my middle name is fun! no not really, i have 2..
yay i feel the same way! every time i post on the conversation page theres your next
you are amongst your own kind then ninja-san *bows and falls down*
are u bored too? cus i am............
-.-....fro' really?
i need a new background....
theres no escaping the ninja chan accio *disappears into shadows with a laptop. lights flash illuminating my ninja face* AW COME ON!!!!
bm just talking with NoN and flipping through my albums, old threads that were locked due to necro bumping (yeah i was young once too) by DPWolf,...
mwuhahahahahahahahahahahaha haha ha h-*falls asleep*
sneak attack hug! *sneak attack hugs*
hey whats up Miss Lockahart? (i cant get enough of that xD)