quite plot relevant and at the same time I am trying my damnest to tie up this first Act. I did give your characters the opportunity to do whatever the hell they wanted but you waited several days before posting and that was nothing but an insult. Everyone is working very hard to keep this story going and they don't deserve to be treated to some kind of offhand comment like that. I will not have this happen in my RP again. Do you understand? Thank you and have a pleasant day. IC: A bright green light appeared from behind Harry and the statue appeared once again. Grinning eerily as it always does. Suddenly, tons of water shot from nowhere; filling the entire mall at an alarming rate. They were going to drown. ~~~ A door appeared in front of Tsukasa. Labled across it was, "GO HERE" Sure, why not? ~ Kakyoin felt the wall for a moment, stating in a dissatisfied manner, "Those kinds of doors again?" looking- not quite at magashi but- a few feet away from where he was standing. This was odd since Magashi had no way of knowing the bomb tripped off earlier created his temporary blindness. "Since you'd preferr not to go, we should wait then." The boy pulled out a comb and brushed the lock of hair that hung in front of his face- quite the easy task if he followed the blurrs correctly, "I am quite sure Tsukasa will be fine." My, how wrong he was. ~~~ Jotaro slunked out into the night, looking over everyone with a watchful eye. "Oh hey." he commented to the sight of little Rein just slumped over on the ground, asleep. He sat down and propped her on his legs to make her slumber more comfortable. Covering her tiny body with his loncoat, he sat there and watched the sun rise. Simon, Yoko, and Kamina were all nowhere to be found, Deadpool was busy bitching, everyone else was asleep, and he was just here. Just here with Rein. "A new day....." he started dramatically, "which will suck as badly as the last one." ~~~ "While he's chatting up the new guys," Jolyne nudge to Scott, "tell me a bit about yourself." Her expression was less awkward and more friendly; she always did get close to people, fast.
"Mkay!" Cheered Josette, still optomistic now that the danger seemed to be gone. Just being around her new friend kept the bad things away. The responsibility of protecting him gave her an almost empowered feeling. She stopped in the doorway of the bedroom and turned around, "M-my headache's gone." After this announcement, she continued to shuffle her way into bed, soundly. "Goodnight!" The girl called out to Rath before drifting off into her dreams once again.
'Full moon. What a pretty name for him' The child thought to herself before watching him stare at the moon, 'I don't think anyone's ever talked to me this much before. Nope, niope.' When he unlocked the door, she bound inside quickly; escaping the heat as fast as possible. Walking about his home the girl looked obviously amazed at everything, "Wow, there's furniture!" For some reason this was an incredible feat in her opinion. "Mine is gone now." The girl stated in an overly optomistic manner, "All gone." Josette took off her shoes and rubbed her cold feet for a moment before standing up, "Where do I sleep?"
"Ah!" The girl jumped nearly out of her skin. She didn't expect him to speak. Noticing that he offered her a piggyback ride, she slowly crawled onto his back. "Th-thank you." Looking upwards she then pointed upwards, "UWA! So pretty!" The child's index finger retracted and she reached to the sky, "It's like a big circle-man!" Josette was talking about the full moon which hung over the night sky. Waving kindly to it she smiled, her tears completely gone. "Hi circle-man!" That childish nature of her's began showing through again.
"Tsk." answered Jojo in an exhausted manner; this girl was just a walking paradox. Shifting his weight, he started to let his mind wander, "Where do I start?" There was a quick pause and he cracked his neck soundly and started to tell the woman- or whatever she was- his story. Afterwards he still wasn't settled. This 'relationship'(if you could call it that) was still a huge mystery to him and there was no way to pick it apart logically. Just her presence alone calmed him and that was all he knew. "..........shit." He kiss her softly on the lips again and stood up; reaching for his longcoat and going out for fresh air. ~~~ Kakyoin felt his way around the corner, only the be knocked over by an obsticle obstructing his path. A manniquin; the same one from before. It still was dressed in the familiar-looking clothes which stunk of blood, sweat, and burnt fish. "What could that have been?" the boy asked, reaching up for something to hold onto when his hands wrapped around a doorknob. Slowly pulling himself upwards, he opened the door. This next room had four doors in particular. "HEAVEN" "HELL" "PURGATORY" and "NULL" But no manniquins. Just the doors.
His kind gestures were more than enough for Josette to be taken aback. He truely was her friend. Her only friend. "Okay." The small girl nodded in agreement; taking his hand without another word. Her eyes softened as she stared at the back of his shirt, 'I'm glad my nightmare didn't come true.' Her thoughts wandered on the subject slowly before a sharp pain in her feet redirected them. "Ow-" she started to howl from the blisters but stopped. Josette didn't want to annoy him so she kept her mouth closed for the rest of the trip.