story: this is about jack,will and elizibeths kids, the curse has been place on the black pearl once again for leaving jack again,and jack writes to will and elizibeth usally,while hes looking for the fountain of youth,but the letters stop comming,other pirates start dissappering...and will and elizibeth are kidnapped by the pearl who knows what will happen? Name: age: apperence: parents: gender: Name:Nymphadora 'dora' elizabeth Turner age:15 apperence: parents: will and elizabeth gender:female
so its the thrid year and its the quittich world cup. during it theres a mass break out from azkban,the prisoners along with some of the dementors attack the world cup,back at school...everyones talking about how each prisoner is looking for something...or someone and aruors have been put around the school,to protect the children and teachers... how long will this protection last? and who are the prisoners looking for? Name: age: gender: apperence: house: year: Name:lyra spinett age:13 gender:female apperence: house:gryffindor year:thrid Name:jordan spinett age:12 gender:male apperence: house:gryffindor year:second
i was watching zoom the other day and wanted to make a rp of this... story- theres a evil force trying to rule the world,and a bunch of kids,who have been tossed aside by their families,because of their powers they are sent to a secret center to help them control their powers,little do they know that they are only being used to stop this evil they must both get out od the center and save the world...can they do it? Name: age: gender: apperence: powers: siblings: Name:Jordan age:17 gender:male apperence: power:super speed and fire siblings: summer and connor Name:Summer age:17 gender:female apperence: powers:invisiblilty,force feilds,walking through walls,can lift and move things with her mind and can shot energy from her hands siblings: Jordan and Connor Name:Connor age:7 gender:male apperence: power:super strength and ice siblings:Jordan and Summer
well...i kinda might have broke my laptop... and im using my im just gonna leave for a while...but i will be back i soon as its fixed...i WONT break it again... i dont even know how i broke it ...but still... wish i didnt have to SO bored... anyways...have fun without me ^^ i know you all will! - SORA! xx
so with high school done and over with, its time for collage...the org deicded it was pointless trying to teach a bunch of teens their ways, so now all the nobodies are going to the collage for their final training,some have families husbands.. wives....and children, they can go to the collage too,the org just wants more nobodies to help them,the same deivde is still there,the skater/prep one...even though they've grown up,and the welcoming dance...what will happen? they can be 18 btw Name: age: apperene: gender: childer,wife,husband: other: Name:Hayden age:24 apperence: gender:female children,none yet other:her father is Xemnas, and shes pregnant
when a human is born,a animal spirit goes into them and gives them the power of a element and the ablility to turn into that animal. but this is in another world,and people from our world learn of this and want to kidnap some of these strange people,to use them for their own game....for power,so they can take the animal spirits and put them in far its only adults they've caught...then teens and kids decid its time to put a stop to it and they fight with the normal ones..who'll win? who'll be lost forever? Name: age: gender: race: human or humanmial apperence animal: power: Name:Toni-Jane age:15 gender:female race:Humanmail apperence: animal:Pheniox power:fire Name:Lori-ann age:5 gender:female race:Humanmail apperence: anime:leaord power:ligthning
so its their seventh year and more and more peoples secrest are coming out meanwhile the new darklord is on the move,but still isint making to obivous,but people are dying anf going missing and stuff,while strange things happen outside hogwarts, more strange things are happening inside,why's everyone secrest suddenly coming out? and whats lyras secrets? who'll be the first to find that out? name: age: gender: apperence: other: house: Name:Lyra Spinett age:17,18 on the first of july gender:female apperence: Other:shes pregnant,her boyfriend isnt nice to her,but she hasnt told anyone...yet... house:gryffindor Name:Jordan Spinett age:16,17 on the 18 of september gender:male apperence: other:is worried about his older sister and promised his mother he'd watch her house:gryffindor dont ask why i put the other date things on LOL ^^;
A group of people were going on holiday,when they came across a storm,after fighting their way through it,they crash landed on a island,fighting for food,water and their lives. so many have died in the crash,and many are dying on land too,families have been broken,lovers lost, how much longer will they have to wait before they are rescued? Name: age: apperence: gender: other: Name: Toni age:17 apperence: gender:female other: she's pregnant,and she was on the plain with her brother to go see their parents Name: jamie age:15 apperence: gender:male other: he was going to see his parents with his pregnant sister
i had a idea again and this ideas for when the little kids go to the school.... they still havent stopped the new dark lord and now hes out in the open people are dying and dissappering,some are becoming brain washed,some of the kids go missing and brainwashed,it gets so bad that they have to send in under-cover auors such as casey,lyra and chrizlee how bad will it get before it ends? Name: age: gender: apperence: house; parents: Name: Cory jordan alexander setori age:22 gender:male apperence: house:was gryffindor parents: lyra and his step-father james Name:Madiline 'madi' ginvera lauren setori age:18 gender:female apperence: house:gryffindor parents:lyra and james Name:Wiliam 'will' james scott setori age:16 gender:male apperence: house:gryffindor parents:lyra and james Name: Ryan shawn harry setori age:13 gender:male apperence: house:gryffindor parents:lyra and james Name Toni lyra sarah setori age:13 gender:female apperence: house:gryffindor parents:lyra and james
so i thought i better make this while the idea's still in my head...or i'll forget LOL so its their fifth year,after the events of last year,people are begging to doubt the return of a new darklord...only a few belive them,some wont even talk to them,but somehow they start finding out who put them in the tournment...and why...but what will they do? and can they do it alone? name: age: gender: apperence: parents: house: personality: name:Lyra Spinnett age:16 gender:female apperence: parents:lily and lewis spinnett house:gyrffindor personality: shes normaly happy and go-lucky,but not this year,this year shes more depressed and upset,but at times she sneaks off and nobody knows where too,she doesnt like to talk about the year before name:Jordan Spinnett age:15 gender:male apperence: parents:lily and lewis spinnett house:gryffindor personaliy:loud annoying,he thinks hes the bad boy of gryffindor...he noramly is... like i said...just doing this before i forget about the idea
so its been seven years since they're nineth year, most people got married and had kids....or more in lyra's case,everyones working and doing they're own thing,but is all really good and well? they never stopped the new dark he gone? or hiding? name: age: gender: apperence: children: other: name:Lyra age:26 gender:female apperence: children: Cory,Madiline ,william and two more on the way other:she's pregnant ,with twins lives: at a beach,in a beach house name: Cory age:9 apperence: personality: quiet at times, but can be talkative,likes to have fun. name:Madline age:5 apperene: personality:loud,annoying,likes to chat...alot Name: William age:4 Apperence: personality: alot like his older brother,cory
in this world,witches are feared,but some are considerd as this world everyone has a part of their soul outside their body,but they are called a Daemon... there is a girl,she has grew up as a human, the witches learned that she has power of the witches..they want her to help them control all...for she is the one witch who can either save or destory them all... but the humans want her to stay as a human...her parents want her back....who will she chose? and can she pick before the war starts? name: age: gender: aperence: race: witch or human side:witch or human with or against the girl: reason for being with or against: daemons name: apperence: name: Amaya age:15 gender:female apperence: race:witch,but has been raised as a human side,unknow with or against: with reason:shes her deamons name: miyoinimon or miyo apperence:
well the other...kinda died or people got bored with it i dunno.... so the story is,every nobody is still at the school...but some are in they're final year...what fun! NOT! what drama's will happen now? the reble/prep devide is still there....but the hate is stronger than ever,due to a massive fight that broke out the year before.....and the prom for the seniours is comming too, who'll make it to be a org memeber? who wont? FOR KIDS WITH PARENTS IN THE ORG NOTE NONE CAN HAVE THE SAME PARENTS.... name: age: apperence: parent: power: reble or prep: other: NON-PARENT IN ORG KIDS Name: age: apperence: power: reble/prep: name:Hayden Skywalker age:18 apperence: parents: xemnas power:can crush metal group:rebles,shes the leader other:learned how to crush metal TAKEN ORG CHARCTERS xemnas-me
a girl is born, into a world of witches,but she is only half witch,her father is a human,the witches dont like it,so they send her to earth,in hopes the magic will not show in her,but it does,and they fear her for her power,for she is the one witch who can destory...or save all of the worlds,but she has to do without knowing that she her human world,everyone has a daemon,but some kids start to go missing,nd when her best friend goes missing she tries to get the collage where she lives,to go look for him,but they dont listen...then a woman comes to visit,but she doesnt know its her mother,the witches had sent her to get the girl and bring her back to the magic world, the humans get wind of this after they let her go with the woman,they feel bad,but learn that she escapes,she meets people of the water...ones who say they will take her to where the children are being held,by the witches...they belive humans shouldnt have daemons...the girl goes to get her friend back...and learns of her father alone the way...but the witches catch up,what path will she chose? human? or witch? Humans name: age: gender: apperence: Witches name: age: gender: witch power: apperence: other: Daemons name: gender: boy if your a girl,girl if your a boy apperence: name:Amaya age:15 gender:female witch power:light apperence: other:she is the half witch name:Rukistillimon or Ruki gender:male apperence: anyone can join at anytime rules *keep it pg 14 *no power playing *dont kill/take over anyones characters with out permission *have fun
so its been two years since their seventh year,hogwarts decided to make another two they have to stay till they're nineteen, but theres something wrong this year, there is a video that one teacher is showing the school,but it makes not sence...but after people watch it, they either die...or go into a deep sleep,but they die or sleep the exact moment they watched days later,nobody knows what kind of curse is on that tape, nobody knows whats happening to the people who watch it,when they die...their heart....just stops... how many will watch it? how many will die? how many will sleep? name: age: gender: apperence: other: name:Lyra Lillian Ginvera Spinett age:19 gender:female apperence: other:she has a two year old son name;Jordan lewis Harry Spinett age:18 gender:male apperence: name:James Albus David Potter age:11 gender:male apperence: name:Kerian John Steven Spinett age:11 gender:male apperence: name:Cory Jordan Alexander Spinett age:2 gender:male apperence: with out the ears and tail other:his mother looks after him in the school,he still picks up magic somehow
its been a year since arya first set off and with the nobodies still everywhere,she thinks its time to join the war that is going on,but she also finds out that she is one of the new chasers,born to save the world,the other two remain unknown,she travels worlds and such,looking for the other two,not know they were always with her,they go to hollow bastion,after she finds them to fight in the war and help or stop the nobodies for ever,but she doenst know stop it...she,the last princess of hearts..must give her life... name: age: gender: apperence: parents: side: nobody or somebody? name:Arya age:18 gender:female apperence: parents: sora and kairi side:sombodies name: Dai age:16 gender:female apperence: parents:roxas and namine side:nobody
its twenty years after kingdom hearts 2,roxas and namine ended up gettin free from kairi and sora,they felt bad for the organisation so they brougth them back,no everyone has kids and everything,some are learnnin to be a org memeber...others are just there for fun...who well will school go? will some become members? name: age: gender: parents: apperence: siblings: name:Nickholas or Nicky age:16 gender:male parents:roxas and namine apperence: siblings:has a younger sister named roxanne name:Roxanne or Roxi age:10 gender:female parents:roxas and namine apperence: siblings:has a older brother named nicky
its been fifteen years since the last one,and pirates have been getting murderd,nobody knows why or whats going elizabeth and jack sparrow,the son and daughter of mark and lyra sparrow,go off to find out whats going on...but they take the black pearl,before their parents can stop them,they go to different places,meet different people and so on....then they hear of the nine peices of eight,and the pirate lords...they go to them and ask whats going on...and then they are told it is a war in which all pirates must fight for their lives in... name: age: gender: apperence: personality: parents: name:Elizabeth sparrow age:15 gender:female apperence: personality: not a quiet teenager,this girl likes to have fun and fight,can be quick to anger,definetly not quiet when she's had a bit of rum.... parents:lyra and mark sparrow name:Jack sparrow age:15 gender:male apperence: personality:much like his sister,but more out-spoken than her,he doesnt like fighting....but will if he has too, he can be quick to anger,especially with a bit of rum in him parents:Lyra and mark sparrow
its been a hundred years since lyra,now theres a new group of children at jordan collage,but children start going missing,then come back with no daemons,people have no idea whats happening to these children,but there is a prohcy ______________________________________ "a girl will be born,she will have strengths that are not her own....but she will be able to read it....and perhaps save us all...or kill us all i do not know..." "what is her name? is she born?" "i dare not speak her name,but she is not been given brith to yet...when she does,she will come and live with you....when the time comes...give her the compass...with that...she willl save us...." __________________________________________ once she hears this,she leaves before the collage is raided,taking the rest of the children from the collage with her,she sets out to find out what is going on... name: age: gender: apperence: personaltiy: deamons fourm: (what animal it is....) daemons name: daemons appernce: name:aruora age:16 gender:female apperence: personality:not a quiet girl,normaly in trouble daemons fourm: fox daemons name: krysto daemons apperence: daemons gender:male if your a boy your daemons a girl,if your a girl your daemons a boy
well the idea is,its there fourth year and everythings fine,till they find out that weird stuff's happening,plus theres like the tri-wizard tournment....but its not that and thats how the bad things are happening...theres two from each school chosen,a boy and girl,so there'll be like.....six or something doing it,but things happen to the they injur them selves or something or they get tourched if you get it and this is how they find out that a new bad person is coming...theres two people from each house picked to do the tournment,and you have to be 16 or 17 to enter....but someone's put casey and lyra into they're in trouble...because most things that they would learn in the last two years...but one question remains un-answerd....who put them in there? was it a teacher? or a person from the minsitry? name: age gender: parents: apperence: house: name:Alexander albus harry potter age:17 gender:male parents:Albus and Andrea potter apperence: house:gryffindor name:Lyra lily ginevra spinett age:14 gender:female parents:Lily and lewis spinett apperence: house:gryffindor name:Jordan lewis james spinett age:13 gender:male parents:lily and lewis spinett apperence: house:griffindor