Chocolate Chip Granola Bar. .... I'm hungry again :huh:
Getting final form is random. I remember trying to get it for a month before I gave up, and it came up when I was just touring the world's over again. Just keep using drive forms over and over again, and you'll get it eventually.
No. They can't do this. Grabs rifle I'm going Fox hunting now.
Facebook > MySpace The IM thing MySpace has is disturbing, and looks awful. Facebook's is more simple and doesn't bug up everytime you click on it....
Hi Mimiru! Welcome to KHV, make sure to not spam and also read the rules. Have fun! ^_^ :D
If it has instruments, rhythm, vocals, flow, and a topic, it's music. Everything that fits that is music. It's just some people don't like to accept some musical pieces or genres, and therefore don't recognize them as music. But in the end, if it has all the above requirements, it's music.
Thanks for the welcomes everyone :) I really appreciate it Really? I can see why. I used to be really active on that site, but for some reason a tidal wave of spammers/flamers came and the Mods went unactive for months on end. It got so bad that every other new thread was basically "**** THIS SITE!". Though, I do go back, albeit much less, to talk to some of the actually decent people on there. That's awesome! I thought we were the only ones like that left, but I was mistaken...again. I'm out of school too, but I'm busy with AP World homework, that I should consider getting back to, as it's due Monday :lolface:
Well, I kinda exaggerated that, cause I'm not the typical party type of person. Especially dancing. If i ever laid a foot on a dance floor, the world would just stop existing and all this other stuff that would lead to destruction, chaos... slaps self Sorry, I get off topic a lot, mostly 99.8% of the time. :imslow: Anyway, my name is Alex, but feel free to call me Al, or Lex, or my username and that kind of stuff. While I don't prefer people to refer to me as Alexander, it doesn't really matter. I had found this site when I was looking up a way to beat Xaldin (I hate him with such a burning passion) and decided to sign up. Only that was five months ago... and I just made this introduction now...boy do I suck. :=D: Most of my friends are people like me, who just play video games and listen to music non-stop, and sit in class asking ourselves how idiots managed to get into our school. Most importantly hi, and I hope I enjoy my stay at KHV, which is hopefully not gonna end up like, for some of the people there do not understand the basics of Internet courtesy.