this is about a mother who locks her children up in an attic after her husband dies...they have to move to their grandmothers...who thinks the children are horrible and unholy....they spend years locked up...but their mother always says...once her father dies and she can get the money from his will they will get out and be free children again...but it seems he will never die....and when he does...will they really get out again? name: nick name: (if they have one) age: gender: apperence: number of child in the family: name: yumiko nick name: yumi age:15 gender:female apperence: number of child in the family: the oldest daughter,
so everyone in kh is all grown up and married and has a war had broken out and the old heros have to save the day again...along with their children.but theres something else...some of these children are the great chasers,they have to be trained in the ways of the keyblades...before they can go into battle... take characters sora-me kairi-me name: age: gender: keyblade: parents: apperence: world: bio: chaser or just a keybearer: name:kari age:15 gender:female keyblade:oathkeeper parents:roxas and namine apperence: world:ttnw bio:she is the only child of roxas and namine chaser or keybearer:chaser
so roxas has been stuck in the computer for two years...hes now 17,he decided it had all been a dream and went back to being normal...hanging out with his friends and stufff...until it starts up again taken characters roxas-me
come back to me.... i cant get you out of my mind... you left me behind hind... come back to me... stay here with me... dont leave me again... come back to me... i cant get you out my mind... i cant get you out my heart... since you left me behind... come back to me... if you go...take me... so we can...can be together... come back to me... i cant get you out my mind... since you...left me...behind...
im so pissed off right now...and i dont know why.... its almost time for their sith year,lily and conni are still trying to get over the deaths of their brothers,the prohpcy was lost in the fight...the death eaters got it,but lily decided to go back to school this year,after what had happend she though it was for the they are all at the burrow...lily had invited them to come on the train home...awaiting their OWL resultsand will they final find out who hiros parents are? will this be a normal year? or will it be the worst?" name: age: gender: parents: name:lily potter age:16 gender: female parents:harry and ginny apperence : if youev been in the previous ones then you can just start rping but if your new then give the details plz!
its been 20 years since the lord of the rings, now everyones got married and had its their kids turn as chaos retruns again as a new ring was mad...but worse than the first...there is a war about to start....elfs and dawrves and humans have to band together once more to stop it form destorying the world...but can they stop it again? lol i was bored name: age: parents: race: weapon: apperence: gender: bio: name:zara age:15 parents:aragon and the elf lady... race:half human half elf weapon: a sword and a bow and arrow apperence : gender:female bio:shes a princess
this school is for kids with magic powers,some of their parents never went to the school.but some did,these kids need to control their magic,because it can turn them into evil witches and wizards...can they conrtol their magic... name: age: gender: bio: apperence: animal: birthday(just for fun) : name:sarah-jane age:15 gender:female bio:her parents never went to the school,their were never magical apperence: animal: she has a cat,call sootie birthday: 31/7/1991 rules *no yoai or yuri *keep it pg 13 *no power playing its a bording school so they'll be gone for most of the year but they can go home juring holidays and stuff.we start by bording the train...
thanks soraNrikuNkairi for the title so its been fifteen years since adrain left and arya left not long after him,ronni and phoenix are now 16 and 15.and in the middle of a war but they dont know it yet...will they take it well? or just go and pretend its not happening? and will the war be stopped...? nobody knows... name: age: bio: apperence: name:ronnie age:16 bio:he is the first prince of hearts,has had fathers powers apperence: name:arya age:32 bio:princess of hearts and ronnie and phenoixs mother apperence: sora! also sora roxas namine kairi raxya you can join at any time
after the horrible year before harry decided to take them all to the quittch world cup but it kinda goes wrong and they have to leave,then they got to number 13 grimrald place.everyone is there including the malfoys...they plot a way to stop voldemort...saying hes trying to get something or someone...or both ....but its also owl year this many other things can go wrong?!plus they all have a conection to him...only they and they alone can stop the dark lord.. name: age parents: year: apperence name:lily potter age:15 parents;harry and ginny year 5th apperence:
get a database error? are they back?
well now its their fourth year and the tri-wizard tournment! but lily got entred...but she didnt put her name in the cup? who`ll belive her? who wont? who will talk to her? who will cheer her? no one knows... what will happen...durmstang and bowbatons come to hogwarts all so to compete...who will win? name: age:15 or 14 parents: appernece name:lily potter age:14 parents:harry and ginny apperence: :
I will not cry for you soon you will die... and i will be alone... while you turn to bone... why did you leave me? why couldnt you just be safe and happy? why did you go? you could`ve said no.... its hard for me to tell you i love you... when im standing over your grave.... i dont know what to do with myself... do you know how much it hurts to be missing you? i miss you so much baby... i just cant go baby... but day...soon we will meet again... they will not cry... because i die... your not alone... as i turn t bone... we are not alone... because i die....-------------------------------------------------------------------- well that was made out of boredom ...hope you like it...:D
so with summer done and over with,the students of hogwarts are going back to school.lily now in her second year cant wait to meet her friends again.but the year doesnt go as she planed...something is petrifing muggle borns and animals...and lilys gettin the blame after she speaks in parsle tounge to a snake....someones possed but who? and who does the diary eblong too? name: age: appernece: parents: year:(any...but mostly 2nd) name:lily potter age:12 apperence; Parents:harry and ginny year:2nd year the same houses as last year please!
this is a bording high school.they are aloud to leave school grounds at weekends..and to go home on hoildays like christmas and easter and summer... name: age: bio: family: apperence: rules: have fun no cusing...only ones like f*** and stuff keep it pg 13 name:kaylee age:15 bio:her mother died in child brith and never sees her father,her older brother looks after her family:a father she never sees and a older brother apperence: :
i nearly fainted went all dizzy and then i started falling and my eyes went funny...but i dunno...i shook it off i alittle worried....
its been five years since arya and adrain parted aways,adrain went to do his own thing and arya went back to the islands,but she dissapperd for a week and came back and she was the baby boy is a year old and arya 20 but trouble seems to be rising again but not xemnas...mailificent and that war arya was told about is coming...soon...soon the islands dissapper but arya got away with her son and parents and riku and his daughter,they end up at disney castle and this is where learn of whats going on... taken charcters sora-me kairi-me riku-snrnk name:arya age:20 bio:has a son called ronnie. she is the last princess of hearts. apperence:
this is a school for vampires and vampires only...but some non-vampires want to join in the school too,so they dress up like vampires and act like them too...can they pull it off? or will they be found out? you can be anyon from kh 0r kh2 or make a oc name: age: gender: apperence: vampire or human?: name:lilian (lily) age:15 gender:female apperence: vampire or human?:vampire i`ll make dorms later :D ahve fun dorms lily,legato,rexjon and jade
this is a school for those with powers,the kids parents see that their children have no control over the powers and need to learn how to control them some kids dont like the idea of going away but agree anyway.... can they control their powers...and will all be well in the school or will things go worng? name age apperence power gender weapon (if you have one) name:madiline or maddy age:15 apperence: power:invisibleity,force feilds,walking through walls,seeing through walls gender:female weapon:none
this happens 20 years after the first one and with xemnas gone and sora and the others grown up and married everything seems fine...until milifcent comes along and tries to take kingdom hearts but thats not all...sora and the others never told their kids that they were vampires...or that their kids were vampirers either what will happen when they find out? taken chacters sora-me kairi-me riku-snrnk larxene-naminestwinsister name: age: parents: gender: apperence: powers: name:yuri age:15 parents:sora and kairi gender:female apperence: powers:has a keyblade and light