If Obsidian's behind it, I expect to be a horribly buggy mess with some great ideas.
Never said it would. I was simply expressing sadness that an important magazine was shutting down so suddenly without much of a legacy.
As someone who doesn't read GamePro, but is studying journalism, I can't disagree with you more. GamePro was an important part of gaming journalism and it is very sad to see it go, especially since it won't continue in a digital form, either.
Did you miss the game I'm comparing FFVXIII to? Duke Nukem Forever became a running joke among gamers and game developers because it took almost a decade and a half to be made. On top of that, despite the otherwise good reputation 3D Realms had, they admitted the fact that they had let it become a vanity project is what not only kept the game from getting done, its what lead to their closure. Then Gearbox, the acclaimed developers of Borderlands, took over. Hope was renewed for the game, but when it was finally released, 14 years (I was eight, you were five and some members of this forum probably weren't even born when DNF started development) after its announcement, it was an awful, poorly designed and buggy mess of a game. Let's look at FFvXIII's cycle. It was announced in 2006, pretty much along side of FFXIII and what was then known as Final Fantasy Agito XIII, it's the only part of the Fabula Nova Crystallis project that Nomura has significant creative control, it was three years between its announcement and its first public E3 appearance and another year before gameplay footage was first shown. FFXIII was released internationally, FFaXIII changed platforms, got a name change and was released in Japan, FFXIV was announced, released and apologized for, FFXIII-2 was announced and is getting ready to be released, all in the five year span since FFvXIII was announced. Not to mention that it was only announced in 2011 that it had started proper development. If this cycle continues, it won't be released for another few years, at least. I don't think its at DNF levels yet, but if FFvXIII doesn't have a similar case, nothing does.
I'm mostly confused over how its going to work. Anyone who's watched K-On can tell you that there isn't much going on outside of, as a friend of mine puts it, a bunch of "cute girls doing cute things." Two hours of that isn't going to make a good film.
No news of Nomura's vanity project that we haven't seen anything significant from in a few years? What a shock! /sarcasm I swear that FFVXIII is the new Duke Nukem Forever. Let's just hope that when it finally gets released, it doesn't suck like DNF.
Only four things popped out for me: Gundam SEED HD. Why? I get remastering for a new DVD or Blu-ray release, but why a remastering for TV? New season of Prince of Tennis. Because we totally need another season of that garbage. K-On movie. Seriously? I enjoyed the first season of the show, but if this takes after the boring as hell second season, what's the point? What can they do for a movie based on a show without much of a story? New season of Zero No Tsukaima. I have no problem with this. In fact, I find it interesting and reminds me that I need to see the other three seasons. EDIT: Missed two things: Rurouni Kenshin movie. I thought this was going to be a fillerless remake to have complete anime as the original version didn't have the final story arc due to bombed ratings in the last filler arc. Or is that some other project I'm thinking of? Berserk movie. Considering the amount of decay the original Berserk anime had, I can't say that I have a problem with this.
No, I'm saying it sucks because its the exact same every year. A sequel doesn't have to reinvent the wheel, but it shouldn't be a repackaging of the product from the year before, especially considering that it has twice the development time of most other yearly sequels. You're kidding right? You've GOT to be kidding. The single player in Modern Warfare has ALWAYS been a rushed, 4 hour long joke. They don't care about the single player because few people buy the game for the single player. Its a repetitive, uninteresting bore fest with a story about as deep as a Michael Bay movie. Hell, even if the single player wasn't a rushed piece of crap and was a well made experience, it is still laughable that the developers expect to me to pay $60 for a 4 hour game. If you're going to sell your game on the single player, you don't deserve 9/10's if its so brief that you can lazily run through it in one afternoon. So it isn't the fact that the maps are poorly designed messes or the fact that the weapon and perk balance is awful? And, again, you really can't say "its not for everyone" when it sells millions, I repeat, millions every single year. The series has broken sales records three times since the first Modern Warfare was released and continues to be the most played games on XBox Live, beating out even Halo and Gears of War. That's beyond mass appeal and a great example of how hype, simplicity and taking advantage of the mainstream can make even a mediocre game that is the same damn thing every year the most popular game on the market. This is probably the only 100% honest review of the game because its probably the only web site that isn't afraid to lose readers over a negative review.
You can make that argument about everything. It still doesn't hold up. The game is mainstream and practically anyone can pick it up and play. It is a minority of gamers who DON'T like it and, as such, the "its not for everyone" argument is bullshit. Your comparison to Warcraft is an odd one. Personally, I would argue the same as CoD, that its mass appeal means you really can't use the "its not for everyone" argument, but due to it being an MMO, its arguably more niche since MMOs tend to be rather niche. Hell, I'm sure someone could claim that Warcraft isn't mainstream due to it being in a niche genre. And the only actual action going on is dying every 10 seconds. There's really not a lot going on outside of that. Actually, its common knowledge that reviewers have bias towards mainstream titles like Call of Duty or Madden NFL and their high scores and praise is done because, due to people being stupid, they would likely lose readers if they gave their 100% honest opinions. They state the fact that it does nothing new, but still hand it a 9/10, something they would never do for less mainstream games. Not to mention the fact that the developers may as well not make a single player campaign since they never put any real effort into it anyway (seriously, how in the hell does the campaign get so much praise when its never more than 4 hours long).
How so? I'm not among the millions of CoD slaves, that's all I said. Like I said, this is a series that sells millions every year. That's proof enough of the series' mass appeal. My point was that you can't say that something with that much mass appeal "isn't for everyone."
Too bad I got sick of Red Dead's multi-player after getting sick of being randomly killed by other players being dicks.
So the game that sells millions despite basically repackaging the same content every other year (or in the case of a few of the horribly overpriced DLC, literally the same content) isn't for everyone? Sorry, but you can't say "its not for everyone" when it sells millions every year. Also, fast paced? Ha! Semi-realistic to the point dying every 10 seconds isn't fast paced. Team Fortress 2 is fast paced because there's a lot of fast action going on, Unreal Tournament is fast paced because there's a lot of fast going on. Call of Duty seems fast paced because you're dying every 10 seconds since its relatively realistic. And the fact of the matter is that Modern Warfare has never really done anything new. Its followed the footsteps of Battlefield since 2005, when Battlefield 2 switched to a modern setting. Call of Duty only switched to a modern setting after seeing the critical and financial success that Battlefield 2 enjoyed thanks to its switch from WWII to a modern setting. Hell, both games have very similar semi-realistic military styles. Personally? I'll take Space Marine and Team Fortress 2 over over done military shooters any day at this point.
Great news judgement there. Must have been a slow day at the office.
As the machine has no disc slot, not entirely. Anything downloaded reportedly works, but there's nowhere to put UMDs in.