there is this war...with light and darkness,the princess of light was forbidian to help fight,same for the princess of darkness,but they dont listen and they run away from their castles,intending to help,but it makes it worse,it gets bad,and people go after the princesses,until they met the girls are against each other,then they discover that they are twins,their mother and father split years ago,the girl decide its time to end the war,but after they travel and make friends,they end up getting caught up in the war.... name: age: gender: kingdom::light or dark apperence: personality: history: power: name: Princess Madiline or Madi age:16 gender:female kingdom:light apperence: personality: she is the quiet,nice and kind teenage princess of the kingdom of light,she wants to stop this war,but she can be quick to anger history:she is the princess of light,her father split from her mother after she was born,she grew up hating the darkness power:light we need her twin as well anyone can be her twin
story:so its time again for the new first years to come and join the school,its starts off like a normal school,but turns as people start changing,behaving strangly as well,nobody know whats going on,plus the kids have start changing into animals,but are still half human,whos causing all this trouble? nobody knows many will get sick and change? how many will not? name: age: gender: parents: apperence: house: name:Lyra Spinnett age:11 gender:female parents:lily and lewis spinnett apperence: house:gryffindor
so the kingdom hearts people are going to St trinians,the school with the worst reputation ever! with its bad behaviour,parties,hockey playing,you'd think it was a zoo and too top it all off,theres weird stuff going on,a teacher selling stuff to the black market...and its normaly a all girls school,but no boys are going too ...can the kingdom hearts people get through the school year,or will they start to change? you can be any kh character you want,and you can make a oc OC'S NAME: GENDER: APPERENCE: PERSONALITY: AGE: PLAYED BY: TAKEN CHACTERS sora-ME roxas-ME NAME:sarah and taylor gender:female apperence: personality:they are both trouble makers and are at not getting caught age:15 played by:SORA!
this is based off my fan fic story~ so its been twenty years since the last adeventure and now it the kids turn,it starts off as a ordaniary summer for sora,roxas,riku and axels kids,until the heartless attack the islands and they get transported to diseny castle,they talk to mickey before they have to go again to hollow bastion,but the get into trouble on the way there with heartless and nobodies,once there they get into a fight and seperate,and the propchy comes true,two chose light,two chose darkness,will they come backc to the light or not? plus the war coming can be good... OCS name: age: gender: apperence: parents: homeworld: side: light/darkness/nobodies Personality: name:Akiko age:15 gender:female apperence: parents:sora and kairi homeworld:destiny islands side:light personality:much like sora,upbeat-cheerful,go-lucky,but quick to anger,she has A HUGE crush on kite PLAYED BY:SORA! name:Yumi age:15 gender:female apperence: parents:roxas and namine homeworld:destiny islands side:light,soon to be the nobodies side personality:alot like namine,she can be talkitive but can be quiet,she is quick to anger PLAYED BY: OPEN name:kite age:15 gender:male apperence: parents:riku and selphie homeworld:destinyislands side:light personality:he can be like bot of his parents,happy on moment,sad the next,he doesnt get angry easily,but can be violent when enraged, he has a huge crush on akiko PLAYED BY: Tularim name:Hiro age:15 gender:male apperence: parents:axel and larxene homeworld:destinyislands side:light,soon to be darkness personality:he is the quickest to anger PLAYED BY:OPEN YOU CAN BE ONE OF THE OTHER THREE OR MAKE YOUR OWN,NOTE THAT YOU CONTROL THEIR PARENTS AND ONLY ONE PERSON CAN HAVE A SET OF PARENTS, E.G THE PARENTS LISTED CANT BE TAKEN AGAIN HAVE FUN!
ok,so sora gets bitten and bite everyone else,then the org heres about it,so they try to get all the vampires to help them..but it doesnt work so they try brain washing them... and then the vampires bite the whole village..and a chase breaks out..they all flee untill yen sid tells them that they have to go back in stop xemnas brainwashing the vampires...and just as they are about to stop it, they get proppelled back to the futre..and then one of them has the power to go back with them without a time limit, they make sure they dont get seen by themselves in the other time zone..and shut off the machine in time taken characters sora_me kairi_me roxas_me namine_me riku_sNrNk
its been a hundred years since lyras adventure and now theres a new girl living at jordan collage,she is smiliar to lyra,no parents...lived at the collage all her life....but theirs other children there too...special chidlren she was told when she was younger...for these children have destinies....more important than others....everything seems fine...until children start to go missing...the children with great destinies go after them...they find out that there is a compound in the north...that tests if someone has a great destiny...if not...that child is never seen again,the kids who posse the golden compass,sutble knife an amber spyglass are there...helping....but they get caught and taken to the compound...but they ecape....but not before they find out that their is a war comming.....what will happen? we need a person to have the subtle knife and amber spyglass! the others you can just make things up! but no one else can have the compass,knife or spyglass once their taken! everyones daemon has settled name: age:(13-19) gender: apperence: personality: reason for being in the collage: daemons fourm: daemons name: daemons gender: if your a girl its a boy if your a boy...its a girl destiny: name:lorrie age:16 gender:female apperence: personaity:shes not the quietest girl of the collage,nor the brightest...gets into trouble alot...but she doesnt mind...she wans to help reason for being in the collage:she has no parents and her aunt and uncle own the collage so they took her in daemons fourm:a snow white ermine daemons name: patallimon daemons gender:male destiny:to have the golden compass
so yeah.....i think that its time for me to leave...i dont really have any reasons for going....i've been thinking about it for awhile i've made my mind going..and i wont be back everyone that i know...has been so nice to me... to everyone i rp with..your all really great.... but its time for me to go....i i'v...i dunno grown out of this site... i never thought i'd make one of these...not yet yeah i guess this is only here to post other things....then i wont be back... just thought i better say...bye
its been three years since the first one,once mark and lyra had got back to port royal to get wills heart they discoverd,lyras house recked and her mother hurt,elizabeth told them that it was davy jones....he had come back to take his place as captaion of the dutch man and kill will for stealing it..lyra and mark left right away to save will and find jack,and stop jones,but can they really do all that? name: age: gender: apperence: parents: name:lyra turner age:18 gender:female apperence: : parents:will and elizabeth
so the org has opend a high school for nobodies to see if they will be able to get in the organization,many nobodies sign up to get into the school,all the org teach a subject,even roxas and namine....even though shes not in the org..... but the nobodies devide themselves into groups....ones group it a bunch of nobodies who do everything the teachers tell too and the other dont....the org are awear of this and try to stop it but it doesnt it carries on and so on,plus they have the welcome back dance coming up,what will happen? none of them have X in their name yet character sheet name: age: gender: apperence: group: personality: place in group: teachers xemnas/headmaster-SORA! saix/depthead-demyityx xigbar/lazer shooting teacher- xaldin/lance fighting teacher- vexen/science teacher-demtiryx lexuas/rock making teacher- zexion/iliusion teacher- axel/fire/fighting teacher- demyx/swimming/sitar teacher- luxord/card teacher- marly/gardening teacher-marluxia's rose larxene/lightning making teacher- roxas/keyblade weilding teacher- namine/messing with memories/art teacher- name: hayden age:15 gender:female apperence: group: skaters/rebels place in group:leader of the skaters/rebels PREPS/GOODY GOODIES SKATERS/REBELS hayden-leader/rebel-skate jessie-second in comandr rules *keep it pg 14 *no taking over other peoples characters *have fun
the ghosts and peeves turn evil? and start taking over the knights armour and the armours turn bad and try to kill everyone who walks p[ast? but nobody has any clue whats attacking the students becausse the students dont think that it could be the knights of armour and the ghosts are friendly when people are about...and theres a new evil around.... name: age: appernece: parents: house: name:lyra jane spinett age:17 apperence: parents: lily and lewis house:gryffindor name:jordan james spinett age:16 gender:male parents:lily and lewis spinett apperence: house:gryffindor
story~ once there was a girl,she lived in a collage/high school,her parents were dead and her uncle came to visit once a month,but children start to dissappere...including on of her friends...her and her deamon,which is your soul outside your body in animal form...hid in a room to listen to the grownup,then a woman came and took her to live with her....but she was one of the kidnappers...sp she fled...and found out that her uncle was her father and the woman she had been staying with was her mother....she had to keep a locket that was given to her by the headmaster safe,from the woman....but there will be a war over this....a big one....for both the locket and child....for the child has the power to weild the power with in it...will she win this fight? name: age: gender: apperence: side: good or evil deamon: deamons name: deamons gender:if your a girl...itll be a boy...and if your a boy...itll be a girl... name:kara age:15 gender:female apperence: side:good deamon:normaly a ermine,but changes when needed deamons name:ruckustillimon or ruskus deamons gender:male
so yeah...i like doing this one...much like my first story~ its 20 years since sora and riku came home...everyones married and has kids and stuff,theres trouble a foot...milificents back....and organisation 13 too! but they're working together...they learn of sora and kairi's daughter,the last princess of hearts and they kidnap sora and kairi..thinking it would bring their daughter to they brain washed roxas and namine into working for them again....and the darkness is beging to spread to other worlds....their daughter decides its time to find her parents...but not alone...she could never find them alone....will she even find them at all? name: age: gender: parents: apperence: bio: homeworld: other: name: Arya age:17 gender:female parents:sora and kairi apperence: bio:she is a up-beat teenager...not many things can make her sad...she is quick to anger...and if her minds set on somthing...she doesnt give up. homeworld:destiny islands other:shes the last princess of hearts name: dai age:15 gender: female parents:roxas and namine apperence: bio:she is a quiet girl,doesnt like that fact that her parents are helping the bad people..but she understands whats going on and is quick to anger homeworld:the world that never was other:she has the same powers as her mother but also has keyblade,will do anything her parents say taken characters: sora-me kairi-me riku-soraNrikuNkairi roxas-me namine-me rules *keep it pg 14 * no power playing *no killing with out permission *no taking over other peoples characters with out permission *have fun
story~ well its fifteen years since the last one and nows the time to bring the new pirates in,elizibeth had a daughter to will and once their daughter finds out why her father is never there,she deicdes its time to get him off the flying dutchman so he can live with them,so goes to look for jack sparrow,hoping that he would help her out.but its not that easy,elizibeth follows her daughter and then sets off with her,planning to bring her husband back fromt the night mare that is the flying dutch man,will they suceed? will they not? name: age: gender: parents: apperence: name: Lyra turner age:15 gender:female parents:will and elizibeth turner apperence:
story~ there is a war,that will end all wars...this war is over a girl and her fimiluar,which is part of your soul outside the body in a animals fourm,the girl is said to be the most power full fighter of all time....said to be the most powerful witch,for her parents,where analine and rocco valerius,the greates witch and greatest fighter of all time,now both sides want her on their side,but she doesnt know who to chose,so she joins the rebillion....set out to stop the war,they are the third party in this war humans name: age: gender: apperence: other: fimiluars name: age: gender: apperence other: name:Akiko age:15 gender: female apperence: name:tyko age:1 gender:male apperence:
so now its been 7 years since their 7th yr and everyone got married and some even had kids,now they are at collage,learning how to be what ever it is they want to be....but some of the teachers are acting weird....but they dont notice it right away,and when they go to collage,they take their kids withe them...just to keep a eye on them for adults name: age: gender: apperence: parents: children: job: for kids: name: age:(3-6) gender: apperence: parents: heres lily and lewis little angels! lol name:lyra age:5 gender:female apperence: parents:lily and lewis spinett name:lily spinett age:24 parents:harry and ginny potter apperence: children:lyra job:learning to be a arour
story~well,in the kingdoms of zarena and alizemera,there is a war going on,these people are wizards and witches,the war has been going on for centures,there is a girl in a village inbetween these kingdoms and she is said to be expecting the child that can stop the war,both kings send people after her,each kingdom wants her on their side,but she flees the village and looks for a way to keep her unborn child safe,finaly some peopl tract her down,but they feel sorry for her and decid to help her... they travel back to the kingdoms and are forced to fight...or die,someone betrys them and they are taken to one kingdom,but they do not know that the baby is coming soon....will the war finaly stop? name: age: ( 15-28) gender: kingdom:zarena or alizmera or village? apperence: power: other: name:akiko age:15 gender:female kingdom: village apperence: power:light other:she is the mother of the unborn child *rules *keep it pg 13 *no killing others characters with out permission *no power playing... *have fun
so...yeah....uh...i run out of ideas for the last princess of hearts ones but i got another idea... story~ sora and kairi got married and had two children,but a war broke out and sadly...they died,leaving the two children with no they are `16 and 15 years old and are starting to learn about the keyblades and everything,then they find out that the organization never really died,and that they are the ones who killed kairi and they decid to go off and find these nobodies and try to fight them...but what will happen? name: age: gender: parents: apperence: powers: other: name:Arya age:15 gender:female parents:sora and kairi apperence: powers:light. other:she is the last princess of hearts name:zane age:16 gender:male parents:sora and kairi apperence: : powers:none he uses a keyblade other:he is the last keyblade bearer *no one can have the same parents as some one else! *no yoai or yuri! *keep it pg 14! *have fun!
(( note: roxas and namine never went back into sora and kairi and axel and larxene never died lol just a idea XD oh and riku ended up with selphie)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROLOUGE Four men sat in a room, their faces stunned as their wives had just left them with their children, one man,with spikey brown hair looked down at the baby in his arms,how was he meant to look after her? he had never looked after a child in his life...well now it was time he did...this was his daughter....he had to look after her....or her mother would be very angry with him and he didnt want that...he looked at the others,they were watching him,as if watching what to do...he sighed "so what?"he said "dunno..."said one with blonde spikey hair,he glanced at his daughter "well...she seems to be sleeping..." "yeah same with this one..."said one with flaming red hair,looking down at his son "aw man....why do i get the baby that never sleeps?!"said the last with silver hair "well...maybe we should just put them to bed?"said the first getting up and walking to a golen cot he laid the baby girl down,he pulled something from under her and she imeditly woke up and began crying "Uh-oh!"he said "uh...uh...i dont know what to do! kairi normaly sees to her!" he said "sora! calm her down already!" roxas said now trying to calm his daughter down,who was also crying now "Uh....right..."sora said picking up the baby again and rocking her,she soon stopped her crying and sora sat back down with a sighe,he closed his eyes,still holding the baby "if they're like this now....what will they be like when they're teenagers?"riku said "i dont like to think about that....not yet..."axel said sighing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter one start of a long boring summer! a girl,with long brown hair and sea blue eyes,sat up in her bed,rubbing her eyes,she looked around the room,then she got out of bed and pulled her clothes on,a pink top with no sleeves and a black hood and a pair of sky blue jean mini shorts,she slipped on her shoes and ran down stairs,bumping into her father "where are you going?"sora asked his daughter "out do know its the first day of summer."she said "Oh,who are you going with?"he asked "oh you know, hiro,yumi,and kite..."she said "ok akiko..have fun..."he said "dont worry...i will"she said grinning then she ran off again, running down the road,she stopped at a door and knocked a man with silver answer "hey Mr Riku, is kite there?"she asked "Yeah akiko he's up stairs,go up and get him if you want." riku said letting her in "thanks"she said heading up the stairs,she walked down the hall and stopped at a teenaged boy's door and found him bending over a drawer muttering "wheres that sock?" "looking for this?"akiko asked holding up a sock as she had found it outside in the halll "yeah thanks,akiko" he said showing no suprise that she was there,in fact she came from him so often,he knew what time she would be there at,he stood up,his spikey brown hair looked even more spikier,he had a red sleevless top on and three-quater length trousers,that were deep blue, "ready?"he asked "me? i was ready way before you!" she said laughing and giving him a small push,kite and akiko had been best friends since they were born really....but akiko liked him a little more than a friend...what she didnt know was that he felt the same,they left his house after talking with his parents,they made their way to the other island,once there they found their other two friends,hiro,who was wearing a blue top with no sleeves,and black three-quater length trousers,his blonde hair filled with sand after he had fallen,trying to get to them,and yumi,who was wearing a green top with a white hood and white shorts,her long blonde hair blowing in the wind,once they had spoken for awhile they sat on the peir "welll....this will be one long...boring summer!" hiro said grinning at the others "you got that rigth!" kite said "yeah"yumi said nodding akiko nodded and watched the waves
its been twenty years since the last one and everyone got married and had kids but one day the kids are taken,and sora,namine,roxas and kairi go off to find them,but they get away on their own...but the war is still going on and they have to join it name: age: 14-16 gender: parents: apperence: other: name: kiara age:15 gender: female parents: roxas and kairi apperence: other:is ross's twin sister name:ross age:15 gender:male parents:roxas and kairi apperence: other:is kiaris twin brother taken characters roxas-me kairi-me sora-nts namine-nts
so yeah...bored again story- voldemort never died...neither did anyone else,harry ron and hermione did go back for their last year and everything like that,but they are stil trying to stop voldemort.nobody knows where he is,nobody knows what to do to stop him, the only thing they do that he wants he can train all the kids to be death eaters, he wants to rule the wizading world,some kids are happy about being death eaters,others are scared,others relbe against it once he comes,but will they really all be death eaters?and dementors are roaming around...only bad things could come of this... name: age: parents: gender: apperence: house: blood type: wand: year: name: alexandra-jane potter or alexa age:14 parents:harry and ginny gender:female apperence: house:gryffindor blood: pure wand: willow,dragon heart string core,12 inches year: 4th