tricks i did in my run even though this has nothing to do with kh but i am gonna go play kh so i have to leave something
i agree with kairi2011 the cutscenes make me want to just go in the game and strangle pooh lol jk but they do make me mad take to long
srry bout that though but ya i think that wii is a good idea but it might be hard to control
o srry bout that and ya i get it but goood thing my dads trading in his 360 for the ps3 that way well have all 3 new systems
ya i get it
B.B i kinda get it so r u saying have kh1 on ps1 then have kh2 on ps2 idk if that would work if that what ur saying? but ya that would be tight to get the skin if they do make the keyblade skin it will kinda be like the guitar hero guitar
if u guys need to know how to level ur drive forms here are some options. 1.go to twilight town and go to the tower entrance and their are nobodies on every floor so its best to level ur final form 2.go to radiant garden go to the place before the great maw (idk the name) then go to ravine trail it should level ur valor form,wisdom and the spike balls have drive gauge orbs so ur master too
hahahaha that would be pretty funny i would bring it to skool be like back off or ill hit u lol
yummmy that would sound goo thats what i was trying to say but just didnt say it lol
ya they should have a keyblade wii remote that would be tightness
heck yes i luv it lol i skate and play kh i dnt know that much skaters who do that lol o and i will
i agree and what do u mean by the second thing u said?
yaq i think the same too but i think that it might be like final fantasy i hope not i like tha way kh is already. u know what would be hecka sick if they made a keyblade wii remote how tight would that be?
lol ok good but what does pm a mod mean how do i do that?
i agree with seasalticecream amen lol but ya if it does come out for the wii i think it should come out for 360 cuz if its keyblade wars then u should at least play against others that would be sick
srry but how do i do that PS im a noob so srry for all the questions =[
ya i do that but idk what to do
if this is bout the sig then ya i cnt even get a pic on it every pic i have is lower then the available sections
o my bad lol srry
kh3 but ya i think if it has any disney channel worlds im not gonna buy it that would be the dumbest thing in the world but i would still play kh1and2