"im not no ones ever sure about anything but im almost positive they are ok"
"they are fine im sure they can take care of themselves" sephiroth moaned
ooc: im ok i promise just kinda banged up
ooc: i might not post a lot im really hurt no Qs please just i canttype very well kkk
"so what did you need me to come for"? ooc: ok i gtg for a bit
vincnet drove back to KHU and let her out again and followed her to her room like she asked
vincent went outside and opened the door to the car for her
ooc: wait your riku too? ok what does he teach??
"haha of course i do otherwise i wouldnt have done that"
vincent smiled at this and grabbed her hand
ooc: ok welcome start whenever Bic vincent smiled and leaned in and kissed Mayya
"haha no reason im just thinking about how today went"
ooc: we are at a restruant across the street of a party
sephiroth turned away ignoring Roxas
ooc: haha ok your in, what happened to hayner jkjk
vincent folowed quietly
vincent nodded "ya i think i have a class or two with her, its hard to tell she is really shy"
vincent smiled and they walked across the street
"ok we will go there then" vincent said as he pulled her tight next to him
vincent smiled and put his arm around Mayyas sholder "sure if your hungry ill buy"