ooc: vincent reconised mayya from high school and they are hanging out at a party bic: "does she like me"? vincnet wondered as he danced along
vincent laughed as he almost tripped and followed her ooc: start anytime KG22
vincent smiled he didnt know what to expect "well here we go" he said as he led Mayya into the party
"haha ok then" vincent drove the car and soon arrived at the party
"its no big deal now as long as we are all safe right"?
vincent pointed to the far end of the third row he led her there and got in and started the car
ooc:hell ya we only have three people
ya im ready he waited for her and started to leave ooc: im bak
vincent held out his keys "yep ive got a mustang outside how far is this place" ooc: sorry i gtg its really late
vincnet was ammazed mayya looked really hot "wow you look really amazing" he said as soon as he saw her
vincent found a black tee-shirt and a white overshirt and jeans he then spiked his hair a bit and went to mayyas room and knocked
OMFG naked donald or goofey pics ive figured it out haha
vincent tried but failed and made it into a messy bun "sorry not my thing haha" the rest of the day sped by all the teachers were just talking about what they expected and what the students would nees vincent was bored all day and was znxious for 8 to come
"umm wow you sure look hmm different" vincent told her as soon as he saw her
its 9001 why am i up this late
because chickens contaminate everything why the color blue called blue?
vincent sent himself several reminders tonight 8 mayya 3rd floor vincent then realized that he didnt have anything to change into for gym "ohh well guess its the hoddie" he thought
vincent hadnt been out much since the end of senior year "umm well..sure whay not"
**** YA im getting it if i have to slep outside gamestop
no not really i think your about as insane as my crazy side though