so twenty years since eragon last fought,and galbitorix is still at large and controling murtagh and now a great war is going to break out,but eragon found happiness by marrying arya and theyhad a daughter,and saphira and evendar,aryas dragon,had a egg, now that their daughter is fifteen,the egg hatched for her,but shes not the only new rider....more start to appere and they have to travel to the varden,for their own safety,but once the battle breaks out,galbitoix comes and joins the fight.....will he be killed? or will he live on? you can have anyone from eragon as your parents apart from arya and eragon name: age: gender: parents: dragon rider or knight: side:the varden or galbitroix apperence: dragons colour: dragons name: dragons gender: dragons age: other: colour of magic: name:yumi age:15 gender:female parents:eragon and arya dragon rider or knight:dragon rider side:the varden aperence: dragons colour: silver dragons name: garrow dragons gender:male dragons age: 6 months colour of magic:silver other:shes a princess of elesmeria because of her mother
i didnt make this its for hitna3510 You are on an island. There is no way to get off, and not to mention that you are being hunted. Now you must banded together with anyone you find who doess not want to kill you and find a way off of the island before you are killed. *No God-Molding *No killing without permission *No Taking over other people's ocs Played By~ Name~ Age~ Gender~ Power~ History~ Appearance~ Other~ Played By~SORA! Name~ginny Age~15 Gender~female Power~fire and energy blasts History~N/a Appearance~ Other~ hitna is gonna add hers later
nothing to do with harry potter or the others,but you can borrow there second names... story this is set in the future,and there is a group of witches and wizards who think they are better than the they treat everyone like slaves,and send the children to school,but they want them to become like them so once they are old and can not go on...the young ones with take there place but not all want to do they start learning from the teachers that dont want them to turn evil...unknown to the others,but what will happen? will it be good or bad? name: age: apperence: house: wand: blood: name: jaydon potter age:16 apperence: house:Gryffindor wand: oak,10 inches, dragon heart string blood:half blood name:kaylee potter age:15 apperence: house: Gryffindor wand: willow, 12 inches, pheniox tail feathe core blood: half blood
PROLOGUE -------------- A small girl of three,sat in her bed,listening to her book telling her a story of a pirate and treasure planet,she watached the ships move around with such intrest,and just as it got to the good part,her father came in, "jamie-lee sarah hawkins..."he said walking to her,he was a tall,brown haired,blue eyed man,with a kind face,"i thought i told you to go to bed a hour ago...."he said sitting on his daughters bed "Oh but dad...its just getting good!"she said smiling "oh no! not the face...dont give me that face..."he said laughing "oh alright can read it...but im sitting here..." "jim..."said another voice"you need to tell her off sometimes..." "oh but mom...its only a story...and look at her eyes..."jim said, his mother looked at jamie-lee,who was using her puppy dog eyes, "Oh can those eyes get any bigger....just like her father...."she smiled "Ok you it...but then get to bed jamie-lee..."she walked away again "hehe works eveytime..."jamie-lee said laughing and opening the book again,she watched it again,after alittle while,she fell asleep leanning against her father, he smiled and picked her up gently and put her under the covers and tucked her in,he walked out the room closing the door, "your doing a really good know that...right jim?"his mother said "sometimes its hard...y'know.....helping out at the inn and looking after her...." he said"sometimes i feel like its my fault that her mother left..." "Now you listen to me james hawkins...its not your fault...that her mother left and im telling you...your a great...father...." she smiled, "thanks mom...." he said,he opend the door again and looked back in at his daughter,smiling, then he closed it agian ----------------------------------------------------------- chapter one- in trouble...again... ~TWELVE YEARS LATER.~ a girl with long brown hair lay in her bed,fast asleep,until the sun touched her face,she opend her blue eyes slowly,looking around the room,she jumped out of bed,and rumaged through her drawers for her clothes,once she found then and had them on she stood in front of the mirror,she wore a white top,with black hood,blue jeans and black shoes,around her neck was a neckless with a picture of her and her father in it,she looked at the corner of her room,and saw her solar surfer sitting against the wall,she grabbed it and flung open her door and almost dropped her solar surffer,her father stood in front of her,arms crossed "going somewhere?"he said with a smile " was just gonna-" she started "you know you'r meant to help out at the inn today..."he said "I know...i was gonna come back..."she said "jamie..."he said "dad...please...i wont be long..."she said smiling "fine"jim sighed "thanks!" she ran off,the next thing she knew was that,she was flying through metal works,then she herd a noise, she looked behind and saw the cops "not again...."she mutterd, the door of the inn opend and she stood in between the two cops "jamie!"jim said angrily "thanks for the lift guys"she said shrugging them off "not so hawkins....we need to talk in private..."one of the cops said "Ok..."jim said opening a door..."Im here..." once they were all seated they began to talk,tell jim that jamie was tresspassing "One more offence from her and she'll be put in juvinal hall...." "I under stand thank you..."jim said leading them out he turn to her "again?! do you want to go to juvinal hall?!" he said once they were gone... "No..." "then why do you do it?!" "I dont know.."she said "thats not good enough!" "forget this!" she said running out the room and outside.slamming the door behind her, she climb on the roof and hugged her knees
well,its been twenty years since jim hawkins went on his trip to the treasure planet,now he works in the benbow in,helping his mother,but he also has a fiteen year old daughter...who keeps getting in trouble,much like he did, and he cant take it anymore...but he knows the reason why...she keeps getting in trouble,her mother left when she was nine,but one night when she was sitting on the roof,someone crash landed on the road,she went to see if the person was ok...she took him back to the house and he told her to keep it safe for the cyborgs then he died,then a bunch of cyborgs attacked the inn,and they had to leave,now they are going to go to find the treasure, name: age: gender: apperence: name: jim hawkins age:35 gender :male apperence: name: jamie-lee hawkins or jamie age:15 gender:female apperence:
20 years after the white witch died,some of her minons brung her back to life narnia is a frozen watse land again,aslan isnt there to help and peter,suan,edmund and lucy are too old to help out now...its up to their children to save the day and claim their places at care parravell...but can they stop the ever lasting winter? can they surrive this war? can they save all of narnia? name: age: gender; parent: apperence: other: name:ross pevencie age:15 gender:male parent: peter apperence: other:has a twin sister name:rose pevencie age:15 gender:female parent: peter apperence: other: has a twin brother rules *no one else can take peter as their parent *keep it pg 14
well you know that show? teen titans...well this is based off it so its 20 years after the first teen titans and now theres a new set of them and new dangers,theres trouble at every corner,plus they have school and nobody knows who theses kids are because they have super hero names too.... but people are looking for them...and they dont know it...but someones picking them by one can they stay hidden?or not? name: super hero name: age: gender: power: apperence: weapon: name: violet super hero name;invisa-girl age:15 gender:female power:invisibility,force feilds and engery blasts from her hands apperence: weapon:her mind
i didnt think it was cold enough to snow in scotland right its really heavy...but it wont lie...cos its wet too..
so now its the final year,but not many are going back,lily and conni arent,they're going to look for a way to stop voldemort and find hiro,they are going,even though their parents told them not to,plus things arent going to well at hogwarts either....bad things begin to happen.but it all starts at alexander,lily's nephews christening when the death eaters attack,because voldemort has moved out into the open.the death eaters come to the christening attacking everyone in sight but lily and the others manage to get away just in time,for they were after them so voldemort could give them a choice to join him..or die....what will happen once they do find a way to kill him? it starts with them at the party after the chistening.. name: age: appernece: parents: name:lily potter age:17 apperence: parents: harry and ginny
so since the other kinda died,its been 20 years since the last one and now everyones grown up and married and had families now,but something big is coming,somthing bad...the islands get attacked again...they have to leave with this families and fight...but none of the kids know about what happend to their parents before they were born...untill they start to turn into vampires.... taken chars sora-me kairi-me riku-snrnk chrystale-snrnk name: age: gender: apperence: parents: name:tori age:15 gender:female apperence: parents:sora and kairi name: lanie age:5 gender:female apperence: parents:sora and kairi name:Rachael Slatear age:18 gender:Female apperence:Black hair red streaks..nd looks alot like riku parents: riku and chrystale rules *they can only have up to 2 kids *only one person can have a set of parents eg sora and kairi cant be taken again *keep it pg 14
schools started up again and everyones,not really happy about it. a new year....and more fights,dances,proms...break-ups and such... the rebles and pts (teachers pets) never get on...and keep fighting maybe this year will be different...nobody knows....but the new head master xemnas...might things.... teachers xemnas/headmaster- saix/deputedhead-ME vexen- zexion- xigbar- xaldin- tps sora/leader- kairi/girl leader riku- tidus- yuna- wakka- sephie- leon- aries- yuffie- namine- hayner- pence- rebles roxas/leader-SORA! axel- demyx- cloud- tifa- rikku- paine- name:rini age:15 tp or reble: reble gender: female apperence: ocs name: age: tp or reble: gender: apperence:
schools started up again and everyones,not really happy about it. a new year....and more fights,dances,proms...break-ups and such... the rebles and pts (teachers pets) never get on...and keep fighting maybe this year will be different...nobody knows....but the new head master xemnas...might things.... teachers xemnas/headmaster- saix/deputedhead-ME vexen- zexion- xigbar- xaldin- tps sora/leader- kairi/girl leader riku- tidus- yuna- wakka- sephie- leon- aries- yuffie- namine- hayner- pence- rebles roxas/leader-SORA! axel- demyx- cloud- tifa- rikku- paine- name:rini age:15 tp or reble: reble gender: female apperence: ocs name: age: tp or reble: gender: apperence: name:rini age:15 tp or reble: reble gender: female apperence:
nothing like my other ones :) lol ~twelve years ago~ so its been a hundred years since the last battle of hogwarts,now...after all this time another desendant of voldemort had risen to power, she went after the last desendant of harry,but the girl is not a potter...she's a spinnett the great grand daughter of lily and lewis spinnett,or well know as,lily potter, now when the girl was only one,her parents where killed,her father was killed juring his work for the order and her mother was killed portecting her,she received a scar on the left side of her forhead,but voldemorts desendant didnt dissapper as he did,she fled,weak but still alive and livinh in her own body,the baby girl was moved from the ruins of the house,she had to go stay with her mothers, brother and his wife,they were muggles,and had no children,they treated her like one of their own,hoping she wouldnt have magic in her,but it all changed when she got her letter,they started treating her like a freak...but that changed again once she came back from her first year,hogwarts had changed it to you start at 11 and you can leave school at the age of 18,so there was now 8 years of school....but what will happen with the muderer on the lose? ~now~ now the girl is starting her thrid year at hogwarts,but while on the train,dementors appere looking for two escaped prisoners,who happen to be looking for her,she's worried after she passes out on the train,now dementors are going to be around the castle,they'll be gaurding outside classrooms,gaurding commen rooms and everywhere else,but who knows if they will find the prisoners or not....they couldnt catch one once....who says it cant happen again?... rules *keep it pg 14 * no yoai/yuri * no power playing *no killing anyone with out permission * only two or three people from the same year can be on the quittch teams... name: age: gender: apperence: history: house: wand type: blood type: name:miley spinnett age:13 gender:female apperence: history:her parents are dead,has a scar on her head,lives with muggles,and is a powerful witch and is seeker on the gryffindor quittich team. house:gryffindor wand type:holly,pheniox feather core,12 inches blood type:half blood name:mary riddle or the dark one age:unknown gender:female apperence: history:she gave miley the scar...she is the desentdant of voldemort house:she was in slytherin but has left school now wand type:N/a blood type:n/a
so its been two years since the first one, since kairi started going out with roxas and sora going out with namine... now they got word that there was going to be a war...the boys have to leave...but the girls sneak after them...they end up going to other worlds and finaly on hollow bastion they end up in the battle taken characters roxas-me kairi-me sora-namines twinsister namine-naminestwinsister or you want be a oc
once there was a war,it raged on for centuries..never ending,thousands upon thoasands of people died...all men...sometimes women died...but they never fought,they helped the wounded men and stayed with the children,not matter how much the men tried the war would not stop,the battle grew more and more stained with blood as it continued,more boddies burned with the others,piled high..the air smelled of death,now a many,many centuries later...the men still fight the the women can fight...but the children go to school,in this school they learn to fight....they learn how to surrive this never ending fight...once their schooling is over and done,they can join the fight...but once they join the fight...will it end? or will it rage on until they,as so many before them...can not fight anylonger?it may rest in these young ones hands...weither the world surrivies or not.... rules *keep it pg 14 *no killing anyone with out permission. *no power playing. *dont control anyones characters with out permission *no more then 3 characters max *you cant be over 17..they go to war at they have to be 11-17 *have fun *no yoia or yuri *everyone has to go to school at this point name: nick name: (if they have one) age: gender: side: (good or bad?) apperence: history: other: weapon: colour of armour: CHACTERS name: kimberly nick name: kim or kimmy age:16 gender:female side:good apperence: history:her father and mother went to war when she was 9...they were never seen again...her whole family have been involed in the war...everyone of them died at some point juring it... other:N/A weapon: two daggers colour of armour:white. name: Yuia nick name: none age: 16 gender: female side: good apperence: fighter&pageOffset=5 history: n/a other: is really good at sword fighting weapon: in pic colour of armour: black armour with a red desing of a dragon on it... usually doesn't wear armour, wears what is in pic name: Akilne nick name: Aki age: 16 gender: Female side: Decding apperence: history: unknown expect that she grew up rich and her family died so now she owns everyuthing of theirs other: is easily prusded weapon: like in pic colour of armour: black with gold asian like patterns but hardly ever wears it name: Anabela nick name: (if they have one) Anna age: 16 gender: female side: (good or bad?) good apperence: magic girl&pageOffset=9 history: both her parents and her older brother died in the war and now it is just her and her little bro other: she acts like she is her lil bro's mom weapon: bow and arows colour of armour: red name: Ern nick name: (if they have one) age: 13 gender: male side: (good or bad?) good apperence: brown boy&pageOffset=13 history: same as anna's other: he has a pupy named Bud weapon: sword colour of armour: blue if im not on and you want to join just pm me and you can join or just start rping i dont mind...
well i turned 14 on tuseday right...and now i want a job,nothing big...small jobs...just toget me money...i was thinking about the hairdressers,but do like the cleanning and sweeping and stuff...i wouldnt ask for much money either...probly £3 or £5 ...but i dunno anymore... what should i do? wait till im a little older? or go for it?
ok so everyones grown up and married and has atleast one kid,who has specil powers,plus a keyblade...they have to send them to a school king mickey set uop for them.not many are happy about going though,but their parents go with them to watch them train....then they will get armour and go into war, will they win? did the training pay off? i know i make to many of these name: age; gender: parents: power: keyblade: apperence: SORA! name:ami age:15 gender:female: parents:sora and kairi power:she can make her whole body go on fire with out being burned keyblade: bound of flames apperence: SORA! also sora and kairi Name:Cade Age:15 Keyblade:Circle of Life Parents:Selphie and Riku....odd couple XD Appearance: boy&pageOffset=15 Bio:The determined and jump-to-the-gun Riku in a different form,he's inherited most of his traits from his dad,and for some odd reason Way to the Dawn appears to him from time to time Name:Nny Age:14 Gender: Male Keyblade: Parents: Zexion and Axel xD Powers: Can read minds at times and can jusp really high Appearance: Bio:Nny is very smart but very cocky and is short tempered If you get on Nny's bad siteyou better watch out
chapter one-the sorting the small family walked towards the station,waving their way through the many,busy people they stopped,right in between platfourms nine and ten,the mother looked at her oldest son " go first..."she said to him "Ok mum"albus said he ran at the wall,the little girl who stood next to her father gasped and closed her eyes,when she opend them again,her brother was gone,her mother looked at the youngest son. "james...on you go...."she said "ok mum."james said,taking the trolly from his mother,he took a run and again the girl closed her eyes and again,once she opend them,her brother was gone... "ready to go lily?"her father asked "y-yeah..."she said nervously,she took her fathers elbow,her mother grabbed onto the trolly too,they took a run at the wall,she closed her eyes,but felt nothing,she opend her eyes again,and saw a gleamming red train,her mother and father smiled as they looked at the train,but lily looked around,she could see albus talking with his friends a little way from james who was messing around with his friends, "where are they?"lily mutterd "dont worry...they'll be here...knowing your aunt...she wont want to miss sending her children to school,he looked around for them also,there was aloud shout "HARRY!" someone called,they all turned to see a family of five coming their way,but the two girls who were with them left to stand with ablus and james.they now family of three stood infront of harry,ginny and lily,lily smiled weakly at them, lewis.her cousin gave her a cheerie smile "Looking forward to it?"he asked "kinda..."she said,harry and ron put the trunks in the train "cant belive lewis going to hogwarts with jayden and andrea..."ron said "Yeah i cant belive lily's going with albus and james...they grow up to fast dont they?"harry said and ron nodded,hermione and ginny were talking "well jayden better settle down and get on with her owls..."she said "yes...i agree...james needs to calm down..hes not like albus...abus is a hard worker...he'll do good...i know he will..."ginny said,the train whistle went "oh is it time already?!"hermione said "yeah now hurry up you two..."Harry said "make friends...dont get into fights..."ginny said "and dont let any slytherin give you any rubbish..."ron finished,with final huggs and kisses goodbye lily and lewis jumped on the train,james and jayden could be herd messing around again,lily and lewis waved out a window,ginny,hermione and ron all waved,harry walked with the train,waving at them,he kept waving until he couldnt see the train anymore.. "they'll be fine...."ginny said to him "corse they will mate...nothing can go wrong..."ron said"they got each others backs..." "He's right harry..they'll look after each other..."hermione said "yeah...i know they will..."Harry said, once they had found a compartment,lily and lewis sat down at the window,people passed but didnt bother with them,lewis already had his hogwarts robes on but liy had to changed half way through the journey,they were almost there when the door slide open "can i sit here?"asked a girl with short light brown hair and blue eyes, "yeah..."Lily said before lewis could answer "thanks..."the girl said sitting down "Im laura by the way..."she said "Im lily..."she said, "Nice to meet you lily..."laura said looking at the red-headed girl "I like your eyes...nice shade of green..."she added "thanks..."Lily said,laura turned to lewis "and you are?"she said "Lewis..."he mutterd,the girl looked at the boy with brown spickey hair and brown eyes, "nice to meet you ..."she said, they sat in silence the rest of the way,once the train stopped the hopped off and herd a voice call "over 'ere first ye'rs over 'ere!" "HAGRID!" lily and lewis said happily "Hello there you two..."He said beaming..."go and get boats quick.." "well well well....look what the cat draged in...a potty and a weasel..."said a snide voice.lily and lewis turned to see a girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes ad her face paler than death "who are you?"lily asked "Malfoy...cathy malfoy..."she said "well...see you up there..."she said walking away "I dont like her.."lewis mutterd "Nobody likes malfoys...."Lily said she got in a boat with lewis and some others,once they reached the school they waited out in the hall,then they were taken into the great hall,lily saw her brothers black haired heads turn to her,then she saw andrea and jaydons red heads turn to lewis,they stoped in front of the stool "now when i call your name,you will conforth and place the hat on your head..."said the professor a number of names were called out including malfoy...she got put in slytherin,lily watched her sit next to two boys,so like her lily has guessed they were her older brothers.... "potter lilian..."said the professor,lewis looked at her,lily stumbled forward and sat on the stool,she put the hat on hm..what have we got here? another potter? i see talent in you...much more talent than your parents or your smart...but not smart enough for ranvenclaw...not huffle wouldnt belong are cunning...slytherin perhaps? no? well you are brave...then it better be... GRYFFINDOR! The hat shouted,lily took it off,she smiled,at lewis as she ran to sit with her brothers,andrea and jayden hugged her and albus and james clapped her on the back, "weasley lewis!" lily watched lewis walk forwards after a minitue or two the hat shouted "GRYFFINDOR!",Lewis joined lily and the others at the griffindor table,after a spech and feast..they went to their dorms to do as they wished,lily and lewis...went to bed because they were so tired.they couldnt wait for the next day...
im not really sure if its meant to go here or if this had been done...but i think i saw something about kairi and sora in ff...and i was wanting to know if they were...if they are...can i have a,link to it? plz again sorry if it doenst go here:lol:
go on....guess :D