dont go emo now you idiot right after i forgave yo too "tsk tsk tsk" im gonna have to hate you again haha
mansex working at Mcdonalds and getting mad at costumers you should write a fan fic about this
i can find joy in suffering and pain haha truce its fun to argue with you but from now on i wont mean any of it
haha could you imagine luxord chucking normal playing cards at sora and friends, then zexion giving story time, and what would marly be with out his flowers
ohh well being a demon isnt all its cracked up to be
kairi_li93 is a liar haha jkjk im no longer angry with you KL93
wow..thats umm..interesting oX angle Xo
to be a drummer in a famous rock band i got the drum part now i need a famous rock band
ooc: kkk thanks bic: Garra woke up he had the strangest dream about pople from another world coming and staying at his mansion
ooc: recap please
well i am sort of emo but im not like that no one worry kkk haha
it was my little brother and his friend who thought it would be funny to mess with my friends, guess they didnt know that you would believe it was really me,again im so sorry
whatever Shadowjak believe me or dont its not like i really care what you think haha
yes my brother just confessed im sorry for anything he might have said everyone and im prefectly fine kkk hahaha
well i ahd one older brother (RIP BRO) one little one and two little sisters
ya im fine ive been at water world all day so now im changing my password to something impossible to tell hahahaha hell for all i know it was my brother i have to share a comp and figures out my passwords
i didnt post that last thread i havent been on all day people this is getting out of hand this is the third time something like this ahs happened so someone please closed that last thread