as in for good sad face what about terra
Happy holidays!!!
Happy holidays or if your atheist happy normal day as useual
did people leave the group or something
Happy holidays!!!1
whats up guys
hey bro whats been happening.
Hey bro havent talked to you in ages what been happening.
Hey whats going on!!!!
van - attention shopper attention shoppers i now have a new side kick, his name is shockwave, that is all van- shockwave meet the group, this sheperd,vick,dragovich,xigbar,xemnas,van s,soap, ruassian army, tst orce 101,dr phil,zombies,that weed i always try to offer everyoneunversed,no heart, xemnas dragon,heartless,nobodies, my pet asian,x blade,ergus armer, terranort,luxord hes's crazy luxord- play your cards right van- yay ugh and thats all so make yourself at home shock wave( walks up to everyone looking all evil) ...... omg guys its so great to meet you i was scared you woulded like me and that i would have to go cry in the corner. soap- we havent even said anything yet shockwave- good now were do i put my stuff no heart- ugh over here (shows him xigbar room dr phil- freack
van- and nio aqua i cant now DIE ( shoots ergus chains at hair while he pets his asian
van- master i missed (hugs and kiss him all over) did you keep my pet asain in good condition
van- thats right im a boss and im finally going to win
van-(the beam goes away and van appears whereing a combo of everyones armer and theres light and darkness like flames comign out of his back
beam hits riku as well beam- two in one thats im bringing the money home tonight
van- (pops head out of kingdom hearts) hey my job here is to be eveil its all i know now prepare (beam, shoots out of kingdom hearts and hits aqua
van- well while riku and aqua di@k around im going to take over kingdom hearts (summons xblade and goes into kingdom hearts) peace b!tchs
van- i bang aqua if thats what you inplying
van- oh k so i didnt miss alot well im going to take over the world again, peace
van- you kidding right and what about the suidcial dude terra and that crack pot aqua and that very sexy kairi