van- to ven what
van- cool i feel like i met you before are we related
van- were am i who am i
van s - no he still from ven it just that the unverse are no more and the xblade is no more in van control and hes forton everyone so if i were you i would minipulate him cause he is now a keyblade bearer and also ven has no darkness again at all that will be 645265762 munny
van - ( keyblade apppears but turns into othkeeper and gets a new body suit fit for a king)
van s- can also make him eveil again if you want
van s -(whos become a shcoler) hm maybe i could help (examines van) hm i see it seems he has come in contact with some one of oure light converting his pure darkness and hatred into love and compastion that will be 5656895784957490789487 munny please
van- no i feel like be good whats happing to me (armer disloves and van eyes go brown ) i --- passes out
van- what why do i have this warm feeling were my heart should be i feel happy
van- no, grabs aqua and kiss her again with out helemt on there ven thats how you push the butten
van- opps i forgot i had the helmet on
van- plls aqua into a pastianoiite quick kisss whikle riku isnt looking
Van still in dancing move grabs aqua and makes her dance Van s - ( helmet breaks showing cause he pure good now his real idenity (some one say someone he can be) no don't look at me
Sheperd thanks and I hope u don't mind I invites some freinds. Soap- I'm no freind I'm here for the free food. Price- same. Dragovitch-I'm a commi so I came. Spetnaz army we came cause we were going to kill them. Dr phil - I don't no why I'm here
Sheperd- in my cabin werei keep my love for happy and world salvation I don't under stand why people think I'm so evil I just don't understand
Van s - no I need to stop world hunger while giving to others and working to build house for headless aorthins HELP ME!!!!!!
Van- ( sings queens botheium rhapicidy while danceing)
van s- i have the urge to be good some one help me ahahahh ! sheperd- do you talk about it over cookies and milk
general sheperd- walks up to terra why the long face
xemnas- well if it isnt my my old friend aqua or should i say talking armer nummber one and ohh is that chips vanitas- okey well this party seems boring time to step it up (snaps fingers and lights go out) demyx give me a b miner (queens another one bites the dust)