has a guy with glasses for avatar and used to have title "lets break through stuf" or something like that
not much to be honest
hey im sorry i was gone long, had to go away for the night.
hey im sorry but i got to go. i love you, and ill see you later
hey how are you doing?
and it does?
its no problem, he was just being a butt, thats all.
nice i dated a girl named Ashleigh. i now hate her. alot. XD so how are you?
doesn't get the point that i get pissed off easily
slept over at a friends house, he got mad at me wanting to leave xD
hey tifa! what's up? BTW turns out NoNs real name is Alyssa
thinks the cake is a lie, and needs to shut up
hello, how are you?I don't know you, I don't think.
lol nice avatar
yeah.. it sucks, but they're like always watching me, and if they aren't, my brother is
is a nice friend and has picture of dragon for avvy.
lol your always a little late to my comments
nah its fine ^^ so how r u?
aww..... that is a lost cause.
no nothing much