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  1. SirFred131
    You're over reacting. When anything critical is said to you, you view it as a big deal. When anything critical is said to someone else, you don't view it as a big deal. Thus, when critical things are said to Everyone, it seems like you're getting called out a lot more than anyone else.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 10, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  2. SirFred131
    Eevee isn't gender locked, it just has a skewed gender ratio. Seven males per female.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 9, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  3. SirFred131

    I'm going to go with Male.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 8, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  4. SirFred131
    You're not allowed to say genderless, that's cheating. You must write a detailed argument one way or the other, or you will receive no credit.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 8, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  5. SirFred131

    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 8, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  6. SirFred131
    I thought Sniper was obviously female at first glance. And first glance was TGC artwork before reading components. So, this is a very "your mileage may vary" area.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 8, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  7. SirFred131

    Guys have chests too. If you look at Blazeman's armor, it's placed only on his breasts, not on his abs. This creates an effect that makes his breasts look relatively larger than usual.

    @Yakumo That Blazeman image edit looks really nice. What did you do to it?
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 8, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  8. SirFred131
    It's costless draw four with an easy condition. That means that as long as you can get out a rank four (which with a deck like Satellar is super easy) it has the same effect as PoG>PoG>PoG. Except it doesn't decrease your deck size by as much as doing that. It's super broke.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  9. SirFred131
    We have seven users on, and two guests. From this day forth, every January Third shall be celebrated as Arena Day.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 3, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  10. SirFred131
    What I was saying is that my character thinks that your character is Haou.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 2, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  11. SirFred131
    Well, this is the same character who thinks that a pokemon is Haou, so.. Their specific situational knowledge may not be the best.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 2, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  12. SirFred131

    <A physical attack!? Even I know that those are off limits in this world, I need to stop it!>

    Lucia dashes in between the boy in armor and his attacker, arriving at the last moment and quickly reaching for her sword to block the attack: A sword that is not there.

    Hit by the attack, Lucia is sent flying back several yards, but that doesn't stop her from quickly standing again.


    "I'd heard you were underhanded, but this takes things to new levels. You've lost your battle. Stand down gracefully, before I am forced to put you down."

    Edit OOC: I'm assuming that given it wont hit a pokemon using Dig, it actually represents you running into the enemy at super fast speed, fast enough they can't dodge. If that's the case, blocking the path at the last moment would cause it to hit the wrong target.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 2, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  13. SirFred131

    "13500 attack? I've never seen a monster that strong before... Haou certainly lives up to his reputation. I hope the boy in the armor knows what he's doing, because this is looking bad for him."

    Edit OOC: Lucia has been saying all of this out loud, not thinking it. So if anyone happened to be nearby, they would have been able to hear. In this post, she shouldn't be audible to the duelists (assuming no supernatural hearing) due to a combination of distance and speaking quietly.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  14. SirFred131
    Rainbow Dark Dragon also banishes your armor master, leaving it at 13,500 atk.
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  15. SirFred131


    "Okay everyone.. I'm here. I've been here.. Would you mind coming out now? Anyone?"


    "Figures.. She tells me she'll put me close to the enemy. 'Don't worry about it, there wont be any problems.' she says.. Well where are they then? You put me in the middle of nowhere. Not a person in sight. I've been walking for hours. I Still haven't seen a single living thing. What do you expect me to do, ask the ground for directions? You're probably sitting in the club room laughing at my expense right now..."


    "I've hand enough of this nonsense! I'm going to go home and submit a formal complaint! Don't think I wouldn't!"


    "Hah.. Listen to me. A formal complaint? I can't even go back on my own. And I'm letting something this petty distract me from my mission."


    "Eh? Was that a flying familiar just now? I thought duel familiars couldn't move far, or of their own will.. Wait, Yubel and Astral can fly, can't they.. But that doesn't fit the description of Yubel, and I shouldn't be able to see Astral. Maybe Haou can fly too? Could that have been Haou? I'd better investigate."
    Post by: SirFred131, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  16. SirFred131
    OOC: Going to ask again. How big is Aeridusa in pokemon form?
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. SirFred131
    OOC: How big is the pokemon form?
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. SirFred131
    Yeah, it would be particularly good timing.. But Latias said that she wanted to challenge Haou.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. SirFred131
    I chose not to explain the technobabble simply because it wasn't particularly relevant to anything.

    Note: The following contains some spoilers for Rewrite, skip to the second to last paragraph if you care.
    If you're curious, the Next Generation of Humanity project did some genetic engineering on Lucia to allow her to survive the end of the world; the equipment being referred to here is for cryogenic stasis meant to let her last until then.
    Flash Image Incarnation is something of my own design, not related to Rewrite (the source material of Akane and Lucia). It's one of the various methods of dimension travel Zack has access to, which happens to have its cons negated by Lucia's unique genetic design. Basically you create a freeze frame of a person and then use that information to build a copy of them in another dimension, generally with the help of someone who can travel more freely than you can (e.g. a god). The problem is that a large amount of life energy is consumed in building the pattern all at once, which makes it impractical in most cases. Since Lucia doesn't use normal life energy due to her genetic modifications, the problem isn't a problem.

    As for Zack's "mistress", that's referring to Number C103: Ragnafinity, which he essentially worships as a god. Used here as the female alternative to "master". What, exactly, the relationship between Akane and Zack is is something I'm not really sure of yet. We'll have to see how it develops if they get screen time together again.

    More context for more understanding would have been a good idea, and wouldn't have been too hard, but I was worried about getting too off-topic. I figured it would be better to just have the conversation of two people who had full information develop naturally, and let people make whatever guesses they like.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. SirFred131
    More accurately, I got plots. Since it only explains why my characters are acting. I'm not really sure why everyone else is.
    Post by: SirFred131, Dec 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground