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  1. SirFred131
    Why is it that all of our RPs are reliant on Jaden being here, when he is the least active member?
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. SirFred131
    Playing one of the video games?
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. SirFred131
    There are others, like machines and gem-knights. But the thing is that Super poly is super strong in every deck that can run it, and the fact that some of those decks have it as something more situational than "1 of your monsters + 1 of your opponent's monsters" is rendered irrelevant by the arena.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. SirFred131
    Too situational for Arena?
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. SirFred131
    I'll hold my intro to be right after your lack of a massive post then.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. SirFred131
    I'm not sure if this makes it easier or harder to betray you.. But I do know that it means I need to quickly learn how to edit a bracelet onto Zack.[DOUBLEPOST=1416769144][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Speaking of which.. Where exactly am I arriving, and what is going on?
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. SirFred131
    Zack sets down his cup of tea.

    "It sounds like some troublesome nonsense has come up, and my mistress has requested that I deal with it. Do you need anything before I take my leave?"
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. SirFred131
    So much of what Zack was was defined by that RP though.. I'm not quite sure how to play him when he doesn't have an information advantage.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. SirFred131
    The answer is that I probably am not ready, given that I don't know the contents of the RP I would be participating in, and that I am continuing my perpetual lack of a character.

    Edit: Actually, tell me what character to play. If they're someone I don't know, I'll probably do terribly, but I'll try anyway. If they're someone I do know, I'll probably still do poorly :P
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. SirFred131
    I don't have up to date information to make an argument about pendulums being broken. All I can say is "They're a lot stronger than the old stuff, and they're a lot less fun to play". Maybe there's new non-pendulum stuff that is just as strong as pendulums.. But if so it's a lot stronger than what used to exist, and in my opinion cards were starting to get a bit silly before pendulums were a thing.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 22, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. SirFred131
    The difference is reactivity. A lot of the time when I play my Fables, I can't figure out what the best move is. Even with just one card, the now banned Pot of Avarice, I had to make difficult decisions based on how the game is going, what my opponent is doing, ect. There are times when I have five monsters in grave, some of which I want back in the deck, but I don't use Pot of Avarice because I want to keep a Kushano in my grave, or I want to special summon something with Krus. Other times I would discard Krus and choose not to summon a monster because if I did I would remove the fifth monster from my grave and thus not be able to use Pot of Avarice. On top of that, making decisions such as whether to summon Ragin first or use Avarice first to return fables that I want to draw to my deck can be hard. There is no one best move. And that's just playing one spell card. Decisions of when to synchro what with which monsters getseven more complex. I've lost games because I synchro summoned the right monster with the wrong materials, and thus couldn't pull off the correct synchro summon on the next turn. But the game could easily have played out in a way where I would have needed to synchro the way that I did to use a different synchro on the following turn to win.

    With Infernity, there is little to no dependence on what your opponent is doing. Maybe in some games it's better to summon a Void Ogre while in others it's better to go for a Stardust Dragon.. But the real difference is minimal, because you've basically won by the point you've gone through your looping and gotten to the point where you need to make that decision. Choosing not to loop never gives you an advantage, and your opponent stopping your loop with a trap never hurts more than if you had tried to do something else and gotten hit with the same trap.

    I could write a program that could play Infernity nearly as well as I can, and it wouldn't be based much if at all on what my opponent had, but I could never write a program that could even come close to matching my skill with my Fables. Maybe I could write a program that would do about as well as someone picking up the deck for the first time without ever having seen it played.. But I doubt that.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 22, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. SirFred131
    My Fables can't be considered autopilot, except by people who have no clue how they work. The new Nekroz cards look like they aren't autopilot. I could probably literally write a computer program that could play Infernity well enough to beat most decks that aren't meta most of the time. Their gameplay is entirely built around necro > archfiend > search > synch > necro > archfiend > search > synch > necro > archfiend > search > synch > necro > archfiend > search > synch. Any way of playing them other than doing that is suboptimal. And I have played a lot of different games with a lot of different decks against Infernity. Either they manage to do that loop, in which case they win, or they don't, in which case they get stomped.

    Yakumo.. You're right that I don't have experience with CB's pendulums. Perhaps I am reacting too strongly. I was using that as an example of how, if they were spammed, pendulums were OP.. but I guess that I picked a bad example because the right tools aren't in place to spam that specific pendulum.

    That said, the main problem that I have with pendulums.. Is the fact that Konami is changing the list to make pendulums stronger and everything else weaker.. And the pendulum mechanic isn't fun imo. It doesn't take the thought of a Synchro Summon in Fables does, or that an Xyz summon in Constellar can. Whenever the scales are set, you can bring out any pendulum for free.

    But I haven't yet justified my view that the ban list is being engineered to help pendulums, so I'll do that now. What is the best way to fight pendulum monsters? multi S/T destruction to unset the scales. What card does this? Heavy Storm. Heavy storm is the best card for non-pendulum decks to use against pendulum decks, but is a bit harder for a pendulum deck to use against another pendulum deck. In other words, it helps validate the existence of non-pendulum decks while adding more thought and choice to battles between pendulum decks. So they ban it. What is super weak against pendulums compared to how strong it is against other decks? multi monster destruction. What card does this? Raigeki. Raigeki is a card that makes OTKs super easy, and usually creates large amounts of card advantage against any non-pendulum deck. Against a pendulum deck, however, it will not create any card advantage. In other words, it shuts down everything that isn't a pendulum, and makes lucky draw > OTK much easier even in a pendulum vs. pendulum battle. So they unban it. They get rid of a card that's good for the game, but strong against pendulums, then bring back a card that's bad for the game but weak against pendulums.

    The other thing.. Is that I used pendulums once. Back when DN first got them, before the first pendulum archetype was on DN, I made a deck that mostly consisted of pendulums that were either vanilla or I couldn't use their effects well, and then I threw in The Wicked Avatar, and I think a god card or two.. And when they actually managed to get a few cards in the extra deck, the fact that I could resummon them every turn meant that I could stall against Brook's stronger decks until I drew Avatar, and then summon it to win. They were super inconsistent because they were just a bunch of vanillas thrown together, all at three, but they were still able to beat a strong deck a third of the time simply by relying on the strength of the Pendulum Summon mechanic.

    TL;DR: Pendulums probably aren't as bad as I think they are, but they're still bad and konami is specifically trying to make them stronger than they should be by messing with the ban list.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 22, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. SirFred131
    Pendulum Summon is not in any way, shape, or form, balanced. Take for example, Crystal Vanguard. Its monster effect is that you can tribute it to search any CB monster or Crystal S/T. That would normally be balanced. However, because it's a Pendulum Monster, when you tribute it it goes to the extra deck. Then next turn, you can summon it again for free. With 3x Crystal Vanguard in extra deck, you can search any three CB or CB support cards every turn, completely for free. In other words, you can have Crystal Abundance OTK every turn, assuming you have the correct support cards in your deck.[DOUBLEPOST=1416621575][/DOUBLEPOST]
    In my opinion, Infernity is the most autopilot, least skill based deck in the game. There is always a best move because of your lack of hand, and the way your combos work. Deck construction takes some skill, but beyond that it's all about learning combos. The problem is that people who net decked Infernity because they were super OP didn't take the time to learn those combos, and without those combos the deck sucks.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. SirFred131
    People don't like to win by default. It would be better if you fixed your move. If you think that it's too much work..

    All you need to do is use Graceful Charity instead of Foolish Burial. Just move one of the cards you discarded with Card destruction to be the second card discarded by Graceful, then decrease all of the hand size counts before playing it by one. Then the only thing that will change is that you'll have used Graceful instead of Foolish. Final hand count and cards banished will be the same.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 20, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. SirFred131
    I'm Pretty sure that them looking like that is due to the holographic effect making scans look really bad, not the cards legitimately looking like that.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. SirFred131

    Careful not to critical it again. Just turn one master ball. Much safer.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. SirFred131
    "Ninja" is itself an archetype. There are cards that support "Ninja". The only sub-series I'm aware of is "Armor Ninja", so that may be what you're thinking of.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. SirFred131
    If there are multiple cards with the same thing in their name, that makes a series. If there are support cards for that name, that makes it an archetype. For example, you could say that "Pot of Greed" and "Pot of Avarice" belong to the "Pot" series, or even the "of" series. Perhaps the "Pot of" series. But then if a card came out that said "Add one "pot" card from your deck to your hand" "Pot" would become an archetype, while "of" and "Pot of" would remain series.

    An example of this from the real game is "Fabled" and "The Fabled". Every member of the "Fabled" archetype (which has support cards) is LIGHT. Additionally, every member of the "Fabled" archetype that is not a member of the "The Fabled" series (nothing directly supports "The Fabled") is a fiend. Meanwhile, every member of the "The Fabled" series is a beast. A card like "The Fabled Unicore" is both in the "Fabled" archetype and the "The Fabled" series.

    Edit: The point of this was supposed to be that as long as two cards with "Ninja" in their name existed, there would be a ninja series or archetype, and as long as one card used " "Ninja" " in its card text, Ninja would be an archetype instead of a series.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. SirFred131
    Okay. Thank you.
    Post by: SirFred131, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. SirFred131
    Please tell me that you do not legitimately worship a copyrighted character.
    Post by: SirFred131, Oct 26, 2014 in forum: The Playground