van/ kairi- hey eveyone im breaking up with whoever im going out with and im goin out with van now van s- oh its on riku (hulk smashes him in the wall
van s- kicks riku in the balls that for being a rich rebulican obama all the way
van- merges with kairi) oh i can see my seelf naked, i mean who said that commet ugh riku im not getting naked for u
van/rikue yay good times i mean who said that wime to go into anther body to reac havec
vna- in rikus head personally beats the **** out of ansem and makes him watch the direct tv operations video van/riku- i have proof show naked pics and sora cheeted on you
van/ riku- runs up to sora and kairi) I need to tell you something kairi sora and i have loads of naked pics of you in are rooms so u should not go out with neither of us and only van
van- this is for stealing my girfreind and because i love pain and while im at it (van merges with riku and van has complete controll of him) van- (in rikues head) he has alot of porn of kairi in here
van- hey riku guess what, and ven this is why we dont marry
van- ther is no van here only senor carlos (puts fake muststache on mask)
the group of 4 arrive (teleports inside the church and spikes all the drinks) terra its ur turn for the next phase of the black op
all right guys van s will put a frame charge on the door an once it blows me and terra will come in with shot--oh wrong plan. imena where going spike all of the drins tso they make everyone want rape riku all right
(whispers to terra) hey you wna tto crash the wedding with a coupleof other guys van offical coler is red ......for communism jk
mean joe green- hey kid (to riku) this guy causing you truble xemnas- im occially allowing people to join my new organization , if you want to join you have to consult xigbar
van- damit i want ed to show xion how to bake and puting iceing on an iccream cake so she can make one for the wedding, all well i guess im going out with aqua again
van- well xion now i will show you how it fells to putm the icing on the cake mwhahahhah
van= well if thats the case oh xion i need to show you something is this dark ally
luxord- all right guys im out of the hospital again so who wants to play a game of strip poker van- so is aqua kairi, namine xion all taken?
van - yay terra ur so an angel rember when you grabed aquas boob in the secret ending
van- hey riku van s- that was some party we went van a full 29 days of shear partying. van- lol rember when i threw that throwing knife in general sheperds eye funny as hell
van- im back beotchs