i like visiting hollow bastion or end of the world because it helps u level and get items u need.
ok i will ill post something on kingdom hearts look for it
post what thats my main problem idk where
no nope not that i know of
prolly wakka cuz hes tight and was in FF10
all i think is that it will come out in 2010-11
1.everytime i post i do something wrong or say something wrong,and 2 everythime i post stuff it is not in the right forum
she gets annoying sometimes when she kinda disses sora and stuff but other then that shes ok
i dnt know what to do so im just gonna stop posting
i try to use desent numbers.
thats what everyone says ya dude i was a noob then and i didnt know what to do =[
if u go to the gummi hanger in disney castle . i get on the edge of the bottom platform so it wnt let u fall off, i push the conroll stick up like i click it and itlooks like hes dancing that gets fun for 20 min
ok thnx ya i was just synthesising and i ended up getting one now i just gotta get an orichalum to get the ultima weapon
the best song ever CKY-escape from hellview
if they do get a 14th member it might be riku. idk y i thought of that its just that prolly who its going to be.
i think i get it ur a beserker but u use skill witrh it. am i right?
me im kinda in the middle of this yes and no. i say that cuz most ppl died from getting stabbed. and i think no because then i would need a lisence
i popsted it to see if ppl actually played CoM
i agree with vindicated i never run cuz it will not level u up worth crap.
what songs do they sing out of these 5