thats rude and mari like i said i pm you 3 days ago an if i cant be xemnas can i be someone else but pm you.
psp is a portabel
i just like raising my post count im at 102 right now.
I dont do random post barley anymore but i think the reason the spamzone is dieying is because of random post or eather no one likes the spamzone or theres no good threads but I know one thing i will always be in the spamzone.
name:cloudfinalfantasy character1:cloud character2:robin
but i pm you like 3 days ago come on it said to pm you and i pm you 3 days ago plz let me be him.
ok im going to join mari i pm you. character name:Xemnas player name:cloudfinalfantasy age:15 hobbies:Hunting,Fishing,Swimming,Eating,Sleeping rpg sampel.Xemnas got out of his bed and said"Which color keyblade should i use blue or red.
he will not take my mookie!!! my mookie!
well i like mookie shes nice in every way.
"cuts off marluxias legs and arms" do whatever you want no you cant do nothing.
"castes a spell thats makes you parralized" you cant move"vanishes in thin air"
i want to joi nand i pm mari a day ago ok here i go. name:cloudfinalfantasy character:Xemnas age:15 hobbies:fishing,hunting,basketball,talking,sleeping,eating,video games. why i want to join:because this looks fun and mar s toatally awsome. same of rpg:"xemnas get out of bed" ahh should i have a dark key blade or a blue keyblade.
crap well do you have any other games on that list?
i may be abel to play with you on a game folow thses instruction on what you have to have. 1.wireless connetion. 2.psp(play station portabel) liberty city storys or x-men acoptalypto or marvel ultimate alliance. and then you go host a game and i join and we could play together.
ok. yay yay yay yay yay
omg AGHHHHH were my BABY 100!! ill just have to make a new post.
who voted fall out boy huh? who has the big dipers"i know i spelled that wrong" that was off family guy xD
look down if you dare ^____________^
im going to call gir oh here he is and he wants to kill you.
say that in english plz i only understood half.