this is set in two time zones,one in 2004 and the other in 2010 there is a evil tritant who has taken over everything,he took over everything in the year 2004 a group of rebels,who have always fought him,find away to go back in time and stop him from ever coming to power.but they cant be seen...orbad things will might have only been six years,but its making a big difference in the furtuer....can the rebles save the past and future or will all be lost? Join to find out!2004 people Name: age: gender: apperence: other: 2010 people Name: age: gender: apperence: side: rebel or bad guy weapon: Name:Nami Mishu Age:20 Gender:Female apperence: side:rebels weapon: a gun and a light sword
6 years after they left,everybody went on to do their own thing,like get married,work and so on but is everything really all safe and well? everybody thinks the evil is gone....but who knows.... what'll happen? what dramas? join to find out! Name: age: gender: apperence: children: husband/wife: Name: age: gender: apperence: siblings parents: Name: Lyra Black age:25 gender:female apperence: children: Cory, Madieline,William and another one coming husband: Joesph black Name:Joesph Black age:25 gender:male apperence: children: step-son cory,Madieline,William and his wife is pregnant again wife:lyra black Name:Jordan Spinett age:24 gender:male apperence; children: Ronan and Zarrah wife: Lisa Spinett Name: Lisa Spinett age:24 gender:female apperence: children:Ronan and Zarrah husband:Jordan spinett Name:Cory Jordan Alexander Black age:8 gender:male apperence: siblings: Madieline and william and another coming parents;lyra and Joesph black Name:Madieline Lyra Lilian Black age:5 gender:female apperence: siblings:Cory and william and another coming parents: lyra and joesph black Name:William Joesph Lewis Black age:2 gender:male apperence: siblings:cory and madieline and another coming parents:lyra and joesph black Name:Ronan Harry Kerian Spinett age:4 gender:male apperence: siblings:ronan and maybe another coming,maybe...>.> parents:Jordan and Lisa spinett Name:Zarrah Lisa Ginevra Spinett age:3 gender:female apperence: siblings:Ronan and possibly another... parents:Jordan and lisa spinett that took for ever LOL
Amaya is a teenage girl,who lives at a orphanage as a pesant,in a world,were your heart and soul,walks beside you,in forums called fimilluars,they are froumed as animals,only one animal,and this is how you tell what sort of person someone is... Amaya posses a necklace,with a cyrstal in it,one of four who can open a path to a new world,she had herd someone was trying to find a way into the other worlds,but thought it was mad,a while later,she learned they needed her crystal,the Ruby crystal,she herd the story of the four crystals,and how they opend a new world,the other three were a Azul colour crystal,Emerald and Topaz,and she also learend that they were scatterd over the world,after learning this,men came to her orphange,trying to take her away,she escaped,but they followed,after awhile of traveling,she decided to look for the other crystals,and stop whatever was going to any cost,she finds the people with them,and after being finaly captured,she learns that her parents arent dead,her mother was a witch...a evil one and her father is the one looking for a new world,she refuseses to help either,and runs off,but not before a fight breaks out,in the caous,the world is opend,after the cyrstals are forced from the ones who have them,but what will happen now its open? Name: age: gender: apperence: other: race: human/elf/dwarf/elf/witch side: good or bad Fimilluars name: Fimilluars age: Fimillaurs gender: Fimilluars apperence: Name: Amaya age:15 gender:female apperence: other:she is a half witch,but doesnt know yet,she has the ruby crystal,it gives her power over fire race:half-witch side: good Fimilluars name:Riser fimillaurs age: 15,but looks younger fimillaurs gender:male fimillaurs apprence: forgot to mention,that the ones who have crystals,have these powers Azul crystal-water Emerald crystal-earth taken topaz crystal-air.Taken! there can only be another three people with crystals and nobody else can have the ruby one
based on the tv show a groupp of friends get up to all sorts, it starts off as a holiday in caili,then once home,everybody goes to college or work... but nobody knows what will happen when they do something stupid...what willl happen? join to find out! name; age: gender: apperence: about them: Name:Christopher James Hart age:22 gender:male apperence: about them:he is serious,down to earth kind of guy,and doesnt take rubbish from anyone...looks out for his younger brother and sister,no matter what. Name:Joesph Steven Hart age:20 gender:male apperence: about them:he is stupid,but loveabile,he can make mistakes,but always fixes them,not every good for anything really,just likes to have a laugh Name:Hailie Sarah Hart age:18 gender:female apperence: about them: is the 'wild child' out of her familiy,she loves parties,espescally when she gets a drink in her! LOL she loves goin' round the boys,her brothers have warned her about that and one even called her a 'slapper',a 'tart' and a 'sl*t'
a harry potter AU, this is where all the boys are girls and the girls are boys... STORY 10 years ago,voldemort was alive and moving,he went to godrics hollow,enterd the evans house,and killed Liam and Jamie-lynn Evans,and atempted to kill the one year old Harmoney,but it backfired on him and the baby lived,but with a scar now she lives with her aunt,Victoria Evans and her husband Patrick Evans along with their daughter,danielle Evans.they told her nothing of her parents,apart from the fact that they died in a car crash,but on her 11th brithday,the game keeper of hogwarts,Honey,arrives,telling Harmoney all about hogwarts... once there,she meets new friends and she learns that voldemort,isnt reall gone...but is sereaching for something...and using a teacher to do it... voldemort is looking for the Sourcers he can live again...but when harmoney confronts her...can she win? Name: age: gender: apperene: parents: house: blood type: wand type: Name:Harmoney Evans age:11 gender:female apperence: parents: Liam and Jamie-lynn Evans (died oct 31st 1981) house:soon to be gryffindor blood type: Half blood, father, Liam evans was a muggle born. wand type: pheniox core,willow,12 inches
its been twenty years since kadaj and the other tried to bring back mother now nothing has really happend,until there was a strange activity in the church. when the others go there...they discoverd kadaj,loz,yazoo alive and well, there was a fight,and kadja said she would becoming back....not him...only her.and this time...she would love him...not septhiroth...and when she does come would be the begging of their end...then they dissappered,this left cloud and the others worried,they needed help...but from where? they couldnt take jenva on their they call all their friends from other world,like leon,yuna,tidus wakka and so on...but can they all help? Name: age: gender: parents: history: apperence: side: (jenova or cloud) Name:Risa age:15 gender:female parents:Cloud and Tifa history: Risa is cloud and tifa's only child,sometime after her brith their was anexplosion of some sort,and this gave her the powers of kadaj and his gang.she is tough like cloud,but kind like tifa,and doesnt take any rubbish from anyone,and will protect those she loves.being the daughter of Tifa and Cloud,she learned how to fight like them,she is the best fighter of her age...nothing will stop her from doing what is right,nothing will stand in her way of helping her friends and familiy,and nothing...not even death...will stop her from stopping jenova apperence: side:cloud Taken characters: any one from FF only!
so with OWLS done and over...the sixth years can begin to relax,or some of them can atleast... after staying with the order at her grandparents house,lyra wants to join it,but her mother says no,not yet anyway.but back at hogwarts,teachers are acting all too strangely,for the year before,lyra and casey had publicly annoucend that voldemort was going to return,maybe not now...but soon, naturaly nobody belived them apart from their families,but the ministry has sent a offical in to hogwarts to stop the things lyra and casey are telling people,from getting around,but something else is up...what is it? Name: age: gender: appperence: house: Name:Lyra spinett age:16 gender: female apperence: house: gryffindor Name:Jordan spinett age:15 gender:male apperence: house: gryffindor Name: Alexander 'alex' potter age:18 gender:male apperene: house: gryffindor Name: Cassandra 'cassie' spinett age:16 gender: female apperence: house:slytherin Name: Mathew 'matt' spinett age:15 gender:male apperence: house:syltherin
A thousand years after lyra,there is a new girl,simerlar to her but not quiet her... she lives at the collage with her older brother,belving her father is her uncle and not knowing anything of her mother...her brother who about his parents,but once again,children are going missing,including the girls best friend,she promised to find him and she does,after ecasping from a woman who promised to take her north,her brother had followed her,trying to save her, but she ends up almost losing her daemon...she is the next eve...there is a war coming..who'll win? dust is still fobbin to be spoke of...what will happen? Name: age: (11-30) if you want your daemon to chnge you need to be younger than 13... gender: apperence: history: daemons name: daemons fourm: if your a boy,your daemon is a girl...if your a girl your daemon is a boy... Name: Erika age:11 gender:female apperence: history: she doesnt know that the evil woman and her 'uncle' are her parents,is very close to her daemon,never does a thing she is told... daemons name: Riser daemons fourm: anything for now... Name: Micheal age:15 gender:male apperence: history: he knows about his parents,is very,very protective of her little sister,and will stop at nothing to help her daemons name: Zara daemons fourm: a snow white tiger like his fathers...
there is a island,unknown to all those,expect know how to find it and those people have been sworn to secerecy because there is ment to be a curse upon the island...and those who live on it....but noody knows what it is... ok so im bored...and i had a daydream... adults Name: age: gender: apperence: children: (if you have any) children Name: age: gender: apperence: siblings: Name:Raimundo age:26 gender:male apperence: children: one son. on daughter. his wife is pregnant again Name:Kayla age:26 gender:female apperence: children:one daughter .she is pregnant again. Name: Ryan age:5 gender:male apperence: siblings:his twin sister, kaycee and his mother is pregnant again. Name:Kaycee age:5 gender:female apperence: siblings: her twin brother ryan and her mother is pregnant again
so its been five years since the first one, they stopped the bad guy and so on,now five years later,those who didnt want to work for MI6 anymore went on to do their own thing...those who did became real agents for MI6,Samarah,who had only joined to find out what really happend to her uncle,was all set to get married to a man she had met while she was working for MI6,but her wedding is soon interupted by MI6,telling her somethings going on...and they need her help,reluctantly she agrees to help,shes happy that she might be able to see her old friends from her spy days...but she cant forget MI6 interupted her wedding... they arent told what they have to do until they actulay get to the island the bad things are happening on... samarah has a little secret she hasnt told anyone...what is it? name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name:Samarah 'sammy' Rider age:20 gender:female apperence: other:her wedding was ruined by MI6,Shes pregnant too...but hasnt told anybody yet sooo...shhh!,and she was shot five years almost missed her heart Name: Christopher 'chris' Hawkins age:20 gender:male apperence: other:his wedding to samarah rider was stopped by mi6,who he used to work for...but left after samarah was shot,he doesnt know samarah's pregnant yet...
For years,supers have been frowned apon and forced to go into hiding but the older of the supers feel sorry for the young ones,for they have been forced to show their powers in school...and are being picked on for it,so the elders build a school for them,but what the kids dont relise is that they are being used,there is something comming to the earth and the government tells the supers to train the kids to fight it...or wear it down so they can destroy it...what'll happen? will all go well? jpin to find out! Name: age: gender: apperence: power(s): Name: Summer Jones age:16 gender:female apperence: powers: invisibilty,force feilds,walking through walls,reading peoples minds,leavitating things/people and shooting enegry from her hands
story~ its been twetny years since the second game,yuna and tidus married and has a daughter,but she was born a summoner like her mother,this could only mean,sin was back... they feared for their daughters safety,so yuna made a necklace,one that would prevent sin from ever finding out she was the summoner,but on day,when shes 17,beasaid island is attacked by sin...not many surrive,but a few get off,three are yuna,tidus and their daughter,they never told her she was a summoner,and shes not happy about being one,but is happy to getting off the islands for awhile...they travel through the country,looking for gaurdians for her,she falls in love with one,but doesnt know that when she tried to kill could kill her too....what will happen? name: age: gender: apperence: parents: side: sin or the summoners history: other: Name: Yumi age:17 gender:female apperence: parents:Tidus and Yuna. side:summoners other:shes the new summoner.but doesnt like being told what to do....
will is still captain in this btw.... story~ its a good number of years since the last one and will is still captain,Elizabeth went home and rasied their daughter,but after learning who and what he father really was,she wanted to help him...she wanted to be a pirate was in her blood after all,she goes off in serch of her parents old friend...jack sparrow,but hes looking for the fountian of youth...or is he? nobodies herd from him in a while.... what will happen? will the young turner get her wish? join to find out! Name: age gender: apperence: parnets: other: Name:Lyra Turner age:15 Gender: female apperence: parents:will and elizabeth other:ever since she learnd what her father was,she wanted to free him,and shes portroyals bad girl,shes like most teenagers now adays...out on the streets boozing,or smoking or with guys ...will that change? she shows a more sensitive side to people her own age than she would to adults...
for thousands of years magical creatures have been in hiding until one human stumbled upon their land...he returned to his home and told the world of his discovery, now every magical creature is in slavery...some better off than others,but the king of the magical creatures isnt happy....can they go back to the way they were? or will they be stuck like this...forever? magical creatures Name: age: gender: race: apperence: others: masters of the slaves Name: age: gender: apperence: other: masters of: the people who you want to be the master of... Name:Toni Setori age:18 gender:female apperence: race:Witch other:she and her husband were put into slavery,she is five months pregnant, Name:Tyler Setori age:18 gender:male apperence: race:Wizard other:he and his wife were put into slavery together,his wife is five months pregnant, Name:kite marrone age:29 gender:male apperence: master of: toni and tyler RULES *NO YOAI/YURI *NO TAKING OVER ANYONES CHARACTERS WITHOUT PERMISSION *NO KILLING ANYONE OFF WITHOUT PERMISSION *HAVE FUN WE ALSO NEED SOME HUMANS TOO! ^^
this is based on a dream i had awhile back its been over the news,in all of the newspapers...theres no where to where to hide.... most have excepted their fate...those who havent,got money and got a team and headed to the north...where the ice find what is causing this...what will cause the end of the world....once they get there they find a frozen volcaneo,that has jenova in becomes active and shoots light from it causing earth quakes and the light tells how much time is left...theres symptoms to when you will die... if your teeth bleed,you have a week... if your mouth bleeds you have 6 days.... if your nose bleeds you have 5 days... if your ear bleeds you have 4 days... if your arm bleeds you have 3 days... if your leg bleeds you have 2 days... if your head bleeds you have a day left... there is no ecaspe once its active...or is there? can the team stop it before it kills everyone...before the final wave of jenova hits the world? Name: age: gender: apperence: other: name:Summer Rider age:15 gender:female apperence: other:she lives with her fathe and brotherr,her mother died giving birth to her...he father just sort of...gave up wen he herd they were going to die...she joined the team to help stop it along with her brother. M Name:Jordan Rider age:19 gender:male aapperence: oter:smae as his sister Name:
its been two hundred years since the last battle and a girl,who lives with her uncle and aunt,finds a stone,but no ordanairy stone...a egg...a dragons egg, but this dragon spells trouble for the word go...the village she lives in is attacked people die,someone knows about the dragon...but she didnt tell anyone....did someone see it? later she leaves when her uncle ad aunt are killed,to get back at the people who killed them...she learns of the varden,and that they need her help, their a evil man,he went mad with grife and power when his dragon died...some say he killed her himself...nobody knows for sure...they know he stole another dragon and is now looking for this new rider...because a new rider means there is bound to be trouble... Name: age: race: human or elf gender: apperence: side: good or bad Name: Lorane age:15 race:human gender:female apperence: side:good this is for me Name:Riser age:8 months race:dragon gender:male apperence: side:same as his rider,good just the dragon in the pictuer not the girl
there is a under water city,with mere-people,ruled by their,king and queen. but the princess is no normal meremaid,she longs to be human,she often watches the humans from behind a rock,and even falls in love with one,but her father finds out and forbids her to go near the surface again,but her mother gives her a day on land...too see if she really likes it...but there is humans who learn what she really is they try to get her...but will they? Name: age: race: gender; Apperence: Name:Aqua. age;15 race:meremaid gender:female apperence: we need someone to be her lover...
story- kinda same plot as the movie, well,theres a girl,her parents died when she was small and her uncle was a spy,but she didnt know, to her he was a banker,her house keeper normaly looked after her,her uncle was always away on a trip... but one day he got killed,murderd really,and she learns his true job...and ends up being hired as a child spy..and has to go to school with the other child spies...they're mission is to stop the strombreaker,this computer game could kill all in every school.... can they do it? Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name: Samarah 'sammy' Rider age:15 gender:female apperence: other:shes the newest spy,looking for the person who killed her uncle
this is based on the programe story- annoimlyies keep appereing everywhere, prihistoric creatures are comming through and attacking and killing,kidnapping people. but there is a team...a team who are there to get the animals back to the anonimlies and make sure they close,but people see these animals and are given money to say something as a cover up... how long till the word of these creatures gets out? Name: age: gender: apperence: other: Name:Christina 'Tina' Samatt age:18 gender:female apperence: apperence: other:her parents once worked for this agency as did her older brother,but they were all killed by a saber tooth tiger when she was younger,she has been working for them for three years and is pregnant
there is a world,over run by dakrness,the door of light has been closed for thousands of years and no one can get it open...yet a groupd of people who still have light in them,go under ground in serch of the one who can open the door,but it turns out she is pregnant,and might not be able to fight,her twin brother wants to keep her safe,but he soon learns thats not possibly since they are attacked and she is almost lost...they learn what she is...she is the door of light,in human fourm....and the unborn child will have a big part to play when the time comes....what is it? Name:Rhianna age:16 gender:female apperence: other:shes the door of light Name:Rhys 'recce' age:16 gender:male apperence: other:twin brother of Rhianna