If you like shooty, look into Tau and Necrons, which are the two armies with the most focus on shooting. Otherwise, HELL YEAH SPACE WOLVES! What other army has 7 and a half foot tall super soldiers in power armor that makes them even bigger riding on the back of wolves the size of cars?
Yeah, necrobumb, but I figure it's better than starting a new thread. So the new edition of the rule book comes out this weekend, who else is looking forward to it? I, for one, can't wait to let my Tau see combat again.... even if it is simply as allies to the Space Wolves.
If this news is indicating what I think it is, I'll give it another two or three years. To explain, this is exactly what Activision did with Guitar Hero. They had a huge hit with one game, so they started releasing multiple games each year to cash in. They did this by assigning old teams to new Guitar Hero games and building new teams for Guitar Hero. As soon as the market crashed by self-induced market oversaturation, they ceased production of the series and shut down half the teams they assigned to the series. It looks to me like Activision has felt that they've reached the point that they can with "only" one CoD game each year. Sales are appearing to stagnate with Modern Warfare 3 selling approximately the same amount as Black Ops. As Neversoft is Activision's go-to team for shovelware, it seems like they feel multiple games per year to be the next logical step. Remember, Neversoft has worked on a grand total of four franchises.... since 1998 and only two of them were Neversoft's idea in the first place. If Activision thinks that they'll be able to make CoD last another decade under that particular strategy, it shows that they have learned nothing from the trainwreck that was their treatment of Guitar Hero. Of course, this is entirely speculation based on one small part of Neversoft's website. We'll have to wait for an actual announcement to know what's going on with this for sure. Of course, if my speculation is correct, then I have to say that I'm sick and tired of Neversoft being assigned to shovelware. They're actually a pretty good team. Tony Hawk was awesome at its peak (and I'm actually looking forward to Tony Hawk HD), with Guitar Hero, they made a decent rhythm game and actually made efforts to improve as the series went on and with Gun.... well, they showed competence at least and it might have been a much better game if half their team wasn't working on Tony Hawk. I would love to see Neversoft allowed to do their own thing.
The suit with "too much shine" is the armored suit. Its a new feature in the Wii U version. The game is still going to have the normal suit. As for the city in the background, notice the camera angle. The PS3 screen shot has the camera pointed down at the city while the Wii U shot has the camera pointed toward the sky. Not to mention the other things that comments on the article point out such as the PS3 lighting being from the side, which is apparently better for detailing. It definitely is a better angle for shadows, at least.
Hate to burst everyone's bubbles here, but I highly doubt that that very impressive tech demo is running on current consoles. Running in real time or not, there is nothing saying that it is running on a PS3 or XBox 360. In fact, I would be surprised if it was running on anything other than Square Enix's R&D team's very best computers. These kinds of tech demos should be taken with a grain of salt as, while some of it may be viable now (the lighting as mention earlier in the thread for example), getting games that look that good is still at least several years away.
Just watched Sony's conference: Not really all that disappointed. Annoyed through the whole show by their usual arrogance (I get that the show is meant for investors, not gamers, but it is really annoying to hear them talk about how they have such great features that no one else has..... when the XBox does practically everything that the PS3 does), but at least, unlike Microsoft, they understood that gamers do watch the show and actually showed off gameplay footage. Assassin's Creed III looks great, Far Cry 3 looks surprisingly interesting and The Last of Us looks good, even if it is clear that Naughty Dog is being a bit lazy because it looks to play just like Uncharted. Playstation All Stars still looks like the Smash Bros rip off it is (not saying that its going to suck because of it, just that I'm not really interested, besides, cross-platform saves may be pointless, but cross-platform multiplayer is actually really nice) and Wonderbook looks like neat tech, but has an obvious casual target. The Vita being used as a tablet controller is cool.... too bad the thing is $250 and the feature is a blatant attempt to steal the Wii U's thunder. Like with Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, I'll really only care if I ever get a Vita.
As it is unlicensed, nowhere legally. However, in terms of fansubs, I'd recommend TV-Nihon.
http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/vi...the-art-of-video-games-and-video-games-as-art This video is probably the best argument against the "video games aren't art" stupidity. Roger Ebert makes his comments out of ignorance for the video game medium. He may be an expert on films, but he has time and time again shown that he is quite the opposite on video games. It should be noted that the video game medium is a very young medium and still hasn't proven itself to everyone.
Sort of. They made the first season that was never licensed for a variety of reasons (low budget, bizarre changes from the manga, damn near evil protagonist (seriously, if you think the Pharaoh was a dick during Duelist Kingdom, read/watch the early stuff) and much more violent than the following season. Everything afterward (under the original title Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duel Monsters) was Studio Gallop and funded by TV Tokyo. See the aforementioned unlicensed first season.
I still don't get why they're turning Madoka Magica into such a cash cow. Sure the original series was good, great even, but there's no need for any of the extra side stuff. The series isn't even two years old and we've already got several manga series, three movies and a PSP game. Considering the content of the series itself, this just leaves me scratching my head. There's not really anything that can be added to the story and alternate universe stories will just do the same thing as the original.
Weak moveset or not, Typhlosion is still awesome.
I don't know. Platinum, maybe, but third versions always have extra content, but Black/White had just as much, if not more extra stuff for the end game than Diamon/Pearl with the story being expanded by finding the sages, extra dungeons, legendaries, Black City and White Forest, two extra towns to visit, fighting the Elite Four again to become champion, fighting Cynthia and catching a crap load of out of region Pokemon. Regardless, though, its a pretty close match. Also, Typhlosion is awesome and I haven't gone without one in my party since before Diamond.
Renton, Xiba, Claus and Vash have something to say about that. Quinton Flynn and Steven Blum are much worse about using similar voices for all of their characters than Johnny will ever be. Especially Quinton (seriously, there's very little variation between characters like Iruka, Raiden and Axle). Though I suspect that Quinton mostly gets a pass because of Kingdom Hearts.....
How about you stop looking at the franchise through the nostalgia goggles? Hate to break it to you, but the anime has been consistent in quality since day 1 in that its never been very good in the first place. As for the "running out of ideas" stupidity: Grimer and Muk are piles of sludge, Mr. Mime is a mime, Jynx is a racist characture, Tangela is a bunch of vines and Bulbasaur's family are dinosaurs with plants on their backs. An ice cream cone and a trash bag are par for the course. The designs have ALWAYS had idiotic choices and they have NEVER done anything as dumb as Jynx since Gen I. At the same time, the games have more complexity than ever, there's an actual storyline that has more to it than collect eight badges, then become champion and Black/White have more end game content than any games other than Gold/Silver (and even then, it could be argued that the Kanto quest in Gold/Silver is part of the main game). So, no, the franchise has not hit "rock bottom." The games have higher quality and more content than ever and the anime is the same as always. It hasn't been getting worse, you're getting older. You're 14. The target demographic of the franchise is eight to twelve.
Yes. Yes it would. However, you insisted that it was a good thing. Like I said, just because its a "better" option doesn't make it moral or good.
No, I'm saying that the "better" option isn't necessarily a good thing.
Hey, *******, regardless of what your book of myths says, regardless of what happened in history, it doesn't make it good, moral or ideal in any...
No, it wasn't a good thing. You're sitting there trying to justify the fact that women were forced to marry rapists. Just because women didn't...