"ya team sports how about you"?
as if the anwser wasnt obvious
"ok then again im so sorry it was a complete accident, so im guessing you have gym now"?
or is it naked riku pics O-o
vincents hand landed on mayyas boob and his face got beet red and he helped her up and sort of nodded "heh sorry about that"
so its eaiser to get dizzy why is the rum always gone
vincent turned to see Mayya running his way so he slowed down and waited for her to catch up
whats the release date for the game anyone know??
naked pictures of kairi brand haha
"haha thanks" he wrote his down too and hurried to find that strange girl helping him
a dolphin what is the square root of 785411575
"wait one second would you" he ran to find mayya and asked for her cell number so they could hang ot sometime
"i had them when i fell asleep and you girls were playing T or D"
vincent realized his keys were gone "ya im here and who had my keys do you know"?
vincent got up hoping nothing bad had happened in his sleep he was surprised that all he had was a headache and he didnt think the girls gave him that
"later i hope we have some classes together " vincent nodded followed larxene "so how long you been a student here"?
"umm ya we had biology together i think"
vincent had only just noticed the teacher she was beautiful "uhh um ya could you show me to the gym please"? he asked kinda strained
"oh..no worries its chaotic and i understand"
vincent noticed that mayya had rammed into his and he recconised her from high school "hi" he said in a short deep tone