Way to miss the point. The problem isn't that they're attractive, its that they're attractive... and that's it. They're often not portrayed as anything more than male fantasies. The thing is, they don't HAVE to be portrayed like this. Good writers portray women as people, not objects, you know, exactly how they SHOULD be portrayed. However, because it is still acceptable to the public at large to portray women as objects, most writers don't bother.
If you're including the future, we did have Jack. Also, Martha was a fine companion when she wasn't being a complete ****ing idiot or fawning over the Doctor. Also, It would have helped greatly had the Doctor not spent the entire ****ing season moping about because he can't have Rose, who, by this point, was a complete Mary Sue and an atrocious companion.
http://blip.tv/radio-dead-air/doctor-who-classic-the-cartnmel-masterplan-6368641 I'll just leave this here. Speculate away, folks! Also, note that Moffat was a HUGE fan of Doctor Who before writing for it (as was Davies) and writes in a very similar way to the way that the Cartmel Masterplan was set up, so I'm speculating that the Masterplan is still canon.
Yes, yes, stupid plot point that I throw in with the other continuity issues. The adventure itself isn't terrible and, in fact, could have been pretty damn good if it had the chance.
Meh, that's better than any explanation the actual writers have given. That said, the movie actually isn't that bad. Especially Paul McGann's performance as The Doctor. As a friend of mine put it, "Great Doctor, ok movie, terrible continuity.
Well, Rememberance of the Daleks was the last (and best) Dalek episode of the old series, so yes, it is a plot hole. However, it is also a plot hole that has existed since the 1996 movie (which had the Daleks executing The Master... after a trial. Because we all know that Daleks are totally into due process).
Meh, that plothole has existed since 1996.
Ah, Steve Vai. Thought I prefer his mentor, Satriani, he is one of the few people who can say more through his guitar than many can say through words.
And like those who "copied" him, Hendrix was a product of his influences. It doesn't invalidate what he did for music, nor does it invalidate the people who take influence from him.
Honestly, she was fine in the first season and, in fact, was vital to the 9th Doctor's character development (ironically, the 9th is my favorite), but, and I **** you not, afterwards, Russel T. Davies decided that Rose was the "perfect" companion and, as such, no longer needed any character development. Instead, he ROLLED BACK her character development, made her particularly bitchy to her family and particularly clingy to The Doctor. Then, Davies gave her the most complex and overwritten send off of any character I've seen on the show (Martha? Left the TARDIS on her own. Donna? Mindwiped and went on with her life. Jack? Abandoned. Twice. The 9th goddamn Doctor? quick explanation of regeneration, then regenerate with a smile) when the Doctor siphoned energy off a star to send a message to the parallel universe and waste the last quarter of Rose's last episode. The the Doctor spends practically the entirety of the third season moping around because he can't be with Rose when no other character before or since (not even Romana or Sarah Jane) had him be so mopey. Then, in the fourth season, she nearly DESTROYED THE ****ING MULTIVERSE because she wanted to be with the Doctor, THEN she happily gives up on the Doctor for his clone (which is bullshit, too, but for other reasons) for no reason the moment he is created. Rose was a ridiculous Mary Sue and I hope she never appears again.
Each Doctor lasted the following amount of time: 1st: 3 years 2nd: 3 years 3rd: 5 years (would have lasted longer had Roger Delgado (the first Master) not died in a car accident) 4th: 7 years 5th: 3 years 6th: 2 years (shortest run in the old series and the only Doctor to actually be fired (though due to circumstances beyond his control). Would have lasted longer had he gotten the chance as he wanted to break Tom Baker's record) 7th: 3 years (Would have lasted longer had the show not been canceled) 8th: 1 year (well, one movie to be exact) 9th: 1 year (shortest run of any Doctor on the show proper) 10th: 4 years 11th: 3 years as of 2012 In other words, you can't even say that Tennent was the second longest lasting Doctor as Jon Pertwee lasted one year more than he did. More like please DON'T be true since Rose was a ****ing god awful character.
......... WOW the sexism in this thread. To the person who claims that drooling at fictional women isn't creepy, it IS creepy when you post it in public forum. To the person saying its ok because they're "not tangible," again, creepy. To Librekd, I assume that's sarcasm to point out the irony of "armor" designs for female characters. And finally, to the person who cited Lightning, congrats, you win the prize for getting what female characters should be. Here's the thing, like Misty pointed out, there are characters that are attractive and realistically characterized. Unfortunately, they seem to be in the minority. It is much more common for female characters in all mediums to be intended for sex appeal before anything. More often than not, they are designed with unrealistic proportions, wear impractically revealing clothing and are characterized with sex appeal in mind. Why? Because it sells. Most egregiously is the fact that MMOs are stereotyped as ALWAYS having practical, (relatively) realistic armor designs for male characters, but chainmail bikinis for female characters. Like almost all stereotypes, there is truth to this, as evidenced by Librekd's pic. Particularly, Asian MMOs have female "armor" designed for sex appeal over practicality. This becomes especially egregious when you realize that about 52% of MMO players are, in fact, female. I am very confused by how things are designed when literally HALF of the player base is female. The issue is not sex appeal. Its that female characters are designed with sex appeal as the only thing in mind. Tifa is a great example of a good character. Does she have sex appeal? Yes. Is she a strong character without being written as a male character with a slim figure and breasts? No. In the original game, her breasts are unrealistically oversized and she does martial arts in a miniskirt, but she is written quite realistically and has plenty of character development. It also doesn't hurt that Nomura actually redesigned her with smaller, more realistically proportioned breasts and a practical outfit when doing the Advent Children designs. It is not too much to ask for female characters to be written well instead of putting them in a thong and calling it a day. They CAN and SHOULD be written as characters, not eye candy. If they are eye candy as a side-effect, great, but eye candy should not be the main focus.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't run your localization branch like a complete ****ing moron by having them bid on licenses you're not going to sell to anyone else.
Its mostly newer pop punk bands that formed to cash in on the success of "emo" that rip off Fall Out Boy (who are awful in the first place) and include such "greats" as All Time Low and Panic At the Disco. It should be noted that New Found Glory and Blink-182 are 90s bands and aren't going to be taking influence from Fall Out Boy (its the other way around, actually).
Me while clicking the video: "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" Me after turning it off: "Yeah, definitely regretting it." I'm sorry, but when the first thing that happens when I click a video is a wall of sound caused by brickwalling every instrument, you have failed at mixing your song. The fact that it fell under what I expected from the one trick pony that is pop punk (though, pleasantly, with a 90s style vocalist as opposed to much more common Patrick Stump wannabe that fails to realize that Stump sucks) is secondary to the frustratingly awful sounding and lazy brickwalling.
Fist, since when is Kotaku not credible? Second, I won't be surprised if Duke Nukem Forever 2.0 is canned.
Yes, let's continue to try and hype up the project that no one ****ing cares about anymore, especially considering that all its spawned is a PSP game that will never see the light of day outside Japan, the most controversial game in the Final Fantasy series, the sequel to said controversial game that was ignored by most of the people who hated the first one and the new Duke Nukem Forever. /sarcasm Hey, Square? How about Final Fantasy XV? Or even some unnumbered Final Fantasy that has nothing to do with FFXIII?
Good Free Anti-virus Pick two.
Its still taking up news space and company resources when that space and those resources could go to potentially better projects.
Or we could let the idiocy of the entire Fabula Nova Crystalis project (seriously, two games that play themselves, one game that was only released in Japan and a game that is quickly becoming the new Duke Nukem Forever) die and move on to projects like Final Fantasy XV or Kingdom Hearts III?