oops,i meant happy june 1st XD *glomps*hallo destiny!
lol,i pwn you all
merry christmas all XD
*takes cookie again and runs*youll never catch me! XD
i have been here longer then i thought XD....*takes cookie* mine! >D
aw man,i like that avvie XD me neither,i need to beat this game im playing XD
whatever happened to the old avvie? *yawns*im kinda sleepy myself
mah pet is sleeping......*comes over and pets and the head* im not used to you with this avvie DX i keep thinking your desaray!
want me to help? XD computers can get annoying at times
do you live in a 2story house? XD i have seen that emoticon to many times
doesnt everyone hate it when that happens? XD
why is it stupid?
i wonder why they do that...maybe because narutos awesome XD
i missed both :(
simple plan rocks,it is awesome.....i like pie.....
*falls through the roof and lands on couch*i just love doin' that.....XD
*glomps destiny* that might or might not be the last glomp i give you.....we'll miss you destiny!
aw man...i was hoping this wouldnt happen....by destiny,we will all miss you!*hugs*hopefully you will come back soon.....
me is alone........or am i?
H3110 my f@m!1y 0f fun!(0r n0t)