She was mainly reacting to Monokuma. She wouldn't have lost composure without him saying something.
"I told you not to call me that you ****** bear! What about you!? You don't even have a name! Monokuma? Your name is Bear Thing! A ****** bear thing has no right to call me that, so shut your mouth and leave this place before I smash that ****** grin off of your face!" OOC: It's been too long since I've played the game.. I lack confidence in my ability to execute a Celes flip-out.
"Don't call me by that disgusting name! So what if that's what my parents called me? They never did anything for me anyway. Celestia Ludenburg fits me much better, so it's my real name."
(Damn bear..) "I can assure you that my real name is Celestia Ludenburg. I'm not really sure why you would trust a talking bear."
"Ah, yes. How foolish of me to assume that my name referred to anything other than a pony. What could I have been thinking?"
She doesn't Always lie. If she did, it would be too easy.[DOUBLEPOST=1414089194][/DOUBLEPOST] "Oh, he asked for a pony did he? All I remember is him calling my name for help."
"Now, now. Aren't you being a bit hasty? If you suddenly shout at a person like that, even my feelings would be hurt. If you think I'm lying, please do try to prove it."
"Well, if you ask nicely, I don't see a reason to refuse."
I know I said I was leaving just a little while ago.. But I will come back for a moment to like this. Now then. /actually leaves. GG, WP.
This is the only hug I have handy. It's not quite fitting, but since wiser minds than mine have demanded a hug, a hug Jay shall receive. Spoiler: hug Sorry about that. I suppose I haven't done anything good for the arena in a while, and now my arguing with Jay has made him want to leave. I think I'm going to be a bit selfish and use this as an excuse to walk out. GG, WP.
If you don't understand, just ask. I mean, you're getting mad because you think Yakumo and I don't care about you.. But wouldn't it seem like you don't care about me if you don't understand why I say, and then don't even care enough to ask what I meant? And what is that reason? Because when you came back he treated you with sarcasm? Without any context, that would indeed be a good reason to be upset. Maybe it was still a good reason in context. But Yakumo had a good reason to be upset too. His friend left, so he was sad. Maybe a little maybe a lot. Either way, when his friend got back he would be happy, right? But as soon as his friend got back, his friend insulted him immediately. All he did was congratulate you, and you called him soulless. That would upset most people, and it upset me too. I understand why you were upset. What I was complaining about here is that you were treating me and Yakumo in a way that would upset you if you were treated that way. If any of us insulted you, you'd be really mad. And yet you insulted Yakumo for no reason. No one said "Guess I have to do something else now." In fact, the one who came closest to it was Abby, who soon after you left commented that she was going to post less due to playing in a pokemon arena. This post is the first time you've actually responded to me since you've come back. You've insulted me, apologized for god knows what, complained that I wasn't reacting to every single thing you said, announced that you were going to leave after I posted when no one else had posted since last time you did.. But this is the first time you have Ever even directly acknowledged the fact that I have posted anything. I feel like I should be the one saying WTF. Honestly, this is right. Brook has been perfectly right this entire time. Right both in what he has posted and when he has not posted. As such, I'm going to follow his advice and stop this.
I wasn't going to comment on this.. I decided not to comment on this, but it's really annoying me right now so I'm going to anyway. When you were going to leave, you didn't like the way Yakumo and I reacted. I wrote a lengthy post trying to explain why we were acting the way we were. You never respond to that. Immediately after you come back, you insult both Yakumo and me, and then have the nerve to complain when Yakumo takes offense to that. Not only that, you follow up with "I'm sorry I used to be bad, but I'm not bad anymore so you should praise me." I try to set that aside and explain why Yakumo would be upset. Again, you don't respond to what I said, and then complain that I didn't specifically mention your apology when I was quoting the post it came from, and on top of that act like I've done something so horrible that you never want to speak to me again. I tell you that I don't know why you're offended, and further try to explain why I didn't specifically respond to your apology. And then you ignore that post too. Honestly, if what Yakumo and I are saying indicates that we don't care about you in the slightest, then what you're doing must indicate that you actively hate both of us with a passion. Edit: I was annoyed when I posted this. The part in the quotes is a bit of an overstatement. Editing to fix some spelling and grammar.
Honestly.. I don't know what you're apologizing before. It makes no sense to me for you to apologize for being you. If you think that you used to be a bad person, but have now stopped being that way.. The fact that you have improved as a person is worth more than any apology. So since I don't really see the point of an apology, I can't really formulate a good reply to it, and I had other things to talk about it anyway so I didn't specifically respond to it. Perhaps that was selfish. That's something I'll have to think about. Either way, I'm not really sure why you're so upset in the post I just quoted part of. You had already reacted to everything that had been posted before my previous post, so I don't think that you're reacting to that.. But I can't see anything in my post that would upset someone.. Even if I missed the point completely in that post, it seems relatively inoffensive.
Jay.. I've already posted about why I acted the way that I acted, and I believe Yakumo was operating in a similar fashion. If you would like to read that, here you go. Most specifically, the last paragraph. Simply talking about that again would be redundant, so what I'm going to do instead is try to explain why someone might act in the way Yakumo is acting now, assuming that person cares about you. Imagine that some person did care about you, and you left. For reasons described in the post I linked to, said person did not act in as emotional a way as you would expect. Then you come back. Naturally, when that person sees you've come back they may feel a little happy. But then they read the first thing you say upon coming back and it says 'Person, you are a soulless robot who doesn't care about me! Good thing I have real friends like this other person who made a more emotional display.' Naturally the person who acted less emotionally when you left will be upset. In fact, they will be more upset the more they care about you. After all if they don't care about you at all, they don't care what you say about them. If they care about you a lot, on the other hand, your words will hurt them a lot. Not only have you attacked that person's character, but you have done so on grounds that are increasingly false the more they do care about you. If said person felt that they were guilty, they would likely feel a need to defend themself. However, if they felt that they had done nothing wrong they would likely feel a sense of righteous indignation that could well manifest itself in a counter attack of some sort. One method of such a counter attack would be to mock the idea by accepting it and taking it to extremes in an attempt to show how off base it was, or otherwise respond to it with sarcasm. Another form of counter attack would be the one I am using, which is to simply explain things at length in the hopes that by making things more clear any perceived disrespect to you would be shown not to have originated out of any ill intent, or indeed to have originated from the same caring that you feel it shows a lack of. Again, these are only my own best attempts to explain why people (myself included) might do the things they do. I can not understand such things fully, so it is best not to assume anything that I said is necessarily correct. It is simply a way that I think things might be. However, I think that the fact that things might be this way, if I am not mistaken, should serve as an example of how the things you observed do not necessarily indicate the conclusions you have drawn from them.[DOUBLEPOST=1413774432][/DOUBLEPOST] I think your 'znajomy' would be best expressed using 'acquaintance' (derived from the verb 'acquaint' which roughly means 'to become familiar with', but without any meaningful level of intimacy) although that word is generally used for people you have business dealings with, not people you would interact with much on a personal level. Edit: Actually, Acquaint might be more along the lines of 'to make familiar'. It would generally be used as "acquaint X with Y", and when used in the way I originally said would usually be done as "become acquainted with Y"
The story of that duel.
New rule: Duels must end on turn one by burn damage, without breaking the rule of no unbeatable combos, or the rule of no FTKs. If you should fail to end the duel by burn damage turn one, you are disqualified.
Yesterday someone said something that lead me to think a bit more on this, so I'm just going to talk about it to get my thoughts together. Spoiler Originally, I had thought that this lead to the idea that people liked to change things to make them better, but didn't like them being better. For example if a researcher spent years and eventually developed a cure for cancer, they would likely feel proud and happy that they made the world a better place. On the other hand, if cancer never existed in the first place, that researcher wouldn't sit down and smile and think "It sure is a good thing that people don't suffer from some of their cells randomly mutating and killing them" and be happy about that fact. In other words, the pursuit could be summarized as an attempt to make things better, and thus feel better about yourself, since you wouldn't be happy about the result if the world had been like that in the first place. However, I have now realized that there is another way of looking at things that is not based on happiness, but on unhappiness. In this case, the researcher may or may not be happy at the end, but they are driven by their unhappiness about the fact that people do die of cancer. Then when they have cured cancer they will be relieved of that unhappiness instead of necessarily feeling happy. Using this view gets around the issue of 'What if it weren't there in the first place' where the other does not, as it is based on the precondition being worse than normal, rather than on the postcondition being better than normal. The problem with this second way of viewing things is that the bad condition has to legitimately make people unhappy. Since this is based on an idea where people don't care about things that don't directly impact them, something about the bad condition would have to directly hinder them to make them unhappy. This could represent as something like "My sister is dying from cancer, this sucks" to a mayor of a town thinking "All of these poor people being poor makes me look bad", but it could not be used in a case of the mayor thinking "I would look good if I made these poor people less poor". So I guess it comes down to either wanting things to be better, or being upset with the way things are.. But either way it would be based on selfish thought. Either something makes you upset, so you decide to change it, or you want something so you decide to get it.
It is possible to take the position that people only care about themselves. From that fact they care about other people only because those people are useful to them. If you are told "Some person somewhere died right as you were reading this" you wouldn't be saddened, because while it is undoubtedly true it doesn't have any impact on you. Similarly, the closer you are to someone the more it hurts you if they die or go away, because it has more of an impact on you. In this way, every action that looks selfless is rooted in selfishness. Maybe you don't gain anything material from donating money to the poor.. But then why are you doing it? Because you want to be the kind of person who helps other people. Maybe no one would know that you helped that person, but you would know and that would make you happy. If viewed from that angle, no one should care that you're going away right now, because we don't really interact with you much anymore. Not much changes. The only exception is Abby who hopes to interact with you more, and now can't. That said, that is a rather pessimistic way of viewing people. View them however you like. But honestly, it's best not to expect people to look like they care. In my opinion, the people who make a big fuss about anything either want to be look like they care, or want to be pitied. I think everyone here cares to an extent, even people who haven't specifically said anything about it. Just people don't feel the need to make a big fuss about it. I personally would only make a fuss about this if I felt that there was some necessity that you know that I cared, and I thought that making a big fuss was the only way I could convince you that I cared. As such it would be insincere, as its foundation was not actual regret. If you want me to be insincere, then too bad. I care enough to discuss things in what I feel are clear terms, I care enough to take time away from doing other things to explain to you exactly why I am doing what I am doing when you think I should be acting differently. But I don't think it is worthwhile to be insincere to try to impress upon you the sincerity of my feelings, or even that I have any particular feelings regarding your leaving. If you want to think that I don't care than so be it. If you want to think that I care, that's fine too.
100% behind Yakumo Momo and Brook here. If there was something I could do to change your parents' mind, I'd do it.. But there isn't, so it's better to try to send you off with smiles than tears.