avvy:9/10 sig:6/10 too blurry
their song wild wild west is cool do u agree?
ya i think hes pretty tight im kinda a fan but other then that if ppl call me emo then i dnt agree
ya talk bout scary watch disposable teens now that movie madee me not wanna sleep
i agree its pretty intense plus the solos
i only like his songs
i cant i think its hecka hard but i can only play real guitar songs i can play are:disposable teens-marilyn manson,Escpae from hellview-CKY
can u play through the fire and flames on expert?
avvy:7/10 sig:9/10
i rlly hate the sorcerers or however they spell it. i got their pattern down now
that song is tight but right now listening to disposable teens:marilyn manson and Escape club:wild wild west
ya when they move they like go into the ground that makes me mad
watch disposable teens video on youtube and whatch it its pretty scary
actually i play it hecka but not more then kh2 i just play it to get to level 100
i like it i think its pretty funny
i rlly dnt remember i think i just saw it in a magazine then played it and liked it since after that i was addicted
i agree even magic doesnt work on everything
normal:kingdomhearts123 closed:kinfsom hwarts123 ahhh got 123 i felt blind
how do u get the ultima weapon?
i plain out think the ones that have nice exp