im noob to dude i just started this thing like yesterday so ya just do what the others say and if u do skate dnt skate for 8 hrs in 90degrree weather lol
nice i look forward to it
i also think it should be on 360 too and have it be online cuz if its the keyblade wars then u should at least play other peeps
KHIII - Official Sticky Thread what will the new kh3 be like on the wii what worlds would u visit, what keyblades u keep and new ones u get?
umm rlly hard couldnt focus was to busy trying to land more then one trick. hey got a ? for any1 how do u post those things that have pics on the bottom?
AHHHHHHHHH!!! r u serious that sick im buying it it gonna be hecka hard though i bet
this may sound kinda showoffy but i rarely use cure only on rlly hard bosses and items i use almost whenever im gonna die thats all