Oh wow, you can actually see things from inside an airplane? I always thought that was a myth. And lol you must have smelled like the inside of...
"Liar." Josette pouted and narrowed her eyes; forming quite the smug look on her face, "If you're so mean then why haven't you pulled my hair and kicked dirt in my eyes yet?" she asked, pulling one example of many out of her head. This guy sure was weird. She became silent and started to eat a bit more before pushing her plate aside, now feeling ill from the intake. "Here Barnabas," she belched in a sickened manner while putting the plate down for him to eat, "You can have the rest." The mouse lept upon the plate before it even hit the ground; digging through cakes covered in frosted icing that dripped off of the edges, roast that was soaked in it's own gravy, carrots drowned in butter, and-oh joy! This meal was fit for the kings! Never in his life had he been fed so well! It was extacy! OOC: I totally misspelled that word >_> IC: Giggling to herself she put the plate rather close to Rath's face, displaying the mouse's gorging at a more-than-uncomfortable range. "Isn't he the cutest?"
ACK! THE MOSQUITO: MY MORTAL ENEMY! But yes, I can imagine you'd need enough bugspray to drown an army because of their abundance. And did...
*noms Sakutarou's ears*
.......that.......... THAT IS SO AMAZING! I mean---wow. I only heard of rich people going there(not saying you're not rich or anything) Did...
This man seemed to know alot, if she wasn't so afraid he would make fun of her, she would ask him to help her remember the old nursery ryme. Others normally taunted her for singing 'baby songs' but that didn't stop her from singing it; just not aloud. "Are you going to be able to channel ghosts and talk to aliens and get the blessings of angels?" she asked, rather excited at the thought of coming across some sort of amazing sight like that.
Well of course we did!(we're not that bad, are we? :lolface:) Where did you go anyway? Summer Vacation?(ABAJ I'M TRYING TO MAKE CONVERSATION...
"Aren't you gonna eat?" Josette asked him from across the table, of course with her mouth once again full, it sounded more like "ARNHGAHGOMAMEAT?" After a while of swallowing, she looked downward to Barnabas who was now at her feet, "Shoo!" she waved her hand at him, not wanting to share. Normally she wouldn't run up to someone like Rath, or even speak to him for that matter, but she felt it was her duty to make sure he wasn't wandering away from the others until the Elder got back. It's always nice when someone depends on her. "So are you gonna be departed up too?" she asked; most likely, she had gotten the words 'partnered' and 'departed' mixed up.
Gah, I bet it does! This place has quite the RP team =3 And quite the people. BUT YES! When you were like "SEVEN-erh i mean- TWO DAAAAAYS" we...
*leaps* YOU'RE BACK!
OOC: ABAJING FINALLY! p____p Also no banner justcuz *trollface* IC: A tiny form scurried around Rath, stopping a bit in front of him. "MMNNFFFFH!" She yelled, a dinnercake hanging out of her mouth muffling the words. Taking a second to swallow, the girl finally gasped and pointed to him, "You're late!" Josette stated the obvious in an almost demanding manner. "The elder left, but I'm sure she'll come back if you wait." The little girl reached into her dress-basket and pulled out a piece of fruit, "Here ya go~" She seemed so comfortable around this person- probably because of her innocence- either way, she decided to keep around him. "So you must be a Guardian, huh?" The question wasn't too oblivious; not many people could tell the difference between and Guardian and any ol' person.
OOC: ;w; IC: The world of darkness retired back to it's previous state. Trees to trees, grass to grass, earth to earth, reality to reality. Although the zombies still remained, the others would have next to no problems dealing with them. So she waited. Not out of fear, but out of preparation. Feeling full on their pain. Feeling whole from their readiness to kill. Feeling ready to consume it all again. The clock was ticking. ~~~ Angelique grinned at her accomplishment, "With the two of them together; those monsters won't be able to lay one single finger on the either of them!" her hands clapped together, "Now if only the other two would stregnthen their bond more..." She wondered what she could do to make the relationship stronger. Ichigo and Akiza surely needed a push or two and she knew just what to do. "A dream!" Her fingers snapped loudly, "I will give them both a nightmare past anything they would ever experience." The woman's reasoning was more than a bit shaky but she didn't have much of a mind to go on anymore, "If they see that they could lose everything and anything they have ever loved and desired- said things would become more valuable. So," she lifted two cards and grinned, "It shall be done." Although---she had to admit that jealousy dwindled in her heart; it hurt to see others be so happy while she was---this. But a certain birdy told her that everything will be alright. She believes this to be true. ~~~ The man straightened his lab coat and examined the two cells, "I see both are working rather productively. Vitals are normal. Dio, who was now wearing one of his particularly odd outfits that consisted of him showing off more than he should. OOC: no seriously. Spoiler This consists of his average leisurewear. :lolface: Ohshi- he has kakyoin's hairdoo in this picture >_> I DONT UNDERSTAND. DAVID'S MOTHER IS A PHEONIX! DUMBLEDOUR DIES! HIGURASHI CANNOT CRY! IC: "Ignore her." The man commented, as unamused as you probably are right now by that OOC. "I see..." Dio put his finger in one of the cages, "You're an adorable little bunny." His voice felt almost inviting with how soothing it was to the ears. "I believe they'll be perfect subjects to test out my studies." he wrote down something on a clip board and watched their reactions. "Don't break them." He gave a toothy grin, "That's my job." Adjusting his shades, the scientist nodded, "My work is not as destructive as yours." The vampire scoffed at this comment; blantant lies.....blantant lies... OOC: *cues Destiny*
The door triggered small bombs that blew off the structures in the hallway; blocking off all doors- including the one that Magashi had just walked through. A certain bomb in particular set off straight in Kakyoin's face. His body became rigid and fell to the floor in pain although he didn't scream nor make any sort of noise. The boy touched his eyes for a moment and felt some kind of wam liquid but could no loner see anything to tell if it was blood or something worse. He was blind again. OOC: SMALL BOOOOOMBS!! :lolface: IC: ~~~ The beast roared at the new continder as the pain meant nothing. NOTHING but the hatred around it. It fed off of the unleashed chaos that Reinforce was spouting. This would be enough to make her whole. It charged her again, hoping to be attacked. The more anger, the more pain, the more power.