The following spoiler contains a conversation between Zack and Akane that explains both why Zack isn't here, and why a new character, Lucia, will be joining the RP. If you have no interest in that, feel free to not read it. Spoiler: Establishing Backstory "Hey, Akane, I need some help." "So, the great Zack needs my help? And tell me, why exactly should I help you?" "Is that really how you want to treat the man who saved your life?" "And I paid you back for it, so I'd appreciate it if you simply forgot about that incident.. But if you're willing to go that far, this must be serious. What's the deal?" "Something major is going on in one of the outer worlds. Multiple power players are involved, including Astral and Yubel. On top of that, I'm afraid that either Yubel or Haou has been unsealed. Maybe both. If left unchecked, they could take down their entire dimension." "Isn't that the part where you swoop in, play the hero, and duel everyone into submission?" "I'm busy taking care of the problems caused by Void collapsing his universe. Right now I'm keeping him in check by not letting him out of my sight, but if I try to maintain focus on both Void and the collapsing universe I wont be able to duel." "What about Chihaya and Sakuya? That pair should be able to beat even you without too much trouble." "You really think that an outer world that's already under stress could support them?" "Okay, I get it.. But what do you expect me to do about it? I need to stay here, Shizuru isn't going to help us, and even if Lucia could handle this, moving her would do even more damage than moving Sakuya." "You still have the equipment from the Next Gen project, right? If we freeze Lucia, I can use Flash Image Incarnation to get her there." "So it will heal the world instead of hurting it. Clever. But will Lucia be able to handle it?" "If Lucia fails.. I'm going to need you to make a move." "If I leave now, all of my work so far will go to waste. Are you prepared to compensate me for that?" "I'll do my best to take care of things while you're gone.. But of course that wont be enough. One favor, no matter how large, if you are required to leave. "I think you overestimate the value of a single favor from you.. But if a world collapses, that hurts me too. I'll help." I will probably have Lucia join soon, although I haven't looked at the archetype she will initially use yet, so I'm not sure how will it will work in Arena. It will probably be pretty weak.
Maybe Yuma thought for a Reeeeeealy long time before his first move :P
It's not a coincidence. Time passed.
Don't worry about it, if/when I decide to join the RP I'll find a decent way to write in whatever character I have join.
That is more or less why I was asking, yeah. Zack's deck uses both 101 and 103. Unless I give him a new one. Still not sure who I would use if I joined the RP, or even if I will join it.
It's shiny. From the rate that battle was going, it looked like it would either party wipe or struggle itself to death before getting caught.
Do yuma/astral need the overhundred numbers?
The ban list hits card name at the time of deck building. As such, you can only have three total copies of these cards:
The last arena still isn't locked.. Do you think they removed the post cap?
I think this works, since it's heavily implied what happened.
"Draw two cards. During the turn you activate this, you can not activate other spell or trap cards, set cards, summon monsters, or conduct your battle phase."
Not true, look at Weiss ban list. They have something where they can name two cards (such as Super Poly and Shaddoll Fusion) and then say that any given deck may not include both of those cards. That introduces more choice in deck construction, as well as allowing you to ban out certain combos. A Shaddoll deck that included super poly but not Shaddoll Fusion would be missing out on their most reliable fusion in exchange for having the raw power of being able to fuse with the opponent easily. Higher peak power, lower consistency, interesting choice.
If someone wrote something resembling a decent plot, I'd be more than willing to join. I suspect Yakumo would be as well, although he may have higher standards for the plot required.
As we can see from the first (Or was it second?) episode of Arc V, a card does not need to exist prior to its use to be considered legal by the anti-cheat software. Since the protagonist creates pendulum monsters on the spot in the middle of a duel when pendulum monsters hadn't previously existed (unless they made reveals later, I didn't watch) and the anti-cheat doesn't kick in.
My decision was not based on the ability to use characters/cards. Zack can effectively time travel (Although it takes a long time :P) so he can be in any dimension with any card from any time.. But this RP simply isn't going to work out. Thus, I am choosing to withdraw until such a time as it looks like it could actually function.
This isn't going to work out. I shall withdraw from this RP until such a time as it looks like it has a chance of actually functioning.
Ah, I forgot about Lati. In that case we have enough if there's a solid plot, but.. Do we even have a plot at all?
Unless I'm mistaken.. We have one good guy, one bad guy, and a pair of characters that don't really care? That's not enough for an RP.
Forget GX's plot. You can make whatever modifications you'd like to your character to make them work better for you. If you want to ignore the fact that you should have been turned good, ignore it. If you want to have Haou have a pet pony, give him a pet pony. Done.
This post is now the repository for the list of approved custom cards. Enjoy. Spoiler: Approved for All Formats Spoiler: DHD Spoiler: Non-Archetype Spoiler: Approved for Random Only None as of yet. Spoiler: Approved for Non-Random Only Spoiler: Avengers Spoiler: Non-Archetype Spoiler: Approved as Anime/Manga Exclusives None as of yet.