its ok go to check it out
There is. you just dont know about it yet, and check out my new sig once i say its ok go.
yeah, i dont fancy being bullied into bannism by DPWolf
aww well show me it anyways.
im gonna stop spamming now...i dont fancy being bulied by DPWolf....
more than you ca imagine. im gonna stop now.
i feel like a spammer T.T
ahh great now theres mroe of them. and they're little chickens....
check out my latest one in me and nights combo. you were right. they do multip[ly
i mean NOW KEATON ATTACK!!!...
now check out me and Nights convo and fear the power
more more more!!!!!!!!...
go forth my army! go go go!...
that is nothing. fear my keatons! [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]
Keaton keaton keaton! [IMG][IMG][IMG]
keaton keaton keaton! [IMG][IMG][IMG]
Keaton thanks you [IMG]
Keaton is as Keaton does [IMG]