Search Results

  1. mchammer
    van- whos party and i play a mean ucalalie ( little guitar)
    Post by: mchammer, Aug 8, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  2. mchammer
    vanitas- takes vens chips* mm these are good
    Post by: mchammer, Aug 8, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  3. mchammer
    Van- oh joy (sarcastic) (at the bar there) I want (burp) to send a other round of drinks to the lovely couple over there the u can't miss them one has blue hair the other silver
    Post by: mchammer, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  4. mchammer
    Van hey Aqua Drinks are on me if I can come
    Post by: mchammer, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  5. mchammer
    van well I guess I'll come to drink and gamble
    Post by: mchammer, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  6. mchammer
    HEy guys new rule sense there to many characts no more new origenol or characters from other series now and it's final. Van- hey good guys what's shacking
    Post by: mchammer, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  7. mchammer
    van- ugh hey guys hey marluixa i got a proizition for you
    xigbar- oh not flower boy
    van- shsut up he be a vaaible asset
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 29, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  8. mchammer
    Van what the he'll Terra ur on my side plus ur pure evil (gags) and now one of you lucky contestents will now merge with me and well create the xblade so who wants to volentear
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  9. mchammer
    Van- falls to the ground and starts laughing ) only now have I truly won ( darkness pokes out of him and unversed spawn in the thousands
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  10. mchammer
    Van builds new Barrier that nothing not even Santa himself can break and dual riku. ( like In khfm 2 sora vs roxas wheni
    it goes slowmo
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  11. mchammer
    Van - dives into the ground doges aqua attack and jumps up and pulls her under ground leaving her there
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  12. mchammer
    Van- this is how it shall end for the releam of light and rikus gay ReleAm
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  13. mchammer
    Van- u can help no heart (doges and shoots beams of darkness T aqua (buts up barriars so no one else cna intervein 2 vs2
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  14. mchammer
    Van so the keybladers can power he xblade so I can merge with a being of pure light and be unstopiable
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  15. mchammer
    Van- well now you know to much so I will have to dispossessed of you both summons keyblade and wind shoots out of it nocking everone else out of the area except aqua and riku and a barrier appears keeping them in) U guys shall no pain more that your worst nightmares attacks aqua and riku
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  16. mchammer
    Van - well no bit I'm glad he did now I'll use my bug on all of to make u my slaves and prepare for the keyblade war again. Admiral ackbar ITS A TRAP. Soap-shut up you bloddy American
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  17. mchammer
    Van - yes he is the effects stay with him aren't I a diobolical genuis
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  18. mchammer
    Xemna- dude I did it with kingdom hearts where do you think that dragon I had came from got to go guys be on tommorw
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  19. mchammer
    t olive garden Van- first thing first should we get an appatiser or just order
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups
  20. mchammer
    Xemnas- I'm your supier and I demade you to stop at once or so help kingdom shall strike you down were you sTand
    Post by: mchammer, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups