the reason i suck at my grammer is because i didnt study it lol xD i will study more"studys"
vote now i hope it is all american rejects.
yeah but if i act silly she proabely wont like me i will act silly but not alot and i dont think you have a date.
i have 100 post w00t w00t lol im almost done with my dream i need like 300 post and yeah 666 is scary.
"high fives mr.boom and takes all waffels and gives mr.boom one waffel."
OCC:im being romantic im going to be back to normal after and when im with mookie im always romantic.
vote now if im cool or not. you have 3 days.
would you like to dance mookie?
shut up ive earned my respect i have everyone knows that i do not spam no more ive done good things now an eve if i was lieying you should still be thinking i stopped.
i was thinking the samething i dont make no more pointless threads and i hate it when they spam up your thread with pointless post.
this is dumb it would only be cool if oblivio made it but she didnt give you permission to do this and your just copying him.
first of all you dobeled post witch is bad and this thread is dumb your just copying oblivion.
i was on kh2 website and if you go to the characters they all start out with a huge letter well put the big letters together and they spell act.
first of all i doubel posted to bring this thread back up secondof all how could i spam this is the spam section lol.
tallian is gone so i will never see his pic waaaaaa.........:(
im not going to break my disc if it dosent work im not that dumb.
he didnt rule the world so help him with this sig
id make you buy me a new one. what would you do if i put your family on hostage.
can you put kingdomhearts2 in your dvd player?because on the back of the kingdomhearts2 case it says dvd rom.