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  1. SirFred131
    RIP Arena?
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 14, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. SirFred131
    When I looked at the names in that link, I did not recognize a single one of them. Well, aside from Dan. Opening them and seeing pictures helped, but the only one I would consider myself to know is Eren.

    /lives in a cave
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 10, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. SirFred131
    Yeah, my deck would probably lose almost any Qli mirror match.

    I personally disagree about Reqliphort being worse than skill drain (which I think you were implying). It can be searched by scout, which is a huge plus, it still lets you use the effects of your big monsters, and it can help shut out pendulum decks more than Skill Drain does due to the banishing thing. Also, the lack of the 1k cost of skill drain helps if you're using scout heavily. Its only failing comes against decks that normal summon high level monsters (e.g. Monarchs), can summon low level monsters and use their effects without other monster effects being used (e.g. A Hero Lives > Shadow Mist), or can spam Xyz without using monster effects on the field (e.g. Heraldry, Photons).

    Then again, I guess the life point cost and the ability to be searched by scout matters less if you rely more on assembler draws and faster games. Still, if you use skill drain before you summon Towers, Towers will be negated by it.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. SirFred131
    Pendulum monsters are main deck monsters. You need to get them on the field somehow, then when they would be sent to the grave they're sent to the extra deck instead. Summoning them from the extra deck is free as part of your once per turn pendulum summon, but to get them there in the first place you generally need to SS them from your hand. Which you generally do with your pendulum summon.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. SirFred131
    The builds that I saw of Qli don't run Towers or Assembler. They focus on a heavy back row and heavy searching for Scout. A long game allows them to best abuse the massive advantage given by Scout and Pendulum Summoning. Additionally, Sqlifice being an amazing card makes Assembler less worth. With my Qli deck, the best case scenario turn one is Summoner's Art > scout > saqlifice, normal summon Helix or Carrier, equip it with saqlifice, set some face-downs. Hopefully one of which is Reqliphort, because that thing is amazing.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. SirFred131
    I was not aware of this. Thanks for the correction.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. SirFred131


    The number under the blue arrow is the left scale, the number under the red arrow is the right scale. So far I believe that every pendulum monster has the same left and right scales.

    When you play a pendulum monster into the left pendulum zone, its left scale is used. When you play it into the right zone, its right scale is used. Once per turn you can pendulum summon any number of monsters from your hand, or pendulum monsters from your extra deck, that have a higher level than your left scale but a lower level than your right scale. A pendulum summon is inherent, like a Synchro Summon, so it can be negated with cards like Thunder King Rai-oh.

    Unlike a field spell, you cannot play a pendulum monster onto an occupied scale. If you want to remove your pendulum monster from a scale, you must destroy it with a card effect.

    The effect written between the blue and red arrows is the pendulum effect. This is active as long as the monster is in a pendulum zone. The lower effect is active when the monster is not in the pendulum zone, as per other monsters.

    Pendulum monsters begin in the main deck, and are treated as monster cards at most times. A pendulum monster can be played from the hand like a monster, or activated to either the left or right pendulum zone. This activation is treated as the activation of a spell card, and while the pendulum monster is in the pendulum zone it is treated as a spell card instead of a monster card.

    When a pendulum monster would be sent from the field to the graveyard, it is instead sent face-up to the extra deck. Other than being able to be pendulum summoned, or affected by certain card effects, a pendulum monster in the extra deck does nothing. Unlike Crystal Beast monsters, if Macro Cosmos is on the field, a pendulum monster will be banished when it would be sent to the grave, instead of being sent to the extra deck.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 7, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. SirFred131
    It's just that if I were to use images of character A for character B and then B did things that A would never do, it could create dissonance for anyone who was familiar with character A. So if no one knows A it doesn't matter, but if anyone does I'd want to do research on A before using the image for B.[DOUBLEPOST=1417813302][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I guess that given Void's presence it wouldn't make sense that Zack isn't here.. Unless this is set either before Zack's intro, or Zack somehow got himself killed and failed to reincarnate.

    Or something even more impressive than the combination of the new RP and Void is happening somewhere else, I guess.

    So I guess Zack is probably just watching, with the possibility of interrupting if he decides it's worth it.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. SirFred131
    Zack is super strong. He should have no trouble with anyone who's not also super strong, and even then, if Void helps he should only lose to someone who's at protagonist level. So I'll use someone else.

    Does anyone recognize this character, or may I use pictures of him with impunity?


    Edited due to a missing no completely changing the meaning of my sentence.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. SirFred131
    Naturally. If I end up being a weak/moderate good guy, I'll expect to lose to you. That said, if Latias doesn't come back and neither Abby nor Yakumo decide to be good guys, I'm going to be the only good guy.. So I'd probably need to at very least start out moderate and end strong, being active all the way.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. SirFred131
    Sounds like I should be good then. Should I be a very active, but weak/moderate good guy, or an aloof but super strong good guy?
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. SirFred131
    For a future RP, I can fill any role. Whether you want me to be high power or low, good evil or neutral, I can do it.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. SirFred131
    If we start a new RP, we should get someone to actually write a plot.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 4, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. SirFred131
    We still have 100 more posts, so it should be fine.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 4, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. SirFred131
    Ah, no. I actually thought he was posting Yakumo. But he wasn't. I think. Unless he dyed his hair.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. SirFred131
    Let me try this again. I would like to know what you thought I was being sarcastic about, as I am not sure how to respond to your question.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. SirFred131
    I'm not sure what you think I'm being sarcastic about.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. SirFred131

    Hmm... It appears that it isn't Yakumo. I'm out of guesses. Unless he dyes his hair?
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. SirFred131
    Zack isn't really a villain.. he could even be viewed as an atypical hero if you knew his motives. He just happens to really enjoy trolling people.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. SirFred131

    "You just need to die."
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground