since the first kinda died and stuff.same is gonna happen as the orginal taken characters kairi-me namine-me those in the first can have the same people they had the first time if they want
all the kingdom hearts characters children go to collage,so yeah im bored... name: age: parents: gender: heres mine name:mini age:21 parents:roxas and kairi gender:female
roxas gets sick one day and then everyon else starts getting sick. just put the side afectte of the illness roxas-sora! when roxas sneezes or coughes portals open and people are sucked in or his keyblade attacks someone larxene-nod when her fever flares, she uses her electricty uncontrollably zexion-sworders2 when he coughs he cant controll his power no one knows wat will happen axel-prince of twilight namine-naminestwinsister - everytime she coughs or sneezes she draws the first thing that comes to her head and makes it become real dangerous or not
the crystals of light are stolen from a kingdom of pure light and darkness floods girl stands up and starts looking for them.but the person who took them is looking for her after learning she is the heart of that world.a princess of hearts as he called her.but she is a special one...can she get thecyrstals back? name: age: power: side:light or dark bio: name:aly age:15 power:anything to do with hearts and light side:light bio:is the one looking for the cystals and the heart of the world.when some one loses their heart it goes into her.she can also release the hearts by being stabbed
lol i just got this idea.what if everyone in kh was a vampire? lol well here it is a bat came along the beach of destiny isalnds and bit sora then he starts btting people making them vampires taken characters sora-SORA! namine-sora n roxas rock riku-shadow of riku roxas-twilight wish kairi-lanihead7 demyx-hinta3510
sora,kairi,roxas,namine and riku go to atlantica just for fun.but the org is there too causing trouble and usla is there too again .just put what they turned into taken people kairi/pink mere-maid-SORA!
ok so all kh people are 11 years old and are a witch or wizard.pick who you wanna be then put the hat on and pick the house you wanna be in :) have fun no rules taken people kh kairi-sora! namine-twilight_wish roxas-sora! hp hermione-lanihead7 harry-gatekeeper ginny-lanihead7
everyones personality has been changed over night... xemnas/stupid and happy- xigbar/scaredycat-fireykeyblade xaldin/happy and cheerful-chendler vexen/stupid and loud- lexouas/weak and loud- zexion/loud and tough-chaser007 saix/quiet- axel/calm and colleccted-prince of twilight demyx/big bully-hinta3510 luxord/stupid but loud- marly/weak and quiet-chaser007 larxene/shy-thunderoflarxene roxas/loud and hyper and angry quickly-SORA!
PROLOUGE! "geez...she looks a right mess.."said a voice "should we take her back to xemnas?"asked another "is she even a nobody?"asked a womans voice "well..she does look like one..." "lets just take her back.."she felt someone pick her up and then she felt cold stone under her.she opend her violet eyes and sat up and shook her long brown hair from her face "whats your name?"asked someone "allision or aly"she answerd "your new name is...allxsion or as you put it aly..."said the voice"but whats your power?" "power?"she asked "she can crush heart and control anything she wants.."siad a voice"I researched her.." "very very good..."said a voice"welcome to organzation XVI!" CHARACTER SHEET! name: age; power: weapon: nick name: here mine name:allxsion age:15 power:she can crush heart and control anything she wants weapon:her mind nick name:aly
three years after the first one the keyblade war is beginning.kairi is still going out with roxas.king mickey comes and gets kairi sora roxas and namine to go to diseny castle.they are all now 19.he tells them that kairis dream could come true...but its not roxas...someone is after kairi because she is one of the princesses but the other protect her.they go to different worlds stopping the heartless.but xemnas is back too..will they stop them all in time? taken people kairi-sora! namine-sora! yuffie-swordser2 tifa-swordser2 leonswordser2 roxas-saxor_vs_aros
twenty years afterthe first advent children.and things start showing signs of kadaj and the others again but worse..jenovas coming back to get her and tifa are now married with a daughter with the same powers as kasaj they wounder why.can they stop kadaj again? taken people cloud-sora! tifa-sora! vincent-saxor_vs_aros denzil-shadow of riku kadaj-hinta3510 oc name:aly age:15 power:same as kadaj Name: Sharix Age: 15 Power: dakness and her 2 swords Name: Jude Age:19 Power: Shadows and long curved knife. Name: Lynn Age:22 Power: Have some of the Life Stream in her and some of Kadaj's power Bio: Grew up with an illness and sought a cure leading her to join Shrina but soon Kadaj came to her saying that he can heal her. Soon she fell in love with him rembering that they grow up together. But he rembers nothing of her Name: Hiro Darklife but is comonley known as "Death" Age: 17 Power: Able to become a beast of darkness that uses a sword of shadows Bio: Unknown
this is a rp about roxas.axel and demyx.this is before and after roxas`leaves the shows how much they miss him after he leaves and he decided he wants to go home.he wants to go back to the org. but when axel and demyx die he`s all alone and dosent know what to do... taken characters roxas-SORA! axel-prince of twilight larxene-nod zexion-darkheart418 ocs are aloud!
for years all the worlds have been fighting over the true light.but no ones knows where it is. one day there is a war.all the men leave to fight.including the father of a fifteen year old girl.she doesnt want him to go since she`d be alone because her mother is she follows him after some time she learns she has powers she cant explain.people start looking for her.not good people.she learns that she is the true light....and someone is after her heart to open the door to never ending darkness.... that someone turns out to be her father....but he`s possed by evil spirits..she dosent want to fight but she has too...will she win or lose her heart? character sheet name: age: power: world: side:(darkness or light) other: heres mine name:aly real name allison age:15 power:can do anything with light world:destiny islands side:light other:is the true light
there is another group of 13 nobodies but this time its 12 girls and one boy.they are what org 13 would be like if they were girls and boy.they live in another world trying to find a way to get to org 13.the other group start making trouble.but roxas starts to like the last of the other org.but the other memebers notice this and warn him not to get close to her. just pick a normalorg person then make another other org oc.if you are a boy you make a girl oc and if you are a girl you make a boy oc taken people roxas-SORA! xemnas-nod OC. name:roxanna age:15 appernece":looks like roxas but in girl fourm weapon:keyblade Name: Xen Appearence: Yellow hair but all spiky the only boy Weakness: has urges to do somthing to the gurl members but trys to control it...... Weopen: Katana name: Xana age: 24 appearance: Long, wavy silver hair that goes past her shoulders, orange-brown eyes, clear complexion, light tan, and a curvaceous body. weapon: aerial blades;
two years after the org was defeted somehow xemnas came back.he brought everyone back.including axel.they kid napped roxas and did something to make him stay.sora kairi and riku learn of this and set off to stop them taken people roxas-SORA! kairi-kairi245 larxene-nod namine-nod axel-prince of twilight riku-Musutka xemnas-SORA! sora-SORA!
twenty years after they stopped him xemnas has risen again.he brain washes roxas and namine into working for him.this time namine is number 14 and they hae a daughter wo xemnas belives is the key to getting a heart.axel trys to help roxas namine and their daughter.but nobody knows he did try to help.xemnas starts using roxas`s daughter to get kingdom hearts.but roxas and namine start going back to normal will they stop him? pick anyone you want.just make up a new age if you want too taken people roxas-SORA! aged 35 namine-SORA! aged 35 xemnas-nod larxene-nod demyx-hint3510 axel-prince of twilight ocs name:jaxime age:15 apperence:looks like roxas and namine power:thunder and can crush a heart weapon:her mind NaME: krystal Age:14 Apperrance: power: ice weapone: n/a Name: sharix Age: 15 Appearance: brown layered hair with highlights, blueygreen eyes Power:darkness Weapon: two long swords and herself any org member can have a kid if you want..
im and axel`s memories were wiped and they think namine is their daughter.they forgot about the org too.and live in twilight town with namine who also has no memory of before.she goes to school axel goes to work and larxene cleans the house.OCS ARE ALOUD! taken characters namine-SORA! axel-AxelsNyxie zexion-chaser007 marly-chaser007
everyone in kh and kh2 had been turned back to their childhood apperences ages can be from 5 to 9.put what they look like too taken people roxas-like he normaly does only smaller and cuter.age 5-SORA! sora-like he does in the flash back in kh1 when hes in the cave with kairi.age 5-SORA! namine-smaller and cuter aged 5-nod larxene-smaller and cuter aged 9-nod
i knoe your probaly thinking wtf but im bored.basicaly its coming up for christmas and all the kh characters have stopped fighting to have a party a christmas just pick who you wanna be and thats that you can have two people taken charactrs roxas-SORA! kairi-SORA! zexion-sworder2 xigbar-sworder2 demyx-hinta3510 larxene-nod namine-nod sora-kobor axel-*twilight night*
so dizzy and sick and tired.its feels like im gonna faint