van- uh being beaten by ven for the probaly 1000 time bad memories
van- yes it is riku look alike yes it is so what did i miss
vanitas- im ALIVE
xemnas- whats i s happing y organization homeboys
vanitas- (walking around twilight town) i think i'll try to take over the world again , hmh now all i need is an apprentice
vanitas- so i recovered my memory and now im the origanlly me again so uh any one want to make out
van- IM BACK *****S
luxord- f@ck you roxas!!!! (cries in corner) van- and who is this dude points to xikru
xemnas- appears out no were ) i here MX was here do any of you somebodys no were he is now
van- i did what luxord- everyone im back from the mental hospital and im cured xigbar- sure
van- (to riku)and who are you good person of the world
_ i no that it was suppose to vantalking rember he lost his memory van- who the hot girl
van- oh then i must have un cured it, by the way who are you anyway
van- hello good people of the world i just cured all forms of cancer
vanitas- do any of you chaps no were kairi is
van- what going on nice people of the world
van- then i will kill all of you with the power of anger and hatred
van- why hello good people can i get you some tea and cqusonts
van- ill help you find a cure for small pox
van- u i have the urge to help the hatioans anyof you other people that i never met before want to help