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  1. terminallyCapricious
    No 'taliaverse?
    I am dissapoint.

    America raised up a glass of Coke-a-cola and shouted, "AHAHHAA! GO JOLYNE! GO DEADPOOL! GOOOO SCOTT!!" as the incredibly excited country cheered in his usual hammy manner.
    "What is this that you're babbling about now?" His big brother asked, unable to comprehend exactly what this is nonesense is about.
    England shot him the most dissapointed glance and shook his head, "Why are you cheering for them only?....And I don't think one is from your land."
    "Huh? Really?" U.S.A. checked back on the monitor and shrugged his shouldiers, "Who?"
    "Scott. He said he was from Canada or...something I'm not really sure."
    Almost spitting the hamburger in his hands. Almost. America gulped it down harshly, "What's Canada?"
    Peeking from over the chair, said country raised his hand, "I'm C-C-C-C-Canada." Although his words- and existence- was near invisible to everyone else.
    "Well; at least I have more than y-oh ouch. Sorry dude." America apologized upon seeing UK's face, slightly remembering that most of the British cast was either dead or antagonistic. "But, hey, that Jotaro guy is part British....and Japanese...and American...and wow I'm not sure whose gonna root for him. Let's make that a tie!"
    "I'm C-c-c-c-Canada"
    "Well I at least have....Harry...." he stared in a stale manner before wiping the expression from his face. Realizing something worse than before.
    "I am Canada."
    "Hey, bro, no need for the longer face. I'm sure he'll get better at fighting!"
    "I'M CANADA!"
    "It's not that I'm worried about- it's that Japan has the majority."
    "Woah dude, that's something I didn't really think about..."
    "I. AM. CANADAAAAAA!!!!"
    "Let's head off to the nearest bar and take up bets. That'd the the raddest!" He felt like consoling his brother; at least at this moment. And what better, more U.S. of A. way to do so than with an endless supply of beer and hot wings.
    Being a bit relieved at this idea, the country nodded, "Ah, that sounds quite enchanting!"
    As they headed out the door; America turned around, "Hey Canada, wanna come along and cheer on Scott?"
    Realizing this was probably one of the few times he's be acknowledged, the country didn't know what to say other than, "Ah, Sure."
    "Ohohohohoh~" France flung open the door, a rose in his hand pointing directly at Canada's face, "And then you shall buy~! It is custom after all."
    "Oh hey, man, sorry about none of the cast being one of your people." U.S.A. scratched the back of his head.
    "But alas! I shall drain my sorrows in the finest tonight! At least until one of my kind shows up!"
    "Now you're talkin'!"
    "But I thought you have that 'Frenchman'-fellow."
    "UNTIL." Shouted the country as he nudged England out the door, "ONE OF MY KIND." He then covered Canada's ears and continued loudly, "SHOWS UP." There was no way he was going to pay for his own liquor. That was just not his ways!
    "M-m-m-Maple Leaf....."


    "OH MAN DID YOU SEE THAT?" Annasui pointed at the screen to his beloved's form and cheered, "SHE IS THE MOST AMAZING FUCKING THING THAT HAS EVER BEEN ON TELEVISION SINCE FOREVER."
    Hermes stared at the two male leads around their Jolyne and snarked, "Yeah; I bet she'd find a real nice guy there too."
    Shocked and utterly disturbed at her comment, Annasui looked at the screen and then back to himself. "Those....bastards..." Practically climbing on top of the television he then jammed a finger at the screen, "If any of them even thinks about touching my future wife; I'll......dissasemble them to the point that you can't find which fucking piece goes where."
    Foo Fighters looked at him with a melancholic face, sipping from her big-gulp cup, "You mean like you did to your last wife?"
    Hermes let out a small snort at this remark.
    "But hey! Maybe...just maybe....I can find my way into this world!" His eyes widened into a more intelligent expression, "I know it sounds crazy but, fuck, isn't almost all of what we do alittle kooky?" Annasui's face seemed a bit more focused on the screen now, "I mean; if I get there, I can ask her old man for her hand in marrige instead of waiting for him to stop being a vegetable here!" Stroking his locks in a satisfied manner, the man turned back to the group, "So what's the plan?"
    "I need to get moist again." Foo stated so matter-of-factly that it ruined the mood which the poor guy had been building.
    Holding out her hand, Hermes stated, "Hand me your cup and I'll refill it for you."
    "Use toilet water please." Started the Stand-Girl as she adjusted the straw and handed it to her friend.
    "Yeah yeah sure, okay."
    Emporio's eyes were locked on the television displaying Dai Gurren this entire time. He stared and slowly lipped the words that came out of the machine. It was sad, he could remember when, not too long ago, Jolyne was dragging Jotaro's soulless body out to safety after his Discs were stolen. Now he watched the same man carry someone who he thought as a son's body to a better place.
    Time repeats itself; doesn't it?

    OOC: Taking Uminekoverse now.

    "Uu~ Maria sees Beatrice on the television!" The small, 9-year-old pointed out with glee.
    Turning around and laughing, Battler patted her head, "Suuuure you do!"
    Jessica pointed at the program on television and cringed a bit, "Wow that's not something Maria should be watching."
    "Really?" The red-head looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Yeah you're right. You should put in her Higurashi tapes."
    Standing up and clenching her fists, the little girl called out, "But Maria isn't lying! She really sees Beatrice in the-"
    "Look, Beatrice doesn't exist!" The boy pouted with a considerable ammount of energy. Witches don't exist! Who would even think of something as preposterous as that?

    Appearing upon every screen, sounding through every speaker, and blasting through every world. This new message was not going to be missed by anyone.
    "For all of you who have been watcing; contradulations~! You just saw the first step to the end of your pathetic little lives! For those of you who haven't seen what's been appearing on your television sets for the past several days: What decade are you in?
    Now I should probably tell you what's going to happen and then string it out into large verbal threats until I get what I want....But I won't- I mean what's the fun in that?"
    "No. Everything that you can provide me is useless....except for one tiny thing: Freedom from everlasting boredom! Sure, we were thrown in this world for the sake of entertainment value but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun once in a while too! Instead, I would like you all to sit back, relax, and have fun watching this program. We set up a connection with your world's 'internet' machine so we can easily track all of the things you say about us~"
    "Now; onto the fun part! We decided to let you- the viewers- help us in our plan to bring you the best of entertainment that the worlds can buy. Our call center is up and running and we'd be glad to hear your comments and requests."
    A phone rung and the small witch picked it up, holding it to the speaker.


    Cutting off the phone call with distaste, the girl set the contraption aside and smiled at the camera.
    "I hope you enjoy the next installment of our program and get ready for the next Act. It will be quite the entertaining one~ I can promise that!"


    OOC: Thank you, Bernkastel, you lovely lovely bitchfaced bitcholai.

    This Intermission is not over yet but I am just going to drop some information and see who grabs what; Mkay?

    -I want everyone to have their own little sideplot or two to go along the main plot so I will have to try to adjust more and more characters to have such things.
    The more characters you pull in, the harder it will be for me to give them a large sideplot; so some will have to do with; and others, without.

    -I am trying to make it my goal to reach the end of Act 2 in the same number of pages (or more) as the last Act., to encourage you all to write more; but not incredibly long and overly descriptive paragraphs- just trying to expand your vocabulary and descriptives to an even greater feat. (Good literature usage is a good way to RP), and I would like you all to WANT to post in this RP. Please inform me of things so I may take several measures to let your interests bloom in the best ways possible.
    Remember: I want to tell a story. But I want to tell a story with you.

    -I would like for you all to contact me about this Roleplay. I take pride in my hard work and love to hear some feedback but I honestly hate hate hate hate HATE PMs and VMs. They're bulky, they're clunky, and it takes forever for my computer to load a profile page.
    There will be three main ways to speak to me:
    Pesterchum: plasteredChanneling

    If you would like to throw in any ideas or any requests you should try to contact me then or whenever.
    If you cannot immediately contact me(with your areas being too different or you're incredibly busy):


    Thank you very much hunbuns!
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. terminallyCapricious
  3. terminallyCapricious
  4. terminallyCapricious
    "Yare yare daze." Commented the seventeen year old boy to the television, "So that's where he went." Scratching his hair, the teenager leaned against the wall; watching his friend and...some Hammy mechanical guy-thing fix up the obnoxious Destroyer whatnot man.

    "Mister Joestar," Started the Egyptain man, who was analyzing the screen where the group of misfits had been tossed out from nothingness and into a feild, "what do you make of this?"

    The kid stared for a moment at his grandfather, waiting for a(most likely) bullshit excuse for all of this that was going on.


    "Go Jotaro! Go!" The old woman waved banners about and cheered for her son. She then wrapped her arms around him, "Oooh mommy is so proud of you!"
    "....." The man stayed quiet. It's not anything to be proud of when it's not you as yourself; but you in the future.
    "Ahahah~ Isn't it wonderful how brave my boy is?"
    "Get down before you break a hip or something!" Yelled the boy with the pompador.
    Kujo gave one look to the kid and wanted to thank him immediately. But held his tounge for now.

    "Josuke..." Called the girl with the rediculously long locks of hair, "I hope this doesn't take too long. I don't want it to affect the date that Koichi and I are going on tonight!"
    Staring blankly the fourth Jojo looked around, "Speaking of which, where is Koichi?"
    "Don't worry! I have him out running....errands...." The satanic look on her face caused a slight screech to emit from the boy and he turned around again to watch the television.

    Splattering ink across the pages, Rohan started to draw up each scene as fast as he could before said ink ever dried on the page. His Stand, Heaven's Door; was helping him get back on his feet after that last manga had become a bust. "I'm gonna make a killing off of this!!!" He exclaimed in the midst of financial extacy.

    OOC: Once again:

    Sitting on his seat; the boy picked through his golden locks and stared deeply at the television. "So..." he turned to the turtle at his side, "If everything you've told me is correct- they're both my fathers..."
    Transfixed, the boy watched all that flickered across the screen before slowly closing his eyes.

    Looking back in an incredibly weirded-out stare, the man at his side just had to ask, "Are you shitting me? Seriously?"

    "Mista." The boy cut him off, "Is it really so far off from the things we've seen?"

    "; but still-" Waving his hand effortlessly around, his finger hooked around the trigger of his revolver. This 'Mista' reached over to pick up a block of cheese and sliced it carefully, "I mean two dads; that's like a gay thing right?"

    Taking a boot to his head, the pink haired girl stood before the three of them, "Pleasant as always. Either way; I'm back." She nodded to the turtle on the desk and relaxed next to Mista.

    "Nice to have you back, Trish."

    "As always; Giorno."

    Oh Jojoverse. I do love you.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. terminallyCapricious
  6. terminallyCapricious
  7. terminallyCapricious
    "Yes they will." Jojo nodded happily, "It might take them a while but-- they'll keep walking. I'm sure of it."
    There was a warm smile upon his face before he looked over at his friend, "Oh; there's someone I would like you to meet..." The man trailed off with his words before picking them back up again, "She's a really lovely woman. I'm sure you'll lover her."




    Far off in a world composed of magic; all of the girls at Scarlet Devil Mansion were watching the story unfold.

    "UGH! I can't believe we've been watching this since forever!" Nibbling on a slice of cake, the vampire flicked peices at the screen. "China, you're terrible at this job!" Remilia, The Scarlet Devil, was not impressed by her guard's fill-in job as house chef/maid.

    "S-sorry Mi'lady!" Called the redhead, attempting to balance several trays at once. Ohh this time she actually missed Sakuya's big knives penetrating her flesh. Wait...OH GOD! She's starting to even sound like her in her own mind!

    "China; what is this?" Knowledge raised up a crystal ball which was covered in grubby finger prints. A sure sign that the girls had been playing with it again.

    "That thing is so filthy!" Meiling stated obviously, "And please; don't call me China!"

    Her request was, of course, denied even before it passed her lips. "Chinaaa~ our little 'secret' needs someone to play wiiith~ heheheheheh." She reached over to grope the poor girl with a sharp-toothed grin upon her face.

    "Marisa is getting in again."
    "I need more blood tea!"
    "Oh hello!"
    "Sister's getting antsy."
    "She stole our newspapers again."
    "UWAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" screamed the girl in undeniable mental torment as her work overloaded with more and more burden.

    She will be counting the days until that maid returns again.

    This is pretty much how the intermission goes.
    As you can see by my example up above; everyone in each particular world is watching what is going on around this one.
    In other words; on ever television, radio, broadcaster, whatever; this is being shown. Your job is to show other characters (Although I should suggest that you should start with your character's friends and family and work your way into other places).
    If you would like to share a world/time period with someone; please work that out amongst yourselves.

    This is just the intermission and you don't have to participate; although I find it a fun idea while I prepare for Act 2. Also; you have a break from your usual characters; Oh joy!

    Color coding doesn't matter just as long as you point out that these are different characters every time.
    Thank you very much~<333
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. terminallyCapricious
  9. terminallyCapricious

    "Well I suppose this Act is at an end." commented the figure as he raised a wine glass to his wheelchaired friend. "Cheers."

    Taking notes down on his own creations; the scientist glanced over at his old uniform. Removing the lab coat and putting on the old boots, bulletproof jacket, and other items; he had a bit of reminiscence.
    Upon pulling a gun out of it's holster, he aimed and put it back.
    Oh weren't those the days?
    He adjusted his shades and threw the outfit carelessly back onto the ground. "Those fools...."

    The S.S.Satanic finally rested on the shore.
    Scanty was near-sick of listening to his 'Luffy' creature babble about absolutely nothing as she munched on her salad slowly.
    Her sister, albeit, acted more professional about this. She let loose the gangway and prepared for their upcoming cargo. "I suppose we're late." The demon shrugged for a moment, "It no longer matters. We still have our orders."
    "Hm?" looked up the demon, "It's raining..."
    For some reason a moment of melancholy spread over the group.
    How sad.

    Angelique looked over at her two Tarot cards.
    The World and The Fool.
    "What a pity you had to go too...but, at least he is no longer alone."
    Straightening her hair one last time, she then made her way down stairs, no one would be able to see through her cleverest desguise...except for maybe Bernkastel, Dio, Howzer, and the others....
    It doesn't matter, though, she had better things to do with her time. Angelique set off on her way quietly. Surely this time will be so much more rewarding than the last.


    Approaching the boy in the shadows, Dio pulled on his jacket and pointed forward, "We should get there before they do anything foolish." He glanced back to Fate and gave her a blank stare; she was perfectly fine as company. Even though she is practically a talking board with tits.
    Either way; this should be fun. He's been wanting to toy with those pesky things ever since they ruined his play time with Jonathan.

    Sakuya sat on the train and looked over at a very large man. He seemed to be just sitting there soundlessly. Although this was proven to be eerie to the girl.
    Looking behind her, out at the passing scenery she stared at the city. What a dissapointment it was. Not only did she have to wear this getup but she was cursed to tread in this concrete jungle without even so much as one measly flower to provide the most sincere comfort. "I will count the days until I can see my mistress again..."

    Sitting in her chair quietly, Bernkastel watched the clock clack back and fourth.
    "My, this is something, isn't it?"
    With a quick sip of her tea, she could feel her eyes droop into a slow slumber.
    "I suppose I can grant you a miracle."
    "Just one"
    "But understand this; your reunion will not be as you expect."
    There was a short pause before she ran her fingers across the cup.
    "All of you have changed."
    "And this will be evidence of it."

    The witch closed her eyes, awaiting for the next chapter.
    A bustling city.
    A desolate wasteland.
    A fragile child.
    A strong warrior.
    A reunion in life.
    A reunion in death.
    And, of course, betrayl, betrayl, betrayl.

    With tears running down his face, the man wrapped his arms, invitingly, around the boy. "I can't believe it--!"

    Hugging in an incredibly tight manner, he lowered his head, "Thank you for all you've done. Kamina. For me and everyone else."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: Oh shi- banners!
    Now I'm reminded why I don't use them


    Scanty and Kneesocks looked at eachother for a moment before shrugging at Luffy.
    "Whatever we can do."
    "And if not-"
    "There's always our orders."
    The two girls refused to say what their orders were. Of course they consisted of the usual: hostages, prisoners, bondage, RRUURUUS, and then back to the tower before sundown.

    Kakyoin picked up strips of cloth and held them behind his back; walking over to Tsukasa with the biggest, most sadistic smile. "Magashi. Now."
    They were going to fix up the kid whether he was going to agree to it or not.



    "Of course!" Jolyne shouted before smacking poor Scott's back with a muscular arm.
    Suddenly there was beeping....."Huh?" Picking up a cellphone off of the ground she showed it to the guy, "I think you dropped this." After messing with it for a bit, she decided to check the text.

    'Take care of my daughter.
    -Jotaro Kujo.'

    Showing it to the group she then bit her lip slightly, " family's kindof weird like that...."
    Knowing her father, this was probably meant as a threat than a demand.
    "Either waaaaay...." she handed the cellphone back slowly, "Let's head off!" The energy could be so clearly heard in her voice, it was rediculous to know why or how Jojo could be like this.


    Dio pursed his lips at the fact that he had to now watch the fight at a longer range. Something must have killed all of the cameras in the area.
    "Well I suppose you deserve alittle something." The vampire quipped before shoving all of the cash Fate's way, "Here you go; winner." Turning over on his stomach he then revealed a sharp, toothy grin. "This is quite the entertainment; now isn't it?"
    Despite the range of the camera; he still has the best seats in the house.

    Regaining some sort of sanity back from his fury; Kujo turned about to notice that everything had turned into hell in a handbasket. If it wasn't destroying, it was either screaming or dead.
    He seemed to realize how much things have unwraveled. Even himself.
    "Kamina." Jotaro called out under his breath, "You better get your ass back here---"

    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. terminallyCapricious
    Rumbling subsided in a flash of light as the Moon had crashed into them.


    They were now in the same exact town again; except, now, both the moon and the statue were gone. A happy barking could be heard about the area as everything seemed normal once again.
    The large clock tower had open doors and a welcoming tick-tock sound to it.


    Jolyne nearly choked on her own saliva when he said that. "Yeah...we noticed..." A bland look was upon her face, "Uh, hey look! Scotty's gonna be our leader-guy!" She just seriously wanted to change the conversation to something else. ANYTHING ELSE.


    Kakyoin inched his way over to Magashi's side and whispered a plan into his ear. It was cunning, it was devious, and it was downright odd.
    But it wasn't like the either of them cared. It had to be done.


    Mood setting theme music now.


    Time seemed to slow down around them.
    Everthing was happening too fast. Too fast.
    It was murdersome.
    They had lost their tranquility.
    They had lost their leader.
    They had lost their family.

    Star Platinum was disenaged. He was going to kill this thing with his own hands. It was probably immortal a few seconds ago. But now? It just signed it's fucking death warrent.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. terminallyCapricious

    The creature folded it's hand in a sharp manner and raced to send it straight through.

    "ZA WARUDO!"
    Five seconds.
    He had five seconds to do this.
    Four seconds.
    Forgetting all that was going on around him; Yusuke, Defense, Sonic, Simon- everything.
    Three seconds.
    He had to save Kamina.
    Two seconds.
    Each footstep approching ever closer, the thoughts kept flowing faster.
    One second.
    Just a bit farther.
    Time resumes.

    The sound of it's claws through metal was almost defening as the unspeakable had occured. It's entire hand had peirced through gurren...and Kamina.
    The creature then took it's other hand casually and repeated the process.

    Kujo slammed his Stand's hand into the beast's arm- severing it quickly. The unbreakable rage could be seen so clearly at this moment that he became a frightening figure. The damage he had just dealt didn't help. It wouldn't bring him back.

    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. terminallyCapricious
    Jojo tipped his hat in a graceful manner before putting two fingers closely together, "Star finger." Star Platinum's fingers extended to cut straight through the monster's arm. It wasn't much...but still, two small holes would be enough for a distraction.

    Screeching in dismay, it reached over to grab both Freedom Sonic and Yusuke in one handfull and smashing said hand around at random. This killed several SEED and did quite the number on the two before the monster tossed them back into the jungle.

    'We're just pissing this thing off.' Jotaro thought to himself, 'Good. I hope you're pretty fucking dandy by the time we're done with you.'


    The statue appeared in a green flashing light to watch the group.
    Just all giddy as can be.


    Laying back soundlessly and raising his hand to the starry night, the young boy wondered about what would soon happen. "How might your wounds be?" He asked no one in particular with a quiet drone; his mind still somewhere else.


    Jolyne scratched her head and laughed, "Um, yeah."
    She looked from Scott to Chrono to Alice and back, "So....having an interesting conversation here; are we?"
    This moment was almost ask awkward when that guard caught her....erhm having 'alone time' in prison.


    Sakuya slipped on her schoolgirl outfit and looked at the reflection shown in the mirror. "......This is so degrading." She would much rather be looking at flowers or cooking a nice meal; not this grunt-work. "Like madam says; even love can be found in the depths of Hell." Taking a big breath, the maid decided to try to think positively.


    Staring blankly, the vampire pulled out several dollars; whatever cash his victims had on them, and placed it onto the machine. "Take your bets."
    Swishing around the saliva in his mouth, he spat onto the screen. It hit Simon's face.
    "My bets are on him being killed first."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. terminallyCapricious
    Saluting, Jotaro dropped himself, like dead weight, off of the mech. As soon as his toes touched the ground, he let Star Platinum appear behind his back. "Hey, woman, you think you can get me within two meters of that thing's face?"
    He turned to watch Kamina go be a hero; asking for a bit of luck for the kid before heading off towards the beast. "Ready for a little trick of mine?" The man asked Defense before grabbing her hand and pulling her into his arms, "Za warudo." Kujo then proceeded to carry her within a few more feet of the creature before his five-second limit was up.
    It was a start.

    OOC: Will post more later.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. terminallyCapricious
    "I certainly hope not." Commented Dio with a slight enthusiasm about his voice; "Jojo is mine." There was a quick pause upon realizing how completely odd this statement was, "I am the only one allowed to kill him." Clapping his hands and relaxing back on the machine, he hung his head off of the edge and watched the screen up-side-down. Turning to Fate in a nonchalantly manner, he asked, "Are you type O?"


    Realizing something was wrong, Jojo tapped his shoe on the mecha, "Looks like we'll have to make it up to the others for being stuck with mooks all the time." He figured small talk was the best way to go about this.
    Or he could just let Kamina beat the sense back into Simon but this wasn't the time or the place for that right now.

    Crawling upon it's knees (mostly because there was no more leg past that point), the beast grappled onto Lagann and tilted it slightly before slamming it onto the ground. Letting out a high-pitched scream all the way.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. terminallyCapricious
  17. terminallyCapricious
  18. terminallyCapricious
    Dio lazily layed across some machine of Howzer's; pushing several buttons in random accordance. The women have come to bore him and this was the closest thing to amusement he could receive for now....
    A fairly small rumble made it's way throughout the tower, "Oh hey, it's alive again." The vampire slinked slowly off of the machine and slowly made his way to the nearest screen to watch the fight. Yawning, he closed one eye and scratched himself, "Hey, Destiny," he called to Fate, "What's going on in here?"


    Jotaro's face went back to it's usual emotionless glare; "It's about time." He's been ready to kick this thing's ass again since what happened yesterday. Not so much what happened to himself; but what befell Reinforce.

    Opening it's black eyes, the creature twitched in a seizure-like manner as darkness filled the area again.

    OOC: New form: [link because it's an effing huge picture]
    I command it.

    "Hey, I'm hitching a Ride." Kujo stated matter-of-factly before grabbing onto Gurren and holding onto it tightly for the upcoming combination.

    "RIGHT!" Both sisters saluted simutaiously before Kneesocks picked up and threw a rock back at Fastener.
    "Full speed ahead!"
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. terminallyCapricious
  20. terminallyCapricious
    As soon as Rath burst into the attic, the girl then pushed herself away from the dragon, "LEMME BACK IN LEMME BACK IN!" She had to be by her friend's side.
    Although there wasn't anything in the room; still, it was a very scary sight and she wanted to make sure he would be okay upon seeing it.

    Barnabas wanted so dearly to roll his eyes at this escapade.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home