probably sora, and org sora: black,baggy,bright. my kind of clothing org:black,hoods lol my kind of clothing as well
i need help all i need is the myrthril crystal to get the ultimate weapon what enemy has it? i cnt get the rare capsules cuz my party members just destroy them
oathkeeper:cuz hes half of sora so when sora made a promise to kairi roxas is basically soras half so he has the promise. and oblivion idk
idc what happens i just hope it comes out soon
i heard that some ppl hate the game,i luv it, so have u played it?
nice look forward to it
tight that would be awesome
maybe he prolly just added another chain to his last keyblade i think he shoulda kept the one from kh 1
i just think that kh3 should be on 360 cuz that way cuz its called keyblade wars you should be able to play online against others
the island between kairi and sora seperate, could sora just jump on with her?
now that u think of it cuz im not leaving yet. but now u say it ill say they have cuz almost all my friends have ps3's and wii's
all i have to say is that the ps3 is ok and the wii is ok and 360 is tight so my results would be 360:1st PS3:tied with 2nd with wii
welp i hate arguing so im gona say that just keep ur eye out for it
i think cuz their making the kingdom hearts not so many years apart they should just keep it even instead of making the dates out there cuz i heard that their making kh3 in 2011-12
ya and more kh players have wii so they should make it on wii. and i feel sooooo dumb for posting those threads on the wrong things dangit i suck at this =[
kh: when you fight ansem kh2: end of the game the video
ya but ppl are dumb and dnt listen to others
i kinda agree the only reason why ppl bought the ps3 was to get GTA4 which idk y though
o crap im dumb ahhh how do delete it or can i?
skateboarding kill kids? cuz i skate