If you can tell me why Anyone is doing Anything, I can tell you why Yuma is there.
Just go onto DN and type something like "remove 1 Spell Counter instead" into the description section, and you'll probably only get 10 or fewer results. Then just look through them for the correct card image, or if you don't remember it, read each card's text. You can also add a filter for spells. It generally is faster than waiting for Yakumo to tell you. Edit: Although in this case the wording would probably more like "remove that counter instead".
Question, if you render it impossible for your opponent to play the game before their first turn, but don't win yet, does it still count as an FTK?
I wasn't talking about Syrus, he's obviously male.
Quick, everyone guess: Male or Female? I'm going with Female.
You missed slightly on the math of option three 2k+1.2k=3.2k, not 3.4k, which then drops to 2900 during attack. Only 100 higher than your setup's max attack, but requiring continued resummons to avoid losing ATK, and sitting slightly higher on the opponent's turn. What I'm concerned about is its potency with low numbers of DARK tokens. I want it to be something where it's strong with only one or two (so your field isn't clogged), but something that wont just oppressively beat down your opponent without them being able to do anything. With my suggested second design, it can either grow or attack, not both, but in exchange for that it starts out at 2k and can grow to 2300 the first turn it's out. In contrast, yours can both grow and attack, but starts out slightly more than one turn behind in growth. So yours can control the enemy by killing their strong mons while still growing, whereas mine is beefier, better at taking down high value targets, but should only really be used if you Need to hit something, to allow for maximum growth. So basically, your version is a more sustained power source, whereas my final suggestion is more either a burst damage source, or a delayed damage source. And yeah, Original Murasaki was far too close to Unstable Golemental. In terms of what can beat it.. D-Prison, Compulsory, and 101 come to mind as very splashable options. To kill the monsters around it and thus render it basically worthless (Essentially a Red-eyes with two more stars on it), there's TT, Mirror Force, Dark Hole, Raigeki, and BRD as the immediate options. Other options include negating it with Skill Drain or Chalice, making it lose both its destruction resistance and its attack gains. On top of that, Anything that can beat 4400 by battle simply wins against this card. Whether it's Dark Mist, an Honest, or a kuriboh equipped with triple Mage Power, there's not much this dragon can do but die. Dropping the atk gain to 400 is something I considered, but that would end up with it topping out at 4k. I don't like the idea of a strong card that does nothing but gain power based on having lots of things supporting it being supported to the max.. And still getting rammed and killed by an unsupported 2x4. (I'm looking at you, Excalibur!) As my final argument I shall present to you a card that predates the synchro summon.. A three star monster that maxes out at 9500 atk by its own effect, has another effect, and has no negative effects. Spoiler 'Kay. I thought it was rather blatant, but it's hard to tell how well wordplay gets across to non-native speakers. Yeah, I'll have to be careful not to break Murasaki when adding support, even after a nerf. Well, you did tell me not to fear having a lot of text..
You're right, I was using Dandy as a template at first, but I must not have been paying enough attention. Will make the changes. Those are remnants of when I was planning to let each monster summon two types of tokens. Rei was going to do WATER as well as WIND, but I got worried that the cards would get too easy to combo and too bulky in terms of text, so I cut that. May change both of those as development continues. Limiting Rei to Elemancer only seems like a good idea, so I'll probably do that unless something changes. The card that was in my mind as I was designing Murasaki was Dark Elf. Old school card, level four, 2k attack, needs to pay 1k to attack. Given that Murasaki can only summon one per turn, and needs to tribute one to attack, I don't see numbers like 3800 being hit easily (even if you use Lab Tech, that's a monster slot you're losing). I was thinking that the current set-up would allow you to either with time and LP cost turn Murasaki into a very strong monster, but one that was still weak to removal, at the cost of clogging up your field. I'll talk more about the general design principle there later. The first change is one that I'd happily do after changing Hyoku and Rei to summon only their attribute of token. Hikari's role is to get Elemancers their preferred elements faster, not just cheaper, so the second is unlikely to be implemented. I can see where you're going with the naming. I'll think about it. Matsuda uses Giant Soldier of Stone's stat block. I guess I could drop him to Mystical Elf stats, or even drop his attack farther since he's kind of intended to just stick himself into def mode forever. Punish not using him that way early. I'd want him to be stronger than Hikari though.. So I guess Mystical Elf's 800 is the best. As for the wording, manually is a short-hand I've seen used in custom cards, and I was tired and a bit lazy. Will probably change it unless it really messes up the text size. The other one is along similar lines. I'm not really sure there's much reward to self-combos, since it would be "Shuffle Tsubaki from hand to deck to destroy one card" more or less. Since the text size ended up on the wrong side of a boarder, I do have space though, so I may add the only control one clause. I was kind of worried about this one being a little too strong for its cost. The thing that makes me think that it's okay is its one limiting factor: Field space. Every Elemancer is reliant on two things: Summoning tokens, and using those tokens. That means that if your field is completely full and you have no tokens, every Elemancer (Except Tsubaki, to an extent) is worthless. If you view the cost of Unstable Golemental (Golemental was meant to combine golem and elemental, with anything created by the combination of Elembryo Tokens being considered a golem) as "four Elemancer monsters" then suddenly it's pretty expensive even for a monster with 4400 atk that doesn't care about single target destruction. If, instead, you keep room on the field for Elembryos, you can keep using the Elemancers (reasonably) effectively, but you can only have two or three of them on the field, meaning a much more manageable 3900 or 3400 beater. Your complaints about both Unstable Golemental and Murasaki are "When the field is full, they are pretty OP". The way I see it, while they are pretty OP, you are also wasting a lot of material making them that way. So a 3800 Murasaki (3300 on attack) has a cost equivalent to a 2-4 card combo (see also Heroic Champion Excalibur), while a 4400 Unstable Golemental is generally equivalent to a 4-5 card combo (See also CXyz Barian Hope > Number 86 combo). I think the end result is this: Investing heavily in Murasaki is probably a bit too strong, especially when Lab Tech is used to avoid the high costs. Proposed change: +100 base attack -200 base defense -100 attack per token -200 cost per token. Alternative: +200 base attack -400 base defense -200 attack per token -500 cost per token. On the other hand: If investing in Unstable + 4x Elemancer were nerfed, there would be no reason to ever invest heavily in it, as it's very weak to mass monster destruction, and doesn't resist targeted non-destruction removal. Proposed change: No change. Thoughts? Thank you for your detailed criticism. When designing I had been working under the assumption of maintaining a balance of Elembryo, Elemancer, and Golemental monsters. This made me think a lot more about strategies involving focusing on just two out of three.
Thank you, fixed it in the save version, but I'll leave the wrong version there so you can rant more about it instead of finding new flaws :P Actually going to sleep now, I'll read what you have to say in the morning.
After harassing Brook to give me ideas for a while, the one I ended up taking was "Mages creating monsters by combining elements to fight a war". Going to post the cards I've made so far here so that you can all tell me how much the cards suck, and how far I've deviated from the prompt. There will be a lot more fusions with the same format of summon condition as the one currently made fusion. I just haven't made them yet, and I'm going to sleep. There will also presumably be support S/T. Spoiler: cards Edit: I'm thinking of dropping Murasaki's cost to 700 or 800. Thoughts?
The images are fine, I think the rest of the card is fine too. I don't really know how LS work anymore though, since they got all sorts of silly stuff added.
What I meant by "in universe" is a theme for what the archetype represents in the world, rather than what it does mechanically. For example, lightsworn's in universe theme is the whole champions of justice through space and time thing, while its mechanical theme is self-mill and benefiting from self-mill. I will still take "Maybe some kind of spirits representing different aspects or places in world?" as a suggestion though.
I want to design an archetype, but the way I want to go about it is starting with an in universe theme, and then building cards and mechanics around it. To force myself to work that way, I want you guys to suggest a few different themes (e.g. A group of wizards that tame dragons, or a shadowy guild of assassins) and then I'll pick one of those and work with it.
"Hi, my name's something I forgot, got it memorized? Because, y'know, if you do have my name memorized and you could tell it to me, that would be really helpful."
What was your name again? Alex or something? I can't seem to remember...
A normal game of RPS, maybe. But with the added rule that I only use scissors, there isn't any luck at all. So, how about it?
Where did you find those images? They all look like yugioh cards. Edit: Crystal Giant looks like Power Giant.. But in a different pose.. Edit Edit: Found this. Spoiler My first thought was that you had simply looked for YCM cards to take images from (which is a good idea) but this has less of the image shown than yours, so it must just have been multiple people using the same source image.
Hey, Jaden, how would you like to play one hundred games of Rock Paper Scissors with me? Oh, one special rule: I'm not allowed to use anything but scissors in any of the games.
I've played a single metroid game, several mario games, at least two zelda games, I think I've played a donky kong game, but I could be wrong. In addition to that I've played some sonic games and never beaten any of them.
I have never beaten any game from any of the series you listed.
Please tell me this is self parody...