haha the lost colony?? i just got it and i finished the day i got it haha
way to bring down an already bad mood SJ
he said the fifth was supposed to be the last and i finished that a week ago
ya it is i just hope it isnt #2 that would be bad and it might turn into surgery
is therea a movie coming out i saw a preview for one a couple of years ago then it just dissappared does anybody know?
it could be a few things 1.you have a ton of bloody noses during your sleep and you swallow the blood and it builds up in your stomach 2. internal bleeding i hope it isnt because that could get deadly 3.you ate something and you didnt fully chew so it scratched inside your throat or stomach hard enough that it caused bleeding
vincent had dozed off in the basement he was afraid to see what the girls had done to him once he did
"of course as soon as i get here no dirty things for me to do then fine"
vincent went down the steps and said hello to everyone
"haha ok ill follow you "
"no problem soo am i aloud down there"?
"good cause your really loud and people are trying to sleep"
"i can fix that" vincent reached over and grabbed the guitar
vincent walked up to the two "who are you" he asked none to happy he broke their conversation
"so you want this down there?" he held out the beer "ohh am i invited or is it just you girls"
he laughed "i havent seen you in a while and thats how im rewarded"
vincent snuck behind her and put the cold bottle of beer on her neck
vincent noticed larxene talking to another guy and waited around the corner
vincent laughed and grabbed one of the beers and left to find larxene
"not much well i need to get going or else im going to be late for uhh ummm detention ya detention thats it"