ooc: ok now we can start haha bic: vincent was nervous but he wouldnt show it he just sighed and entered through the doors of Kingdom Hearts universtiy inside the school all was chaotic and random
ooc:as soon NoD replys yes we can
ooc: math ok or how about gym?
ooc: what do you want to teach?
ok there is no real story except people go to collage and org. 13 are the teachers along with sora and crew you can make up a char or be a teacher if you like, you can also be anyone from anything else made up char: name: age: apperence: bio: first three guys to join share a room, then next three guys share ect.ect. same with girls ok i will start name: vincent age:19 apperence: 6 foot 4", wears a black hoodie and has black hair with red streaks, has hair in an emo fashion bio:always been the strong but silent type until he opened up to a few friends but they went to different collages so now he feels alone again char list: vincent-D.E. larxene-N.o.D.-gym teacher Mayya-L.H.7 Jane-K.G.22 Rikka-Sora Gabriel-S.o.R. girls dorm room 1- Mayya, Jane, Rikka
read my edit
hmm i guess that sort of works for me too lmao im not a robot i just set defenses with my emotions
im very complex with many layers of dead skin and defenses
sigh i need to put this in my sig cause i have to explain a lot i am semi-crazy/emo/spiteful/to smart for my own good
EDIT: Lol, dark posted when I was typing.... I think I'm no longer needed here.[/QUOTE] cause i got mad skillz that pay the billz haha
i think he was thinking about mine... who knows though
man it seems you want my emo side to take over
hah it was easy to figure out haha
haha midgets rock all others
im sure you will be fine just chill out and relax stress wont help at all
i have a nine month game on my phone still playing i have like 999999999 points haha
mulch ya it will all be cool i wonfer if it will be computer generated or all realistic costumes
omg i hope im not on there if i am i wont cry but ill be surprised
well i want the movie to come out i want to see how they make the troll look
ooc: umm its a about 10 or 11 at night