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  1. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: God damn it Kamina....I needed to hear that speech....
    Why is the irony kicking in full throttle?

    Jotaro shifted his weight and gave a slight smile.
    It was nearly impossible for him to know how long overdue this speech was.
    This was probably the third or fourth time he had a one-on-one talk with Kamina. How close have these two drifted together? It was probably one of the very few moments which he shared with another person; sure he had been brought up by a person's determination before, but this- this was different.
    His expression actually stayed for more than a few seconds this time; now, changing his words to sound more sincere, "Promise."
    Kamina was probably the only person to joust these things from him and, admittingly, it was nice.
    "The girls are taking their damn time, now; aren't they?" He asked, not trying to ruin the moment or anything, just pulling in some small-talk.

    A loud scream errupted from the mountain's peak.

    Oh shit, not this again.

    Peeling out of the summit was a large, deformed head; covered in long, black, stringed-out hair that seemed to cover it's horrid face. The entire island rumbled violently under the pressure as the 'god' slid grotesquely from the very tip.


    The girls looked Luffy up and down with disgust before one of the islands up ahead spouted some kind of....body thing.
    Waves crashed about and sent the ship flying in the opposite direction although Scanty still had enough time to see what was going on.
    "There!" She pointed, figuring that it must have been where Howzer was taken and that was said monster.

    Jolyne shot out of the bushes immediately, arms raised, "Please, no more!" She waved her hands frantically around as if she could stop the conversation by doing such, "Just no no no no no no no no NO!"
    Upon seeing that...nothing was really taking place she then looked about, "Oh um...hi?"

    There was a sudden rumble under their feet. It was so small that it felt more like a big truck was passing through.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. terminallyCapricious
    He was right. Everything moved and changed so fast just like this world. Over the course of seventy-two hours he had just gained himself a replacement child, a team, and a bedmate. Hell, it was like the old days again.
    It's a wonder how this kid could come up with something so poetic.
    Moving his hat so the bill now shaded his eyes from sight, Jotaro nodded, "Alright; shoot."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. terminallyCapricious
    Kakyoin gave a slightly displeased look to Magashi before saying, "Just as long as you sleep inside the windmill." He didn't know the extent of Magashi's self-loathing but either way, he didn't want the man to go overboard with it. Taking a quick look at the fried patches in his skin, the boy immediately ignored it and created a pallet to sleep upon.


    Reaching the surface of the water, Kneesocks pulled herself back aboard. "They weren't there." This was followed by some gasping, "we're going to be punished for this."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. terminallyCapricious
    Profile Post

    MSN pwetty pwease.

    MSN pwetty pwease.
    Profile Post by terminallyCapricious for Pinekaboo, Aug 5, 2011
  5. terminallyCapricious
    She lept into the attic and stared at the sight in horror. "U-uw-UWAAAA!!!!" Josette's screams could be heard for quite the distance as she scrambled to get back onto the dragon.
    It was made by the bad people.

    Barnabas gave a concerned glare upwards, "Is she alright?" He asked Fafnir who was busy with the child.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. terminallyCapricious
    Tugging on Fafnir's skin lightly, the girl demanded, "Bring me up there too!"
    She was going to make sure Rath wouldn't get hurt up there. It was her responsibility. Moreso now than before.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. terminallyCapricious
    The mouse sat silently as the two exited the now, abandoned mansion.

    "Come on Barny." The girl patted her knee and positioned her hands to scoup up the rodent but he scurried away from her immediately. "Ah, he's not good around strangers." Josette started, "But he loves me. I'm sure of it!"
    Gettinging herself positioned upon the dragon again, the girl quietly scanned her house. "That is..." Her eyes bulged out of her head as a finger raised upwards to the top floor of the mansion. Some strange marking was scrolled across it in what looked like blood, "....not good."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. terminallyCapricious
    "Yes sir." She stated in the most serious manner possible. Directly following his orders as if she was an obedient servant. There was just- something that she couldn't put her finger on. Something about him...
    When the thought finally coursed through her head fully, she was done. Pulling large suitcases down the stairs and smiling brightly. 'I know what it is' Josette thought to herself.

    "Punished the little creep for lying." If he could smile, he would be doing such at the moment, "Of course, it's only for her own good."
    There was a quick moment of silence, "The girl shouldn't have friends anyway; it's dangerous."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. terminallyCapricious
    The child tried to choke out the words, "Thank you" but they just sputtered out into nonsensical blubbering. Josette was trembling so bad, she could barely even stay on her own two feet.
    His words were so true, and she swore to herself to never forget them.

    Outdoors, Barnabas nodded to the dragon, "You won't have to worry about dragging around two passengers anymore." He stated in his usual dickish manner, not witnessing anything that had just happened inside.

    OOC: anyone else getting the feeling like this RP has transformed into "The Rath and Josette Show"? :lolface:
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. terminallyCapricious
    Jolyne pulled Scott up to the nearest hill and peered over at the group. Eavesdropping, she muttered all of the things she could hear, "Something, something, Animal, master, something, sister, servant, chains, something, something, sister, something, toy, illegal."
    After this a mix of disgust and disturbedness rose on her face. "What?!"

    The sisters were staring in complete and utter disbelief.
    "........I think"
    ".......we just"
    "Messed up."

    Fastener finally crawled back onboard and sorely stumbled back into the driver's seat.

    As the boat set sail once again, Kneesocks jumped off the ledge and into the water, searching for both the beast and the man.
    Her sister sat by nervously, "Be careful down there, onii-sama!"
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. terminallyCapricious
    "Because you're all I have." Tears fell from her face as she began to tremble. The pain in her head was becomming unbearable at this point. "And you promised....Y-you promised you wouldn't leave me!"

    Barnabas watched the display out of interest, 'My work is done here' he thought to himself; very sure that she'll suffer her punishment and Rath will leave her for good. Killing two birds with one stone.
    Humans are idiotic and overly dramatic creatures. Aren't they?
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. terminallyCapricious
    "I'm sorry" She said in a lower voice before yelling, "I didn't want you to worry about me any more!" Her head shook and she grabbed his coat, pulling him back into the mansion with stregnth that normally wouldnt be found in a girl as small as herself. "You can't leave." Josette's face looked incredibly worn down- as if the youthfulness just drained from her face in one instant.

    "Just keep going." Demanded the mouse.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. terminallyCapricious
    She firmly stood her ground and awnsered, "I don't know."
    The moment then became too much for her and she pleaded, "Let's go. The thing is gonna start without us!" Although his glare sobered her up enough to admit, "I'm sorry....."

    The doormouse sighed and perched himself upon Rath's shoe, "Little girls who lie grow up to be cruel women." He knew this truth all too well from experience.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. terminallyCapricious
  15. terminallyCapricious
    Cautiously making her way down the stairs, now fully dressed in shorts, a plain tshirt, and a small longcoat; the girl began to shake. "T-they're not h-h-here."
    Her heart was practically racing in her throat at this point. He was going to find out. He was going to find out. He was going to find out.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. terminallyCapricious
    The word, 'behind' covered the walls of the utility closet.

    Miroku has drowned.

    You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

    Everyone would eventually wake up within the distorted game.

    Maybe the whole mall experience was just a dream after all.

    Either way, they are all safe.
    For the time being.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. terminallyCapricious
    Jolyne cocked her head to the side, "Mmm, if you say so." She eyed him for a quick moment and decided, "I nominate you!" Her index finger was quickly pulled out and placed on his forehead, "To be the officail decision maker!"
    He had clearly more common sense than she had, herself. And Jojo was sure as Hell not going to listen to those crazy mofos. Also, he was cute. That helps alot.

    The game screen played another laugh as it read, "I will give you another chance. To start from the begining."

    Akiza and Axel were 'drowned'.

    In the back of the store where Miroku was currently at, someone- or something- began to bang on the utility room closet.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. terminallyCapricious
  19. terminallyCapricious
    As soon as the doors opened, the noise echoed throughout the empty mansion. Feeling her own heart stop, Josette dropped her shoes and froze in place. "Oh no..."


    Scampering in quietly the mouse commented, "Homely, isn't it?" In the most sarcastic manner possible. He knew more or less that the girl would be scolded for this lie by the boy. How violent the punishment was, he surely didn't care. Children will be children.
    And he had just about enough of her childishness.


    "B-be right down in a second!" Echoed from upstairs, "Please, go back outside."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. terminallyCapricious

    "Why don't you take a look around? I'm sure her parents would want to see whose hands she was in overnight." This was stated in such a casual manner;
    Josette cannot get away with even the most miniscuel lie, no matter how good her intentions were. If she does, she'll begin to lie more and more. It's best to discourage children from things like this when they're young. Or at least, he figured this.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home