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  1. terminallyCapricious
    There was a pause and a slight thinning of his lips as he offered up his name in a polite tone, "Wesker. Albert Wesker."

    OOC: You may now scream "Oh fuck" while read the character profile.
    Character: Albert Wesker
    Age: 44
    Sex: Male
    Series: Resident Evil
    In his uniform now.


    Ability/Weapon: His handguns and the long-term effects of the virus that have changed his body beyond the point of human. Oh and tons and tons of fucking knowledge and zombies.
    Additional Information: A scientist working with Umbrella. He believes he can create a new, much better world through his acts of cleansing it and becoming god.
    Of course he's stayed quiet for so long; it's surprising that he would keep his place among these hammy antagonists

    His expression could not be seen from behind the thick sunglasses but there was a bit of a kindness about him. "I am the leader of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team." Presenting his badge with a bit of honor in his voice.
    This was of course a straightoff lie. He had been cut away from those pests for some time. Of course except for Jill and Chris. Oh what fates does he get entraped with...
    "It is my duty to protect and serve." He gave a nod to the girl and unstrapped his gun, "I suppose you are all under my care now." This wasn't the first time he had worked undercover; but these people were surely unable to tell if he was one of them or not.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. terminallyCapricious

    "Hello." Stated a figure sitting in a rather shady seat in the back of the train. He was dressed in what looked like a police uniform. "I suppose you're also lost here." The man stared from behind thick shades quietly.

    Shoving his hands into his pockets, Jotaro shuffled out onto the deck, he wanted answers and he ****ing wanted them now. Although, keeping to the plan, he wouldn't do anything. Nothing at all. Just ask questions...even if that meant twisting a few heads until the got them...
    Hiding a good distance away, Scanty gave Fastener the signal, a large toothy grin outstretched across her red face.

    Kakyoin stood on the edge of the floating island and stared at the two was a loud blonde who spoke in gratuitous english and the other was a gothic lolita who stuffed her face constantly. This....this looked more than interesting.
    "Wake up." He demanded of the two, "It seems we have company."


    "Yeaaaaah!" Italy cheered with a vigorous tone as he followed shortly behind J. What a nice guy! I mean, he's as scary as Prussia but as nice as Germany! Oh man, he hoped this guy had some good meats and cheeses on his alien ship.
    "You gonna probe us; va?" He asked, rather scared of the answer.


    Kujo made her way into the cart, "Is it okay? No weird ghost or serial killer thing?" To be truthful, she's had her fair share of those. Upon seeing the boy, her fear dissolved completely as she made her way to the kid and sat next to him quietly, " know, he does look kindof sick...and he is kindof cute." Admittingly, he was adorable in her opinion. The pink hair didn't help either.
    Upon Scott's suggestion, she took both of her muscular arms and shook him rapidly, which would probably make him spew chunks all overy everything.

    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. terminallyCapricious
  4. terminallyCapricious
    Sitting on the almost completely empty train was a lone man; waiting for the others to climb aboard.
    He adjusted his bulletproof vest and returned back to doing nothing.
    There was no life on the train.

    OOC: Oooh! New person!
    "Hey-a! J-person! He's-a ignoring me!" Cried the country as he pulled on the man's clothing. What a dick this new guys was. Almost like big brother Romano! Ahhh...big brother Romano....

    Waving a card in an almost disgruntled way, the woman yelled, "Speak to me!" So at least the poor souls(litterally) could communicate with her properly.

    "This is the girl I was telling you about Kamina." Jonathan announced while nudging his vision towards Angelique.

    Bernkastel stood up from her chair (it felt like she had been sitting on her bum, drinking tea since forever) and made her way down the halls, assuming Reinforce's form with a cat-like grin. "Time to do more damage I suppose." The emotionless tones could be heard in her voice once again.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. terminallyCapricious
    Axel's music nearly blasted their eardrums out. 'What is this monstrosity?!' he thought to himself, never hearing such music before it his life. It hurt. It hurt for some odd reason.
    Two fists came out of nowhere and smacked the demon across the face. This was enough to stop this accursed sound. Before it was too late, he just realized he showed some of his power to the others...not all of it. But enough.

    "It's hilarious, really." Started the vampire for a moment as he dodged each attack after another(of course in the process he became bruised and burnt; this meant nothing to someone of his stature). "Your stories are of deciding your own fates and lives; BUT YOUR LIVES WERE NEVER OF YOUR OWN ACCORD!" Dio threw his head back in laughter as he started backing up with the boy onto the train tracks. "All of your are only insturments created to tell a story. We all are. We always have been."
    And as soon as he said this; the train burst out of nowhere at such speeds.
    It seemed as if it had hit the two but they had clearly vanished before the collision had occured. The train stopped a few meters away and opened it's doors in greeting.
    The fight was over. Abruptly but it was.
    Ending with only the vampire's words for them to listen to.

    -Somewhere Else-
    They appeared in a completely different area, not of the tower at all but on top of a building in a bustling city. Shoving two fingers in each of his ears from the horrific ear damage he had just recieved earlier, the Dio sighed, "Ahhh how satisfying it is to gracefully walk out of a fight when the 'heroes' are ready to show off their 'courage' and 'bravery'!" A large toothy grin showed just how satisfied he was with himself, "I wll admit though, towards the end it did entertain me." He checked over his wounds for a moment and picked his teeth, looking around for a woman who was walking alone to snag. One would just be enough to heal these wounds..."I should say, you've got quite the patience to work for the witch like you do!" And then he vanished in search for his next meal.

    ".........." The young man stared blankly for a few moments before shoving a thumb towards Archer and looking to his friend, "This guy comes up with better ideas..."
    Standing up again, rather dramatically, he started up again, "I just figured we could get just a connection to the internet to fight theirs...but, hell, taking all of their machines sounds like a pretty damn fine idea!" Applauding happily this 'sorcerer' pointed forward, "Then it's settled! We're going after all of their technology! All of it!"


    Giving a large grin and tip-toeing around the man, Kneesocks decided this was a better time than any to, admittingly, let out all of the lines they were fed earlier. Cutting off the video, before the resolvement was seen, she sighed, "I guess you should know that there are more than just the big guys running around here- huh?"

    Scanty(who was now magically inside the ship again), grabbed Luffy by his shirt, "You're going to serve the guests! Do it with ORDER!" At the last word, she had shoved the kid into the dining room with the others and threw(rather carelessly) a tray at him.
    This whole event took away from everyone's attention- for at least a second, anyway.


    Jojo kneeled down and peeked through the, now broken, window. "Um...hello in there?" She called out, knocking on the metal interior.
    When they didn't get a response she made her way to the door, "I'm not going in here alone." she stated matter-of-factly before pulling Alice in front of her, "You first."


    "Because then I'd just have to referr to you as Mr. Big scary man!" Italy laughed as little cartoon hearts popped out of his head. His stomach then growled and the tiny curled hair of his sunk, "I'm-a so hungry! Where's-a the food around here!?"
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. terminallyCapricious
    "No! This time it's not an alchohol induced dillusion!" The 'this time' made his story a bit less credible at this point, "Either way; we're going to have to penetrate their tower and take them. And I know exactly where the tower is at this point!" he layed out a (stolen)map that seemed to work a bit like a small brick puzzle, "Here." He said, positioning it so everyone can see.
    "Now, I'm not sure what this 'internet' thing is..." He started, "But they use these really odd looking computers to get it!" The older boy posed in a hammy way and laughed, "Nihihihihi! Once that witch leaves, we can sneak in progressively and take one of those computers! Then we'll be taking the first step to finding out a bit more about this place!"


    "Kamina, I think we're here." Jonathan pointed out to the kid. Swords wizzed right through the two- although since they were only spirits, there was no actual effect or anything- "Looks like trouble...."

    Gripping her hands at her sides the woman yelled, "Wh-what are you two doing here?"


    "Oooh that's some-a shiny thing you got there!" Italy said, nudging a finger towards the jewel with a large grin on his face. "So...." His smile faded for a second as he looked between the two men. It popped back up again shortly after, "You got any pasta?"


    "Ngh...wha?" Noriaki awoke in silence, rubbing his eyes and looking about at everyone who was still asleep. The sun was rising slowly...or falling...hopefully it wasn't falling. Kakyoin pulled on his jacket and pants before sitting by himself, just listening to the wind passing by...
    The others will surely awaken soon.

    In the distance he could hear the sounds of two girls hear such small voices in a place like this.


    Jotaro read the note in the corner of his eyes before unfolding it and pretending to place it in his lap. Really, he was shoving it into his pocket, following by the plan exactly.
    He was going to keep the others safe at any cost.

    "I'm glad you could join us~" Announced the blue-haired demon as she made her way onto deck, "I guess I should tell you the news...BUT FIRST ENJOY YOUR VERY LOVELY MEAL OF--" she then noticed the ever-so-lovely mood that drained everyone's apetite.
    "Mgh...Well, would you all enjoy some lovely television?" She turned it onto one channel in specific.
    Showing Kakyoin being set on fire when he was trying to save Magashi earlier. The fact that Tsukasa was just telling his backstory at the time made it seem as if....he was the one who set the boy on fire.

    Jotaro immediately shot out of his chair, a very...odd look upon his face. "What is this?!The grinding of clenched teeth could be heard from a mile away.

    "Very bad people~" Kneesocks said with a grin, "Who captured your friend."
    Everything was working just according to plan....


    Dio grinned in return and mumbled under his breath as time stopped around everyone. "Hahahaha! Now this is what I call a battle!" Taking one sword in his hand, he turned it precicely so it would fire directly at Inuyasha. Then, once he moved out of the way, he resumed time. It was as if he had teleported across the entire field.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. terminallyCapricious
    Jotaro sat Reinforce down in a seat towards the beginning of the table; then making his way completely to the opposite side of the end and sitting down next to Deadpool. All without saying how or why.
    After only a few seconds, he slid over a napkin with a message scrolled across it to the masked man at his side.
    It read:

    'Don't alarm anyone but I believe these people are up to something.
    What's the plan?'

    The man then continued to stare forward; acting like he was not making any contact with the superhero at all. He didn't want to set anyone off about anything. Expecailly right now.


    "Alright, let's head off!" The young man said with a large grin.
    Once they reached a small door, he kicked it open and yelled, "Hey Frenchie! We got ourselves a new one!" Slamming his hands down upon the small circular table he then announce in the most hammiest manner possible, "And now it is time to reveal my most ingenious plan yet!" There was a large index finger that pointed to....the he continued, "We're going to steal their internet machine!"

    Sitting down with a large grin, the boy fell silent again, wrapping the cape around his body to keep it from touching the floor. "I'm not sure what it is but it's a way that they're churning out information from the outside worlds. It the birthplace of this world."


    Cracking his neck with a bit of distaste, the vampire could hear the sound of a train from a distance, "Looks like our little visit is being cut short! But no worries!" he pulled out several knives, "I'll make sure it lasts!"
    He didn't even need to stop the clock for this; he threw thirty knives in succession at the group; each one aiming perfectly at it's target.
    Oh what a lovely noise it is for steel to hit flesh!
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. terminallyCapricious
    The vampire stared blankly...he was hit but...well, yes, this was just pathetic. The more one overshadowed the others, the more boring this got. It was like some contest to figure out who was how powerful. They weren't even attempting to work fun!
    His little friend easily stopped the Getsuga- which was more than laughable because it seemed to tire out their little 'assailant'.

    "So sorry," Dio apologized in a sarcastic manner, "But I do believe that you're just no all future boy!" Highpressured blood shot from the vampire's eyes and hit Eiji several places in the chest, ripping all the way through to the bone.
    The noise surely wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world, but it was peace to his ears...unlike hearing them yell attacks all day.

    He didn't even need his Stand to kill all of these useless things! It was so simple!

    But of course; this child might have something to say about these unfolding events....


    Giving the biggest smile imaginable, the boy ruffled his own hair and waved, "I am-a Italia! And who are you big scary man of scariness?" The flag settled at his side as Italy stood there laughing to himself about...really, nothing in particular at all.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. terminallyCapricious

    Still holding his bored expression, the figure took the shots and the whip with little to no effort. "Really now, is this all you can do?" There was a laugh as the holes healed themselves. As soon as Inuyasha rushed him, the Vampire clung to his neck and dug his fingers in, draining more blood. Turning to the kid at his side, Dio grinned, "Did you know that if you crush something's heart, it's brain still runs for seven more minuets?" Red eyes glided over to the demon in his clutches, "I wonder...."
    He didn't really have to torture the group like this- he could just keep them occupied some other way until the train arrived- but this way was just so damn fun!

    "Ah! Others!" These strangers were admittingly as big as Germany! How-a-scary! The country stood up and ran over energetically towards the scary one, "I SURRENDERRRR!!" His white flag waving about, Italy could only think of one thing; 'Maybe they'll feed me when I get captured! I hope the food isn't as bad as british food! Ooh! Pasta and cheeses would be the best! Va~'



    "Well.....this is um...yeah..." Jolyne spurted out for a moment at the broken window.


    Kujo nodded to himself for a moment and continued onto the deck.

    The demon watched them all for a moment, wondering what had just happened; but then realizing that she was much more important that these stupid people, "We have a buffet ready for everyone to enjoy during their ride. Single file order. I command it."

    The man didn't feel like fact, the thought made his stomach churn, but he supposed they should at least sit down anyway.

    Opening the doors to the newly layed out table, Scanty grinned, "Enjoy the best food you could ever lay your filthy hands on!"

    Banging on the library door, the 'Sorcerer' called out to Archer, "Hey, get your ass out here; we're planning!"

    The greatest idea had come to his mind and it had to be settled...of course this was almost a suicide mission, it was needed to progress the story!

    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 14, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: Okaaaaaaay. Then let's make it Justin that he was talking to....


    Crawling out from behind said rock was a young boy "Please-aaaaaa!!! I'm a virgin!" The flag was waved at such speeds that it caused a slight wind. He didn't really know if he was pleading to the scary alien spaceship or the boy; either way, both were just frightening! "I've been wandering since forever and all I need is some pastaaaaaa!!!"

    Oooh ho ho~ Who is this new person?
    Character: Italy (lolno I'm not using the unofficail name for him)
    Age: Over 900
    Sex: Male
    Series: Hetalia
    Ability/Weapon: He can make the best cuisine known to man and he can surrender at the drop of a hat.
    Additional Information: Italy is a lover, not a fighter! He enjoys pasta and pizza, relaxing, and hanging out with is good friend Germany! Very talented in the arts; he is an impressive country known for it's beautiful art and music.

    Dio yawned out of boredom, raising a hand to his mouth, "Not as entertaining as I thought they would be..." Out of his fingertips shot several tentacles that dug into Ichigo's, Willykat's, Harry's, and Gil's skin, draining a rather large ammount of blood in seconds. "Delicious!" He announced aloud in a satisified voice- void of much else emotion.


    Listening to Tsuksasa's story and folding his legs upward, the boy took in every word quietly. 'Well this explains is difficult personality....' He thought to himself with a smile, "I see you have been through quite alot. I'm surprised you stayed sane." Kakyoin took the only non-blacked-out-card in his hands and looked at it for a moment, "I suppose you must destroy to create."
    A small laugh burst out as he handed said card back, "But I just might be talking nonesense, here."
    He looked back at the windmill. "I can't say my life was that exciting; but it was exciting indeed."


    The subway was packed to the ends with dirt and grime; it was filthy as if several hundreds of people were shoved gut-to-butt in and out every day. You could practically hear the people that were once shuffling in and out of each tram. Jolyne's ripped a guy's tounge out of his mouth but this place is just disgusting! She was so close to pulling up her spiderweb-print skirt and running out of there but stayed anyway, making sure to stay behind their leader at all times.
    Standing up at her straightest, Jojo looked around for a moment, "Well this isn't so bad!" She moved Scott aside and walked out to the others, "Since there's nothing here, there's nothing at all to be afraid of!" Placing her hands on her hips she leaned against a subway car, "I thought it was going to end up like one of those survival horror ga-" Her eyes widened as she looked at the pink-haired head through the window. "WHAAA!!" She screamed before picking up some piece of broken-off concrete and slammed it through the window out of complete reaction(and boy was it some reaction :lolface:).
    "W-what the fuck was that?"

    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. terminallyCapricious
  12. terminallyCapricious

    Pointing a straight finger at the two, Scanty shouted, "Hey! Hook that thing up to the back!" She then pointed to a holstier where Gurren and Lagann could easily fit and be carried along.

    Jojo stopped halfway up the deck and waited to see what they would do next, still holding onto Force's hand although he most likely didn't realize this.
    Jonathan blurted out, "Wha-wait, I'm okay! Really I am!" Although his excuses for the redhead was to no avail. The younger boy's determination seemed to make it so he couldn't really refuse.
    Size didn't really matter now- since they no longer had phisical bodies, Joestar's huge muscles just seemed to be as light as air now. While being dragged halfway across the world(which doesn't talk half as much time when you're dead), the man thought to himself, 'I hope I get to meet someone like him in my next life...'

    He does.

    "Soooo; how are my lovely little peaches?" Grinned the vampire with enough charm to sway almost anyone....almost. "I brought a little friend to this little; entourage. I hope you don't mind~" He laughed a bit, deciding what to do first...
    That Moka girl still looked satisfyingly delictable.

    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. terminallyCapricious
  14. terminallyCapricious
    Gah! I hate upsetting people but Jotaro's group is just too full; besides I need to create the new group now.

    Choking for a bit- which is odd for a spirit to do- Jojo waved his arms, "I would have been perfectly fine if you just left me there. I mean Ichigo did and I trust he had a good reason for it!" The large man was very forgiving for any acts done against just him alone.

    Kujo didn't grip her hand as hard back, mostly because he didn't want it to seem like he was angry or upset.

    Upon reaching the shore, Jotaro spotted a large ship; "S.S.Satanic." He read off of the side, "How cute." The sarcasm in his voice was more than obvious. "The idea is pretty asinine." Looking back to the group the man walked aboard anyway, "But there's no where else to go."
    Hiding away, the sisters threw some rather impressive clothing his way, "Wear this and don't come out until we tell you!" Kneesocks stayed with Luffy while the other girl ran up to greet the victims.
    Upon reaching the deck, Scanty waved her captain's hat at them, "Welcome aboard!" Only to be met with....less than excited faces....
    'Who died?' The demon thought to herself, unable to comprehend how ironic the statement was.


    Jolyne gave a completely deadpan expression at everyone; deciding to go in after Chrono.....and after Scott(who she held right in front of herself for cover). Sure she's been through seven thousand different horrific circumstances but a Subway? Ahh! It's the creepiest thing ever! Even the stairs were covered in old gum and dead bugs, it was just nasty!


    Not too far from Eiji and Ankh was an incredibly loud scream that could pierce the heavens...or not. "WHITE FLAAAAAAAAAAG!!!"
    Behind a rock waved a white hankercheif tied to a stick frantically, "Please-a call of your scary huge weapon space ship monster thiiiiiing!!!" This was pleaded at seven hundred words a minuet.

    OOC: GUESS WHO? :lolface:
    With some care, after all this guy was a big team member, Kakyoin settled down next to him. He could clearly see that most of them were blacked out for...some odd reason. It could be a trick..or maybe some enemy Stand User is nearby.
    Pointing to the only pictured one, the boy asked, "How do you use these cards?"


    A hand with long, finely maniqured, curved nails cut down a few cellphones which hung from the tree's branches. Silencing a few screams in turn. "Your turn, boy."

    OOC: You may now check out the tree.

    Feeling the wind blow rampantly through her now brown hair, the woman stood quietly watching the group from a distance. She couldn't dare get too close to them- not yet.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: Fine; fixed Chris.

    Also holy *bleep* on a *bleep* sandwich; Snarf doesn't look half as hard-to-look-at like he used to....


    Raising a finger, Jotaro spoke slowly, "Keep walking."
    Turning to Yusuke he quietly remarked, "I'm glad they're lashing out at me. It shows they have some fire left." Sliding a hand around the woman at his side, he relaxed his shoulders. This wasn't the first time he lost someone close to him; and you know what? It never got any easier. The side of his jaw was still clenched as the group picked itself up off the ground.
    It was funny- a day had probably not even passed by when he told Kamina that he wouldn't end up like this.


    "She's normally here. This is her room you know...." Thinking for a long while, Jojo pointed over to a table that was just flowing over with weird cards, "She uses these quite often to see what's going on." Holding up rather burnt two cards distinctly, "And sometimes she uses them to do things....." Trailling off for a moment, he jumped back on another one.
    "My burial was much appreciated. Thank you!" A smile stretching across his big face showed just how greatful he was. "You should see it now..."
    The entire area was now covered in the most vibrant colored flowers that you could even imagine.

    "What is the matter with you now?" The boy asked in a non-snappy way, he just wanted to know if Tsukasa had ripped open a wound or something of the sort. "If you tore off those bandages I will refuse to put them back on you."


    Red eyes seemed to glow in a sinister manner, "Are you ready for alittle fun?" Fangs beared, the vampire was ready for so much more fun than he had been having.
    Ooh~ wouldn't it be amazing to watch them struggle?

    The sound of several ringing cellphones came from the tree; blasting throughout the area. This was followed by the noise of being picked up and...well..all that could be heard now were screams.
    Screams from everyone they loved and cared for.

    Oh, what fun this will be!


    Jolyne stared at Chrono for a short moment before turning back, "Not sure, don't ca-woah" She almost fell in a large hole.
    Upon inspection, everyone could see that it was a staircase...leading into the ground..."Does anyone else get the feeling like we're in a bad horror movie?" The girl laughed awkwardly, trying to keep herself from screaming.

    The sisters pushed and cleaned everything around the deck to prepare for their newest members.
    "GAH! What are we going to do with HIM?" Scanty shoved a finger towards Luffy's way.
    "Clean him up and send him below! We can't let the others see!" The demon yelled, waving the mop like it was a scepter.

    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. terminallyCapricious
    "Now you're taking. Red Knight." For some reason the boy's face had seemed to become more mature, more serious; from the tiresome bags under his eyes to the flickering look in his eyes. He seemed as though something has worn him down for years. Of course this was nothing to bother this guy about. Nah, to each his own.
    "Just one question: you don't have some weird fear of butterflies do you?"
    Once he asked this, several butterflies appeared and everything went white.

    The two appeared in an incredibly hot room with a checkered pattern across the floor. "Sorry about the weather. That's what happens when you provide accomodations in an active volcano." Shuffling through one file after another, he showed Archer several files. "These are all we could so far." A tounge-in-cheek statement this was- and a tad white lie too. Of course one certain file in his office is for himself, alone, to read.
    "Well I'm off." He folded the cape around his body and headed off before the man could add in another word.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. terminallyCapricious
    This 'Sorcerer' stared for a moment, "I guess I should have saved time by telling you that from beginning..." Sticking out his tounge in his way of showing that he really didn't like telling long stories. But this had to be done.

    OOC: I need to send you the info, Twilightblader.
    And as I kindof made clear, PMs are my sworn enemy.

    As he continued to tell Archer of what was going on; it became clear that this seemed like a really bad lie. "I can tell you from experience that this is the absolute truth!" He interrupted while, in turn, making things a bit more confusing.
    Once the story was finished, the boy took a long, good, gasp of air. "And there's not much else to it other than the fact that if you say no, I'm still pretty sure that the info will be safe in your hands." Laughing for a bit he then waved his hands, "That means I don't have to kill you!" This was of course a joke; he wouldn't consider doing something so horrible again!
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. terminallyCapricious
    Laughing to himself, the young man placed his hands on his hips and grinned, "I figured you'd say that!" Jumbling between one hand and another he started to wonder about how he could explain. "Let's just say a few things were stolen here and there from the big guys; Nihihihi..."
    Presenting a file from under his arm, the figure tossed it to the man with a smile, "Read up."
    The file was well-put-together. It listen several articles and information peices on Archer's life, traits, and personality. Almost like a biography.
    "Now before you say anything else, I have a proposition for you."
    Pointing a finger in a rather dramatic way; he announced in a loud, commanding voice, "You will join us in our discovery of this world!" His finger was then shoved straight into his pocket, leaving only one loose hand, "I mean we have so much in common already; Intelligence, Swordsmanship, and Visual Novels....I mean wait...what?" Trailing off for a moment, he then beared his tiny fangs in another toothy-grin, "I'm sure you'll consider it. Besides you're probably pissed that Jonathan was offed."
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: Woah, woah, woah, woah, WOAH! I think everyone got it wrong....or skimmed over most of that shit.

    Yeah, half of what I wrote was ignored. Wasn't it?

    Nyeh. At least Dark did me a favor and pointed it out so I wouldn't have an anurism right here in front of my computer.

    Anywho; I should now introduce this into the system (as the greatness that is Haruhi; made it happen)

    List of Power Restraints:

    Jotaro: Timestops are now limited considerably. He is also, now, slower in punches. Psycic powers are dropped a bit also.
    Jolyne: Unwraveling takes much more time. Cutting her string now causes a large ammount of damage and recoil to herself.

    Akiza: Will have only three cards(of your choice) in her deck.
    Inuyasha: Cannot use Demon forms. Powers are restrained.

    Ichigo: Cannot use any hollow forms, powers, ect. Also Bankai is near impossible to use.
    Moka: Removing the rosary will be restricted indefinately. She must rely on her own powers as herself.
    Dante: Stregnth and Speed is now equal to a regular human's.
    Tsukasa: All cards EXCEPT ONE(of your choice) are taken away. You will get a few more with time, don't worry.

    Reinforce: Spells can no longer be cast. Defense will be hard to bring out.
    Rein: Spells can no longer be cast. Summoning Voltaire will come with near-deadly results.
    Chrono: Spells can no longer be cast. Weapons cause a large ammount of recoil.

    Simon: Unable to use Gurren Lagann to fight.
    Yusuke: Powers are lessened by Half. Half damage, half effect. Half everything.

    Alice: Cannot go into rabbit mode. All powers are decreased by 40%.

    Sonics: Emeralds are now all gone. Speed is lessened by 23%. No powerups are allowed.

    ALSO ALL CHARACTERS ABLE TO SEE THE DEAD CAN NOT SEE KAMINA, JONATHAN, AND FUTURE DEAD CHARACTERS. Unles they are death themselves (No, spirit forms do not at all count, Kurosaki.)
    Although; if they are any spiritual form, they can be felt by the dead. Just not seen.

    List of Power Increases:

    Harry: He will now have a wider range of powerful spells.
    Yoko: She will be faster, stronger, and an even better crack-shot.
    Axel: All guitar attacks are powered up by 128%

    List of New Powers:

    Deadpool: Nuclear weapons.
    Kakyoin: Superhuman stregnth
    Ethan: ESP (Yah, you heard right)
    Yoko: Fire. Just fire. Fire anything.

    Regarding Amnesia:
    Any characters you bring into the RP that were watching the events broadcasted will not remember said events. [Such as intermission characters]
    I will have a few characters (Cameos) that will be brought in for a short ammount of time. They will have their memory. This is soley for the sake of the plot.

    If your characters were just wandering the world this whole time, then they don't need Amnesia since they cannot ruin my ever-so-hard work.

    I mean that would just be fucking dandy for someone to jump in and tell everyone their preassumed truth that is probably wrong anyway and ruin the entire course of my story so I may have to break my back rebuilding it; now wouldn't it?

    AHAHAHAHAHOHOHO~ I now know why people drink....


    Regarding Animals:
    They can now talk universally like everyone else.


    If you did not see a character listed here, just keep them the same as they have been.
    If you are still reading this, which you should (I don't spend two hours writing and looking up this bullshit just for you to just skim >_>) Then I thank you.
    Now: Your characters will eventually notice the power restraints/increases but it will not make them feel any weaker or anything like that. It'll just be like shooting off an empty gun. You don't know it's empty until you try to shoot it off.

    Now back to the story.



    The red crest of the sun touched upon the horizon as the light peeked through the lands.
    A large cape flowed in the afternoon wind, "Hello there, Emiya."
    He turned to the silver haired man who had wandered alone for so long. "Or would you preferr for me to call you 'Archer'?" Cocking an eyebrow at the man he swiftly raised his hands to show he meant no harm, "I'm just asking for the sake of politeness!"
    He wasn't going to tell Archer that he said it just sounded SO cool!

    Clapping his hands together and peering at the now bandaged and safe Tsukasa, Kakyoin smiled happily, "I thank you for your help, Magashi! If he kept refusing to recieve aide soon, he would most likely bleed to death tonight."
    A sortof displeased look swiped across his face, "Although it did prove to be quite the punisher for my shirt..." Realizing he now had to walk around with a blazer, the boy could already feelt he discomfort. "But, in the longrun, I hope that Destroyer has pleasant dreams this night....or at least egotistical since that seems to be his biggest feat."
    Waving at Magashi, Noriaki settled on his jacket but refused to fall asleep.
    There was just so much- so much- that happened today, it was almost impossible to intake it all.....


    As the storm clouds cleared; every member of Team Dai Gurren had finished burying their beloved leader. Tying the boy's cape around a stick in a similar manner which he had preformed for his ancestor, Jotaro stabbed the sword at the base of the grave as a symbol for all others.
    This was where a great person layed.

    Looking out to the group he was only met with morbid and dull faces that seemed to be out of hope. Kujo slid his hand across his cap and sighed, "I think we've done enough of this."
    Standing up, the man started to move away slightly; turning around to address the group as a whole, "I understand Kamina would want you to mourn him, sure, but this." He pointed out to everyone, "Not this."
    "He wants you to take a step forward. Not sob your eyes out at his grave until something else- probably something worse- to come up and kill you all!"
    "He wants you to stand up and get your Goddamn asses to walk into the sunset like the bold fighters that he and I know you all are."

    Expanding his distance from the others he used two fingers to salute his fallen 'son' and pointed to Simon. "Expecailly you."
    Gritting his teeth in a violent manner, he spurred out, "Who the Hell do you think we are?" Turning around, as his coat followed the flow of wind about his body, Jotaro began the march to the shoreline; expecting the others to wipe their tears, stand up straight, and fall in place behind him.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. terminallyCapricious
    OOC: Just for people who come up to this page and not the last:
    That is all.
    Post by: terminallyCapricious, Aug 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home