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  1. SirFred131
    "According to the Theory of Relative Spacial Differentiation, any point.. well, basically, teleporting moves you from one point to another within a set space. Each dimension has its own set of space, and teleportation can't move you from one set to another. So to teleport from one dimension to another you need to tear a hole in space and time, which is bad."
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. SirFred131
    Yup, exactly that. It's a two part thing. First, they let you view your opponent's hand to see what they're planning, then they let you take out the card that's most important to executing those plans, and all that for the low cost of 1k LP. The information alone isn't enough to get something hit, as can be seen with The Eye of Truth and similar cards. Of course, it's different in the arena.[DOUBLEPOST=1417535680][/DOUBLEPOST]
    OOC: Not sure how I missed this post.. I guess it was hiding from me or something.



    "Well, the thing is, each dimension has its own life force. That life force is given to each living thing born into that dimension, and is gradually released back into the dimension during that creature's life. Direct travel moves life force from one dimension to another, which can cause problems over long periods of time. Additionally, there are very few creatures that have the power to fluidly travel between dimensions. For humans, as with most other things, to pass between dimensions one must tear a hole in the fabric of space and time. Naturally, this will quickly be repaired, but that comes at the cost of removing more life energy from both dimensions. To combat these problems, we have developed a method known as Reincarnate Transit. This technique takes advantage of the unique structure of life energy that makes up a 'soul'. By fluidly analyzing a given person's specific pattern while allowing it to unravel we can re-

    Ah, I'm going into the sales pitch. I guess you don't really need to know all of that. Basically, unless you're a god, direct travel will contribute to the destruction of the world, while my method will not."
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. SirFred131
    Cards like Trap Dustshoot, The Forceful Sentry, Confiscation, ect. are actually banned because they let you take away your opponent's most useful card.

    Now then, I'm going to use bold for this, since you seem to be missing my points

    Seal is similar to viewing the hand in that it forces the opponent to declare their cards before using them

    Seal is nowhere near as OP as viewing the hand because it can only be used when your opponent has face-downs, meaning that unlike viewing the hand it can be countered.

    That said, Seal is similar in power to Harpies' Feather Duster in that it forces your opponent to either spend a card to negate it, make their face-downs draw power and waboku, or waste them.

    As such, Seal should be limited like Harpies' Feather Duster, not banned like hand viewing.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. SirFred131
    Jaden. Seal doesn't need to be banned, you're right.. But it does exactly the same thing as looking at someone's hand, just on a smaller scale. Looking at someone's hand is super OP because it forces them to declare what cards they have. Once they've declared that, what they can actually do with those cards is very limited. Seal forces you to declare your face-downs early. Yes, you can still use them.. But you can also still use a card that was in your hand when your hand got looked at. Yes, you can make them all draw power.. But you can also do that with your hand when your hand gets looked at.

    The reason that Seal doesn't need a ban is because it's only useful when your opponent has face-downs: In other words, it's only useful when your opponent can stop it. Revealing the hand is OP because it can be done when your opponent can't do a thing about it.

    What Seal does do, however.. Is force you to either A) negate it, B) make your traps all waboku and fifty jars of greed, or C) Make your face-downs worthless (as it did with Abby). This is the same set of options you are offered when your opponent plays a card like Heavy Storm, or Harpies Feather Duster. That is why I believe that Seal should be limited, but not banned, like a Harpie's Feather Duster.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. SirFred131

    "Well, if you don't die, how are you supposed to be reincarnated in another dimension?"
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. SirFred131
    Yeah. It is a really strong card. I'll browse the counter traps for something that hits it cheaply.[DOUBLEPOST=1417459034][/DOUBLEPOST][​IMG]
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. SirFred131
    "Well.. You have to die."
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. SirFred131
    When he uses Seal, you can reveal a back row that's something like "Waboku and 7x Jar of Greed". That way no matter what he does to try to get rid of them, you can convert them into cards in hand, while protecting yourself with the Waboku.

    Additionally, you can pretend that he's playing a card like Harpies Feather Duster or Giant Trunade (although with no specific counter) and hit it with a general counter trap. That's why it doesn't need a ban.

    That said, it is very strong and should probably get a limit. Not sure what its current list status is.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. SirFred131
    Have you seen Shaddoll? Fusion monsters are broken now. Have you seen Burning Abyss? Effect monsters are too.

    In terms of where the game was at day one, even normal monsters are broken. A four star with 2k attack and no negative effect? Are you kidding? I remember when I was happy with anything over 1700 attack on a normal monster.

    If you look at how things were in GX, Synchro, Xyz and Pendulum are all broke. Too fast, too efficient, too strong.

    If you look at how things were in 5Ds, Xyz and pendulums are broke. Xyz isn't much stronger than Synchro, sure, but it's way more consistent and splashable.

    Look at Zexal? Pendulums are broke. You can fill a field for free every turn. At least Xyz requires you to pay a card or two.

    Look at Arc V? Nothing's broke, it's all fine.

    It all depends on what you think normal is.. And if everything is stronger than your normal, you've probably picked the wrong normal.
    Following that.. I think I'm going to start playing again, after finals, and just considering the new power level that things seem to be at normal. Maybe my older decks can't keep up, but that's okay. Just need to try new stuff. If I just say "The game is broken" because I compare it to what used to be, I wont have any fun. If I try it without bias, then I can decide whether it's fun or not.[DOUBLEPOST=1417457550][/DOUBLEPOST]

    "All right. I'll be serious. There's no way for you to get back on your own. You can't just take a stroll into another dimension. There is a way I can help you get back, and it's the way that I usually go from dimension to dimension, but you're really not going to like it."
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. SirFred131

    "That one's easy. You should be going home. I thought you already knew that."
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. SirFred131
    OOC: Ah, my bad, I meant to answer it at the same time as what it was posted with but ended up only responding to the latter.

    IC: "It was quite possible, but the truth is that I would be willing to help you get home.. If you wanted to go home. But it would be a waste when there's such wonderful sunbathing to be had, right?"
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. SirFred131
    I just spent a couple hours watching high ranked players on DN. I think it's not that pendulums are OP, so much as that all of the new stuff that's been coming out since pendulums started is much stronger than what came before. So it's just severe power creep in the game in general, not just pendulums.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. SirFred131
    I don't believe I'm better than you, so I'm going to challenge you right now. You're up first, and I'm going to go all out with my Fables, if you accept.

    LP: 16000
    Customs: no
    Anime Exclusives: no
    Manga Exclusives: no
    Video Game Exclusives: no
    God Cards: yes
    Illegal Cards: no
    First Player: you
    Number of Cards per Deck: 80
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): none
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. SirFred131
    He thinks all four of us are better than him, last I checked.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. SirFred131

    "Are you implying that the fact that I'm just here to annoy you means that I don't know the way to get you back home?"
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. SirFred131
    Oh, if that's not what you were going for then I'm wrong. Proceed however you had intended.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. SirFred131

    "Does the great Silver need help?"

    OOC: I think Yakumo is a villain.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. SirFred131
    This is why people say seal of the ancients is strong. Against a handless opponent, using it and then playing Giant Trunade has the same net impact as playing giant trunade and then viewing their entire hand. Viewing the opponent's hand is banned here, and with good reason.

    You don't have to ban Seal, but it's silly not to at least recognize the fact that it's a very strong card.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 29, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. SirFred131
    Jaden wins > Happy end!
    This works, and is what you want. I'll leave it alone.

    Jaden loses > Card Torn > Bad End!
    This is bad. There's no need for the card to be torn, especially if it's such an important card to Jaden. This should only happen with consent from Jaden, usually if he wanted to use it for character growth.

    Jaden loses > Silver keeps card > Right back where we started
    This is neither good nor bad. It can happen an infinite number of times without changing anything. Still, expect it to shake Jaden a bit.

    Jaden loses > Silver throws the card off a cliff/into a river/whatever > Jaden chases after it and eventually finds it > Happy End
    This is good, but works only if Silver legitimately doesn't care about it, or wants Jaden to have it but doesn't want to appear to be helping Jaden. In this case it could work out.

    Of these, the first and the last are closest to just a straight happy end. Since the last happens on a Jaden loss, Jaden losing doesn't require a bad end. That's the main point here. You don't need to win. This can turn out well no matter what happens.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 28, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. SirFred131
    Basically, Void is just waiting for an opportune moment to begin acting. I was just using him to bring Zack up to speed on what a pokemon is, and stuff like that.
    Post by: SirFred131, Nov 28, 2014 in forum: The Playground